How can Christianity become so hate driven.


then you are not an would be an agnostic......
I'm not going to go over it again. If you are too stupid to learn, that's your problem. Perhaps you can pray to God for the ability to understand that a lack of any theism is not any affirmative theism about the absence of anything. Yes, there are plenty of stupid people who post on JPP and if you want to be one of them, great, go float your boat.

I do happen to be agnostic as well, but that is a totally different topic (knowability) and has nothing to do with one's theistic beliefs or lack thereof.


She posted a photo of Nancy Pelosi's Palace Guard firing teargas into a crowd of peaceful protesters. Which they continued for a full hour in order to spark violence. The palace guard intermittently sent troops in to assault the protestors until they were finally able to incite a riot.

After Tucker showed this in context, I was surprised a Reich member would post it - but it's likely the drone wasn't programed to be aware that this was exposed.
All good points ... but the bottom line is that We the People have every right to be in that public building. The police can arrest and detain but the government has no authority to take lethal military action against We the People.

Those who characterize a protest by We the People as "treason" are themselves traitors to the Constitution they are supposed to be defending/upholding. They are not supposed to become incensed that someone is protesting the sitting tyrannical government.

All good points ... but the bottom line is that We the People have every right to be in that public building. The police can arrest and detain but the government has no authority to take lethal military action against We the People.

Those who characterize a protest by We the People as "treason" are themselves traitors to the Constitution they are supposed to be defending/upholding. They are not supposed to become incensed that someone is protesting the sitting tyrannical government.

Who the fuck are "We the People?"

And who the fuck is IBDaMann?

As for the beloved Constitution, that's an anachronism as well.

Who the fuck are "We the People?"
This is the civics question most commonly asked by people who were too lazy to take advantage of the educational opportunities that life offered.

And who the fuck is IBDaMann?
Who the fuck is so stupid that he can't figure out how to properly IGNORE someone, like a caveman staring at a tricorder?

As for the beloved Constitution, that's an anachronism as well.
All virtue-signaling Marxists say that. You, however, might be the first to have managed to use a five-syllable word when doing so. Good on you.

A little bit ok knowledge, it's been said, can be a dangerous thing.

Your primitive understanding of political ideology and practice alike

is massively insufficient to make you a relevant spokesperson for any ideology.

Ah, the big lie....

Are you a Marxist or are you a Nazi?


there's no need to until you get it right.
Here, I'll get it right: You're the consummate moron. From what high school did you play hooky?

...atheism and agnosticism are contradictory things
... only when you don't have a clue what they mean. Oh yeah, you don't have clue what either means ... because you refused to attend your high school courses ... because learning is obviously too much work for you ... which is why your posts aren't value-added.

you cannot be both
Sorry, I'm both. Thanks for playing. Don't worry, I had an unfair advantage: I know what the words mean. It's almost as though I cheated, right?

one cannot make his choice there is no such thing as cake and eat it too.....
My position is that there is cake. You shouldn't try to pretend to speak for me. You're a moron and I'm not.

Did you get around to praying to God for the ability to learn? How did that work out for you? Is God still ignoring you? Don't feel as though there's some sort of stigma if He is. It doesn't make you a bad person, just a stupid one.



Hitler? You're desperate dude!
As I suspected, you have nothing.

By the way, don't think that I didn't notice that you feel quite comfortable talking all day about Hitler when you believe that you are an authority on the subject, but that you pout like a baby when you find out that you don't even know that Hitler was a far left dictator and you pretend like others are somehow no longer allowed to mention his name.

Sorry, you are a German (Deutsch) who has no excuse for not even knowing your own country's history or politics except that you are very gullible and easily led astray. I feel sorry for you.


As I suspected, you have nothing.

By the way, don't think that I didn't notice that you feel quite comfortable talking all day about Hitler when you believe that you are an authority on the subject, but that you pout like a baby when you find out that you don't even know that Hitler was a far left dictator and you pretend like others are somehow no longer allowed to mention his name.

Sorry, you are a German (Deutsch) who has no excuse for not even knowing your own country's history or politics except that you are very gullible and easily led astray. I feel sorry for you.


Dictators are neither left nor right, they are in their own classification.

Surprising you chastise others for not knowing something when apparently you don't either.
Here, I'll get it right: You're the consummate moron. From what high school did you play hooky?

why do lib'ruls have this compulsion to change the meaning of words......"unborn child" "marriage" "woman" "illegal" even "atheist"......I think it must be guilt.....they realize how stupid what they say looks so they pretend what they say means something else......

As I suspected, you have nothing.

By the way, don't think that I didn't notice that you feel quite comfortable talking all day about Hitler when you believe that you are an authority on the subject, but that you pout like a baby when you find out that you don't even know that Hitler was a far left dictator and you pretend like others are somehow no longer allowed to mention his name.

Sorry, you are a German (Deutsch) who has no excuse for not even knowing your own country's history or politics except that you are very gullible and easily led astray. I feel sorry for you.


German? You do know your pal Adolf wasn't German!
why do lib'ruls have this compulsion to change the meaning of words......"unborn child" "marriage" "woman" "illegal" even "atheist"......I think it must be guilt.....they realize how stupid what they say looks so they pretend what they say means something else......

Why do you spend a lifetime crying about liberals?
Jan 6 changed everything! If you still Support Trump after Jan 6 Trump treason,you Support treason

The Reichstag Fire on Jan. 6th was less violent than any of the Floyed Riots, the Kristallnacht by the democrat Brown Shirts.

The hyperbole and demagoguery employed about this Reichstag Fire is no different than it was the first time. The goal of the democrat party is to end the bill of rights. The insane demagoguery you spout is an attempt to outlaw free speech and any protest of the democrat Reich.

You are actively fighting to end the Constitution yet call those who are trying to defend the Republic "traitors"; that is a lot of chutzpah.