How can Christianity become so hate driven.


I am familiar with the events of Jan 6th. Trump was not a participant in those events. Were you a participant?


Apparently you like to keep our head buried in the sand, FYI, Trump is he one who incited the Jan 6 riot.
What are we going to do with you? If you don't stop accusing people that do not agree with you as Nazis? Ignore your every comment?

If the Swastika fits...

No it is not illegal for people to protest Democrats, Biden, or his administration policies.

Certainly it is, we have a thousand political prisoners rotting in a DC gulag for precisely that.

But, you are not allowed to harm others during your protest,

UNLESS you are a democrat Brown Shirt - then you can kill cops, rape, loot, burn, and assault innocent bystanders with impunity - as you democrats did for two years in your Kristallnacht.

and you are not allowed to hold up a government function in progress, and you are not allowed to conspire to or break into the Capital building and destroy governmental or personal property.

Unless you are soldiers for the democrat Reich.

Do you need to get an update on what is legal and illegal? I mean- do you even know what is right vs. wrong?

For you, "right" is that which furthers power for your Reich. "Wrong" is anything which questions or impugns absolute power by the shameful democrat Reich.

You have no code of ethics beyond "serve the Reich without question." You're not a good person, please don't pretend you are.

Please don't make yourself out to look ignorant in front of the forum members please.

I don't intend to. I'll just continue exposing your ignorance, dishonesty, and hypocrisy.

I don't like to see my forum friends do this to themselves. It hurts to see it.

If your revolution succeeds, you'll probably ask to be housed upwind of the camps so you won't have to smell the ovens.
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I am not aware of any treason on the part of Trump. Enlighten me.

She posted a photo of Nancy Pelosi's Palace Guard firing teargas into a crowd of peaceful protesters. Which they continued for a full hour in order to spark violence. The palace guard intermittently sent troops in to assault the protestors until they were finally able to incite a riot.

After Tucker showed this in context, I was surprised a Reich member would post it - but it's likely the drone wasn't programed to be aware that this was exposed.
The people's house is off limits to the people - unless they are Reich members..

Oh, but that was different, because Seig Heil.

NAZIs = maximum right.
Communists = maximum left.
This is what the words actually mean in the English language.

You, Uncensored 2008, keep calling those on the left "NAZIs,"

but you don't have to do that to make your point.

We already KNOW that you're a total fucking idiot.
No Sir, I said the only thing to hate is hate itself!

And I have said before many times, that I do not hate Trump!

I hate the hatred he has brought to our nation!

You do you hate Trump, almost as much as you hate America. You hate Trump because he represents America of the first 240 years - the Constitution and the rights of the people. He is an impediment to the GLORIOUS totalitarian rule of your party, the democrat Reich.
NAZIs = maximum right.

democrat=maximum stupidity.

Communists = maximum left.
This is what the words actually mean in the English language.

You, Uncensored 2008, keep calling those on the left "NAZIs,"

but you don't have to do that to make your point.

We already KNOW that you're a total fucking idiot.

Got it.

So the Nazis were totalitarian collectivists who imposed brutal dictatorship and murdered millions of innocent civilians.

Communists on the other hand were totalitarian collectivists who imposed brutal dictatorship and murdered millions of innocent civilians.

Nazis held that all things must serve the state, or be destroyed.

Communists hold that all things must serve the state, or be destroyed.

You sure are smart...

Well, the above proves my evaluation.

I never mentioned Trump.

The hatred comes from the left. They hated him ever since he was first nominated for president. It has drastically intensified since.

Jan 6 changed everything! If you still Support Trump after Jan 6 Trump treason,you Support treason

Apparently you like to keep our head buried in the sand, FYI, Trump is he one who incited the Jan 6 riot.
How do I know that it wasn't you who incited the riot? I listened to Trump all the time and he never incited any riot. You, on the other hand, very well could have.

What proof do you have that you didn't do it?


Jan 6 changed everything! If you still Support Trump after Jan 6 Trump treason, you Support treason
Jan 6 changed nothing. If you still support the DNC and leftist liars (such as you), you support tyranny. You would have Hitler return and run the US. No thanks.
