How the Ukraine situation should end.

Says the liar trying to portray others as antisemitic.

Haw, haw, haw, haw............................haw, haw.......................haw.

"Others" meaning you, girl, who is obviously very antisemitic. LOL
Wiesel's religion is of no concern to me, dumbass- and anybody here with an ounce of grey matter is aware that my contention is with Israeli fascism.

Bring on your baseless slurs- you will lose every time.


I hope all the Jihadist terrorists are as stupid as you....and it appears most are which is why it's been so easy to kill or imprison them. Is that why you hate Americans? Because we've killed off all the Islamic nutjobs?
I hope all the Jihadist terrorists are as stupid as you....and it appears most are which is why it's been so easy to kill or imprison them. Is that why you hate Americans? Because we've killed off all the Islamic nutjobs?

Your stupid mouthings have long since been ridiculed- but you do continually offer me the opportunity to expose prosemitic desperation in these times of instant worldwide communications, you racist prick.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
How it SHOULD end? The total defeat of Russian armed forces.

How it will end? More likely Russia will likely keep the Donetsk and Luhansk regions along with the Crimea.
Proof-free slander is your hallmark. You will always fail.
Go rub some sticks together.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

We all fail in the end. Life is impermanent. Some, mostly idiots like yourself, fail sooner than others, sugartits. :thup:
Your stupid mouthings have long since been ridiculed- but you do continually offer me the opportunity to expose prosemitic desperation in these times of instant worldwide communications, you racist prick.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
Then why do you care?

You're the fanatic. I simply support the right of all human beings to exist unmolested.
How it SHOULD end? The total defeat of Russian armed forces.

How it will end? More likely Russia will likely keep the Donetsk and Luhansk regions along with the Crimea.


If so, it won't be for long since it will be a constant war like Northern Ireland...with worldwide supporters.

Personally, I've started a charity for the cause: the "Shoot a Russian Officer for Jesus" campaign. Kinda like an IRA fund raiser. :thup:

" Smart " ? You're already contradicting yourself.

Tell me again that there is no Ukrainian Nazism, stumblebum.

Haw, haw...............................haw.

Yea A Jewish president whose family died in the shoa

And Jewish Ukrainian soldiers , yea nazis

Orthodox father and son pick up arms, ready to defend their Ukraine hometown




If so, it won't be for long since it will be a constant war like Northern Ireland...with worldwide supporters.

Personally, I've started a charity for the cause: the "Shoot a Russian Officer for Jesus" campaign. Kinda like an IRA fund raiser. :thup:



yep, you're a Military industrial complex shill.
There has been tens of thousands of military casualties on both sides, nine million Ukranian civilians are refugees, and once vibrant Ukranian cities have been reduced to smouldering piles of ash.

The last time Ukraine witnessed destruction like this was during the bloodthirsty Nazi invasion. took an old post from when it very first began. As you know,....Russia very well could have bombed the hell out of the place before a single boot hit the ground,....much like we did in Iraq, They chose not to.
Let me be clear,...probably for the last time on this. I personally could give a shit less about Russia. They mean zero to me. All I ever tried to get across is the fact that without NATO air power and maybe even " some" boots on the ground, there is no way in hell Ukraine was ever going to drive out Russia. Just not realistic at all. We already know that NATO is unwilling to give air OR boots. So there you go. Why in the world would you have so much death and destruction ONLY to end up in pretty close to the very same place I said they would end up. just crazy stupid. We either go in heavy with NATO,....or we do the best we can to bring about peaceful resolution between the 2 countries. There is no sensible third option. WTF people,.....use your heads. All the casualties and destruction,......for what? NOTHING.
Disagreed but I can see why your "military career" was a failure. :thup:

Appeasement never works regardless if it's between you and your blackmailer or a weak nation and a stronger nation.

Ukraine knows that trading away Donbass will just result in a ceasefire, not peace.

Putin would just use the ceasefire to rebuild his military capacity for further invasions of Ukraine. He doesn't think Ukraine deserves to be a real country, though might accept some Ukrainian rump state in the west, centered on Lviv.

I think he wants Kyiv, as part of a greater Holy Rus. Kyiv has enormous symbolic and spiritual significance for the Russian state. took an old post from when it very first began. As you know,....Russia very well could have bombed the hell out of the place before a single boot hit the ground,....much like we did in Iraq, They chose not to.

So your intuition going back to the early days of Putin's war was complete garbage. You thought you were making a keen insight that casualties were extremely low
Ukraine knows that trading away Donbass will just result in a ceasefire, not peace.

Putin would just use the ceasefire to rebuild his military capacity for further invasions of Ukraine. He doesn't think Ukraine deserves to be a real country, though might accept some Ukrainian rump state in the west, centered on Lviv.

I think he wants Kyiv, as part of a greater Holy Rus. Kyiv has enormous symbolic and spiritual significance for the Russian state.

Agreed. There will be no peace until the Russians return to their own lands.

yep, you're a Military industrial complex shill.

The MIC is only for 1980s conspiracy theorists and 21st century idiots.

Look up the biggest donors and lobbies in DC to see who is buying influence. There's more money in peace than war as Russia is finding out....and as China is watching.

My guess is that China will just buy Taiwan in the end. Sure, a little saber rattling for undersea mining rights but billions of Chinese dollars invested in Taiwan will get them exactly what they want.

Putin is insane to start a war. It's a losing gambit.
So your intuition going back to the early days of Putin's war was complete garbage. You thought you were making a keen insight that casualties were extremely low

Wrong. Re read the post. You are just pissed off the whole damn thing is going to end up pretty much like I said it would. Dont be pissed at me, pissed at the cowards who run NATO who knew damn well there was no way in hell Ukraine could prevail without our Air and boots. But you can bet your ass scumbags like Bidens brother will be there to get in on profiteering from the rebuild.
The MIC is only for 1980s conspiracy theorists and 21st century idiots.

Look up the biggest donors and lobbies in DC to see who is buying influence. There's more money in peace than war as Russia is finding out....and as China is watching.

My guess is that China will just buy Taiwan in the end. Sure, a little saber rattling for undersea mining rights but billions of Chinese dollars invested in Taiwan will get them exactly what they want.

Putin is insane to start a war. It's a losing gambit.

wrong, idiot.

its still alive and well. dont think a Russian invasion of Ukraine scenario where we provide some weapons and intel but no boots or air hasnt been war gamed out to the point where we know to a certainty how it will end hasnt happened a long time ago well before it began? Bwaaa ha ha ha......Get real.