How hilarious would it be if Trumpers get their wish....

What’s your take on the reports that some Democrats (including members of the black caucus) saying that if Biden steps down the party better choose the VP (aka a black woman) as the replacement?

I’m not a Democrat so I’m not going to pretend to speak for your party. But I do know each party knows who their base is and the importance of that base. In the case of Democrats black voters aren’t the largest by number but are arguably the most important voting block so not to say they have total veto power but clearly their voices will get heard.

This is all hypothetical of course but IF Biden were to step down could the party choose someone like Newsom or the Michigan Governor? Or would the pressure be too strong to go with Harris?

Nominating Harris would re-engage black voters who have been drifting from the party and energize the party generally. Yeah, the pressure to keep a black candidate on the ticket would be strong. My own preference is Wanock, the black senator from Georgia who is impressive enough to head the ticket.
....for Biden to step down,
So the Demonkkkrat Party, the party of "democracy", is going to IGNORE the will of the majority of primary voters and select someone other than Biden at the upcoming Demonkkkrat Party convention? Isn't that a "threat to democracy"????
then Kamala Harris takes his place and kicks Trump's ass even worse than Biden kicked it last time???
Not possible. Kamala is even more disliked than Biden is, believe it or not. You even support that sentiment below.
Can you imagine how their heads would be exploding in fits of rage????
Nah, I'll leave that up to the experts (Demonkkkrats). If you thought that Demonkkkrats were angry in 2016, just wait until later this year if Trump wins the election (if the election is held).
I'm not a huge fan of hers,
QED of sentiment noted above.
but it would be worth it just to torture those bastards for four years.
Again, this is a Demonkkkrat issue, not mine. No matter how chaotic Demonkkkrats make life on Earth, I have eternal life, peace, and strength through my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.
How unfortunate would it be if the first woman president was Kamala Harris? Man, talk about a let down.

I didn't like some of Obama's policies, but he was smart, charismatic, classy and clean (as Joe said). He was a very, very good first black president.
....for Biden to step down, then Kamala Harris takes his place and kicks Trump's ass even worse than Biden kicked it last time???

Really? You actually believe that Kamala, a person hated even more than Biden or Trump, would kick ass? God, I hope they take your advice. :laugh:

Can you imagine how their heads would be exploding in fits of rage????

I can only imagine your head exploding in rage when Trump wins in a landslide.

I'm not a huge fan of hers, but it would be worth it just to torture those bastards for four years.

I wish you were right. But, given your record for being always wrong and relatively stupid and ignorant, it is doubtful it would play out the way you stupidly believe it would.
Your head is in a very dumb cloud.

There are appealing Democratic governors who might well trample a Trump candidacy. Trump apparently is worried that will happen Reports are coming out today his campaign is hoping Biden stays. They see both the President and Harris as weaker opponents than others Democrats might turn to. The Times is also reporting that Biden is well aware of the shambles he made of his debate performance and concerned himself it may not have been a blip. In other words, he probably is considering getting out.
Wishful thinking. But alas, not based on reality.
The GOP wants fascism. Any Democrat bashing Biden wants fascism.
That's a rather stupid and false statement. How does the GOP want Fascism? Specifics please.

Or do you mistakenly believe that just saying so makes it so? Why?
The Times is also reporting that Biden is well aware of the shambles he made of his debate performance and concerned himself it may not have been a blip. In other words, he probably is considering getting out.
You really need to stop pretending and start being honest about the situation.

Why pretend that Biden is the one who is making any such decision to stay in the race or not?? Such 'orders' stem directly from Obama and Clyburn, who are the two people who are actually calling the shots. Biden has absolutely ZERO say in the matter, if he even DID have a brain left at this point.
Harris is polling better against Trump than Biden.

Got a link to that laughable nonsense?

If she were to become the nominee, I think she would get the same number of votes as Biden.

Well, you're never right about anything so there is that.

Maybe more.

That's damned funny. :laugh:

Nobody outside the Trumper base and a few misguided,low educated undecideds would ever consider letting Trump in the WH again.

I think November is going to be harsh on confused, whiny know-nothings like yourself.
Nominating Harris would re-engage black voters who have been drifting from the party and energize the party generally. Yeah, the pressure to keep a black candidate on the ticket would be strong. My own preference is Wanock, the black senator from Georgia who is impressive enough to head the ticket.
Wow! This is certainly the definition of delusional. :laugh: