How is this board split -politically?

How would you describe yourself politically?

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Where did you get this brilliant piece of information? Did you think it up all by yourself? Do you have medical information to back it up?
Don't mind BD. he either makes stuff up, or regurgitates the latest Talking Head's TP.
If you believe this and stick with it you're an idiot.

Oh I believe it alrighty.

People that hate personal Liberty love to sanctimoniously look down their long snarky noses and claim they hold some sort of nuanced political philosophy.

It all boils down to the fact that they believe in central corntrol from headquarters (of their particular design), and they think they are sooooooo much smarter then the rest of us.

Fact is: central planning always fails, n' that spot on history doesn't seem to impress upside down Lefties.

Why don't they look at Venezuela if they need the latest example of a Marxist fail.

I've never claimed ta be the sharpest tool in the ol' shed.

That said: my one functional brain cell knows history, and the truth, n' that's all a person needs to press on.
Oh I believe it alrighty.

People that hate personal Liberty love to sanctimoniously look down their long snarky noses and claim they hold some sort of nuanced political philosophy.

It all boils down to the fact that they believe in central corntrol from headquarters (of their particular design), and they think they are sooooooo much smarter then the rest of us.

Fact is: central planning always fails, n' that spot on history doesn't seem to impress upside down Lefties.

Why don't they look at Venezuela if they need the latest example of a Marxist fail.

I've never claimed ta be the sharpest tool in the ol' shed.

That said: my one functional brain cell knows history, and the truth, n' that's all a person needs to press on.

Then you're an idiot. You lumped things together that shouldn't have been lumped together.
Then you're an idiot. You lumped things together that shouldn't have been lumped together.

Everyone has an opinion, n' you seem to like to call people idiots when they don't agree with you.

Modern Liberals and Progressives share similar elements of Marxism and are in fact Statists, and by definition: Fascists.

The fact that you attempt to get snarky with yer particular brand of Marxism doesn't impress me, (hopefully that doesn't shatter ya), butt: if it makes yer butt hwurted, go pound some sand.

Explain the difference.

The way the labels have evolved, liberal has come to be much more about government being the solution for most issues.

I don't see being a progressive that way. I take that word literally - as progress, which in a lot of cases will not be tied to government. For example, I see privatizing social security as a progressive ideal. Keeping it as a public program is unsustainable, and offers no return on investment, which to me is sort of reactionary. Progress would be making it a program that allows for much more return for seniors, and can be continued indefinitely without raising more taxes or cutting benefits.

I realize that's sort of a minority view of what being progressive means, but it's how I view it.
Where did you get this brilliant piece of information? Did you think it up all by yourself? Do you have medical information to back it up?

Yes. You didn't know that sociopaths use lots of "uuuhs" and "umms" and "so thats". Why do you think he always uses an obamaprompter? ... it's to hide his sociopathic speech patterns.
The way the labels have evolved, liberal has come to be much more about government being the solution for most issues.

I don't see being a progressive that way. I take that word literally - as progress, which in a lot of cases will not be tied to government. For example, I see privatizing social security as a progressive ideal. Keeping it as a public program is unsustainable, and offers no return on investment, which to me is sort of reactionary. Progress would be making it a program that allows for much more return for seniors, and can be continued indefinitely without raising more taxes or cutting benefits.

I realize that's sort of a minority view of what being progressive means, but it's how I view it.

Liberal used to mean "free man". Now it means having government micromanage even the smallest of human interactions.

Politically speaking, yes, your definition of "progressive" is an unacceptable, tiny minority view.No one will ever understand you. You might as well be speaking a foreign language.
The way the labels have evolved, liberal has come to be much more about government being the solution for most issues.

Yes modern Liberals are in fact Statists/Fascists where classical Liberals, (like our founding fathers and modern Cornservatives), valued restrictions on the State, (limited gubment and personal Liberty).

I don't see being a progressive that way. I take that word literally - as progress, which in a lot of cases will not be tied to government.

Yer wrong here: modern Progressives and Progressives of Woodrow Wilson's time were Statists jus' as modern Liberals have become due to the "Progressive" influence.

"Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was the 28th President of the United States, serving two terms from 1913-1919. As president of Princeton University and later as governor of New Jersey, Wilson was a leading Progressive, arguing for a stronger central government and fighting for anti-trust legislation and labor rights."

For example, I see privatizing social security as a progressive ideal.

You are one mixed up Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist! Privatizing social security is a modern Cornservative, (classical Liberal) Limited gubment concept? Why did all the dim wit Democrats fight privatizing social security in the early 2000 era under George W Bush? Many are Progressives like Nasty Nancy Obamacare Pelosi "we need to pass the bill to find out what's in it" as huge Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termite of the first order.

Keeping it as a public program is unsustainable, and offers no return on investment, which to me is sort of reactionary. Progress would be making it a program that allows for much more return for seniors, and can be continued indefinitely without raising more taxes or cutting benefits.

I realize that's sort of a minority view of what being progressive means, but it's how I view it.

Hmmmmmm... "sort of minority view" me arse. Progressives could give a fuck if things work, they just want more central control.

I find it funny that a Leftie doesn't even know what the philosophy of Progressivism is... burp... Scottie beam me up...

Ya need ta understand, sonny: the Left has corntrolled the media and achedemia for a very long time so language is their means of roping in people like you who don't get it with fancy werds like Progressive, (gubment control), gay, (butt pirates), choice, (kill babies), tolerance, (Progressives are anything butt tolerant). Hope that helps ya.