House passes key foreign aid package

That IS interesting, isn't it? Maybe the QNuts got a taste of power when they booted the prior Speakers and want to savor it again.
It's truly a silly way to run a government. They want to tear everything down and build it back up in their image.
China and Russia produce something like 10 times the military gear the entire West does, on the average very high quality.

And Russia has the best military in the world.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yet they can't manage, after more than two years, to defeat podunk little Ukraine.

Slurp that vodka, tovarisch. No wonder Evince thinks you're a Russian bot. :rofl2:
MAGA won't be able to get rid of Johnson, because Democrats said they would give him enough votes to maintain the speakership if he allowed a vote on the foreign aid bill.
Plus there's the risk of the Democrats putting in Jefferson(?).
Agreed. Terry is "exaggerating" again. The link mentions $9B for global humanitarian aid, including to Gaza:

"It provides $9 billion in global humanitarian aid including for use in Gaza at Democrats’ insistence."

I'm sure only a tiny fraction on that 9 billion in global aid is going to humanitarian purposes in Gaza.

I wonder why TA Gardner made such a massive misrepresentation that the whole nine billion was going to Palestinians??
The Duran: NATO Crossed Putin’s Red Line and Russia’s Alliance with China will DESTROY It

I'm sure only a tiny fraction on that 9 billion in global aid is going to humanitarian purposes in Gaza.

I wonder why TA Gardner made such a massive misrepresentation that the whole nine billion was going to Palestinians??

IDK, but the trend seems to be either the person intentionally lies or is delusional enough to believe it's true.
Jeffries? Yes, they're terrified of him. Nothing worse than an eloquent intelligent black guy with a funny first name. ;)

The MAGAts are certainly scared of him, but the Republicans as a whole recognize how damning it'd look to have a Democratic Speaker of a highly divided and ineffectual Republican majority House.

In October 2022, members of the Progressive Caucus (
) sent Biden a letter asking him to negotiate with Russia to end the Ukraine proxy war. After a 24-hour neocon meltdown, they retracted the letter and haven't raised the issue since.

Today, in a vote to pour another $61 billion into the Ukraine war -- and enrich war profiteers -- every Democrat voted in favor. They couldn't muster even one "no" vote.

37 Democrats meanwhile voted against funding Israel's mass murder campaign in Gaza. That's a positive, but it raises a question: why can't they be consistent?

Remember: we sent the better part of 3 million artillery shells and a combined $200 billion U.S./EU to Ukraine to fund their 2023 offensive - which broke its teeth on the Ru defenses, gaining nothing. Why does Congress think 1/3 that amount n a fraction of the artillery shells will rtn a different outcome in 2024/25?

Especially when one realizes Russia is far stronger militarily, industrially, and personnel-wise than 2023, where is the logic for cheering and *hoping* Ukraine military will succeed? It’s irrational and, in my view, immoral to fund an unwinnable war.


The bigger issue is that the West is becoming demilitarized, we are sending everything to get burned up in up the Russians who are already the best military in the world thanks in part to us providing the target practice.
You missed the mostly part of that.

10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid:

Ukraine $16.2B
Ethiopia $2B
Jordan $1.2B
Afghanistan $1.2B
Somalia $1.1B
Yemen $1.1B
DR Congo $982M
Syria $894.7M
South Sudan $891.1M
Nigeria $886.2M

Mostly hate us.

Hell, Yemen is shooting missiles at our merchant ships to try and sink them...

It has been a while since we sent any aid to Afghanistan, so those numbers are out of date. It was a little unclear, but the numbers of definitely from the trump administration.

I would assume trump was sending money to the government in Yemen who is fighting the Houthi rebels.

And just like that, the U.S. Congress condemned another 200,000 Ukrainian men to die.

Anyone who thinks that this changes the trajectory of this conflict knows nothing about war.

But U.S. weapons manufacturers are certainly happy.

As are the members of Congress who just voted in favor of their stock portfolio going up.
You missed the mostly part of that.

10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid:

Ukraine $16.2B
Ethiopia $2B
Jordan $1.2B
Afghanistan $1.2B
Somalia $1.1B
Yemen $1.1B
DR Congo $982M
Syria $894.7M
South Sudan $891.1M
Nigeria $886.2M

Mostly hate us.

Hell, Yemen is shooting missiles at our merchant ships to try and sink them...

1) so you are backtracking away from your claim Palestinians are getting 9 billion

2) Your link says the data is from 2019, that's Trump administration data

3) This thread is about a foreign aid bill that passed today, and was overwhelmingly earmarked for US allies Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan who you claimed in your first post hate us
It has been a while since we sent any aid to Afghanistan, so those numbers are out of date. It was a little unclear, but the numbers of definitely from the trump administration.

I would assume trump was sending money to the government in Yemen who is fighting the Houthi rebels.

U.S. taxpayers may be funding the Taliban and Afghan terror groups, watchdog says
The U.S. has provided more than $8 billion in aid to Afghanistan since the chaotic withdrawal of American troops in August 2021.

The Biden administration has worked with Switzerland and Afghan economists to set up a new fund to put billions of dollars in frozen Afghan money to use to promote economic stability in the country, according to two senior US officials.

The US is moving $3.5 billion to the new “Afghan Fund,” but officials said they won’t release the money imminently to an institution in Afghanistan because there is no trusted institution to guarantee the funds will benefit the Afghan people, the officials said.