How the Ukraine situation should end.

Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....
So, will you be siding with Mexico if they ever demand to be given back their historical territory in Texas, New Mexico, California?

Or are you the type that thinks only powerful bullies should be given whatever they want?

Were you the kid in junior high who was handing over your lunch money to bullies?
More ignorant opinions from the pigfucker Stone.

He's obviously another Putin cockholster, just like his orangutan idol.
So, will you be siding with Mexico if they ever demand to be given back their historical territory in Texas, New Mexico, California?

Or are you the type that thinks only powerful bullies should be given whatever they want?

Were you the kid in junior high who was handing over your lunch money to bullies?

LMAO! Billions and billions of our money spent, countless lives lost,...and guess what? The situation will eventually resolve pretty close to what I said in my OP. What a shame.
I'm an internationalist. I'm not blinded by any flag to wave.
The US has used its dollar standard power to blackmail most of Europe into breaking commercial ties with the Russians. Nord Stream threatened to end American financial dominance.
Any other half-baked NATO ' self-determination ' squawking for this horseshit is horseshit. Follow the money.
Next............................the Europeans wake up.

The current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will be murdered soon.

The Russian Federation will install a puppet government.

The entire country of the Ukraine will be part of the Russian Federation.

This is unavoidable, under the weak, spineless, sin huevos Biden.

Is this still your opinion? What does "soon" mean to you?

If the 2020 presidential election had not been stolen, the invasion of the Ukraine would not have happened.

After Putin watched one year of the feckless, weak, spineless, sin huevos Biden, he decided to take the Ukraine.

Taiwan to follow.

The election wasn't stolen.
The far left liberals have almost completely destroyed the greatest nation on earth, the shining city on the hill.

With their open borders, sanctuary cities, out of control crime and inflation, we now have the prospect of a senile, old, spineless, sin huevos Biden at the helm of the ship of state, facing Putin.

What could go (further) wrong?

Stand by for updates, film at eleven.

American liberals caused Russia to attack Ukraine?
I'm an internationalist. I'm not blinded by any flag to wave.
The US has used its dollar standard power to blackmail most of Europe into breaking commercial ties with the Russians. Nord Stream threatened to end American financial dominance.
Any other half-baked NATO ' self-determination ' squawking for this horseshit is horseshit. Follow the money.
Next............................the Europeans wake up.
Nordsrteam 2 simply was more LNG at a direct guaranteed supply for Germany's LNG growing needs
Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

It's none of our fucking business.
Israel is your only interest, isn't it?

No- Israeli fascism is , however, an urgent matter that needs to be addressed immediately for the general health of the planet.
They've manipulated ' pro-Jewish ' sentiment to the point of inducing rank stupidity into most Americans. Time for change- and thank you for mentioning it.
