How the Ukraine situation should end.

they already have all the NATO high tech weapons they could possibly use.
I dont think Biden can get away with US/NATO "boots" in Ukraine ( no that he and the Brits dont want it)

The point is Ukraine is already a defacto NATO state ( and has been) with the most advanced weaponry on the planet

I keep reading "40k Russian casualties" but no real figures on Ukraine losses.
One thing is clear - Zelensky is ready to fight to the last man -even if it's a 59 year old male draftee
(men 18 -59 are subject to the draft and cannot leave the county.)

Saw an article that outlined a speech that Putin gave within the last day or so. He said that sadly the Americans are determined to fight us down to the last Ukrainian. Other thing that stood out is that he said..... anyone should know that if they are honest we have not brought to bear nearly the force we could have if we were so inclined. He is a liar and an asshole,.....but on these two points I must say I agree with him completely. Both are true.
Sure, that's evident in your concern for Palestinians, you racist prick

Haw, haw................................haw.

I'm concerned for all people except terrorists. Those I don't mind seeing neutralized so they can't hurt anyone.
Shades of europe 1939

Yep,.....pretty much agree. BUT BLAME NATO. They were the pussies who didnt do what needed to be done.
There was no nato then

Agreed. I didn't want to say anything because then I'd be accused of being mean to Fat Boy, but since you noticed it so..... LOL

Trump hates NATO, always has. Fat Boy is just following in his footsteps. It indicates how much he enjoyed his short hitch in the service. :)
You're referring to the Ukrainian Nazism that you've recently implied does not exist. What sort of a confused fool are you, addlepate

NOW fuck off.

Haw, haw...............................haw

Ukrainians are not Nazis. There are some Nazis in Ukraine just like there are in every Western country (and more than that). The war has nothing to do with Nazism unless you get your information from Russian state television.

So although I understand that you're a Jew hater who sometimes pretends to oppose Nazism, YOU can fuck off.
The political bias my team against your team bullshit really took a heavy toll in this thread. Way too much of THAT and not near enuff actual thinking. It got so bad that I was even ridiculed for calling ALL war a civil war. If we are all Human beings,....which we in fact are,....then yes...all wars are civil wars. We were not intended to kill one another the way we do. But we have always done it. We all have much more in common than we do not. People in the background pull the strings and prosper while we suffer and die. ENUFF.

Yet you can't produce any evidence, dumbass.

You're simply another attention-seeker who thinks that that the ' antisemitic ' card is a quick route to favor.

Haw, haw.................................haw.

Are you denying that you're anti-Semitic?
Are you denying that you're anti-Semitic?

She always denies it. Her hatred of Jews is beyond rationality. Consider her post to me earlier today:
You compound your stupidity with every post.
There are more CHRISTIAN Zionists than there are Jews, shag-lobes.

You really are dummer than you think

You should now fuck off with the Wiesel kid before the pair of you disgrace yourselves further

Haw, haw, haw, haw....................haw, haw.........................haw.

BTW, taking donations now:

I'm concerned for all people except terrorists. Those I don't mind seeing neutralized so they can't hurt anyone.

Tell me how many children Israeli terrorists have murdered this year alone.

You don't know what a terrorist is.
Ukrainians are not Nazis. There are some Nazis in Ukraine just like there are in every Western country (and more than that). The war has nothing to do with Nazism unless you get your information from Russian state television.

So although I understand that you're a Jew hater who sometimes pretends to oppose Nazism, YOU can fuck off.

So your contribution is that ' all Ukrainians are not Nazis ' ?

You weak minded sap. Stfu.
How the Ukraine situation should end.

Ideally, it will end with the denazification of the Ukrainian military, a pro-Russian government restored to the people who voted for it, the cessation of NATO aggression against the Russians via the proxy war and international recognition of the new Ukrainian republics by Russia's allies.
NATO is not a force for good and a Russian victory in Ukraine will act as a foil to further pressure on Russia and China and a lessened threat of WW3.

We'll see. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
Ideally, it will end with the denazification of the Ukrainian military
Azov Battalion are embedded in the military and the politics of Bandera. they are part of Ukraine today
On January 22, 2010 Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko honored Stepan Bandera by posthumously bestowing on him the state honor, “Hero of Ukraine.” The Soviet KGB assassinated Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist-in-exile, in 1959. Many Ukrainians, including Ukrainian émigré groups in Canada, pressed Yushchenko to grant the honor, which, according to one statement, "would restore justice and truth about the Bandera and the...struggle for liberation that he headed." To this day, many Ukrainians view Bandera as a martyred freedom fighter.

As an uncompromising leader of the militant, terrorist branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Bandera became a Nazi collaborator who lived with his deputies under German protection after World War II began. In preparation for the attack on the USSR, the Nazis recruited Bandera’s followers to act as Ukrainian-speaking policemen and to serve in two Ukrainian volunteer army battalions. By working with the Nazis, Bandera hoped to free Ukraine from Soviet rule and establish his own government there. An independent Ukraine, Bandera promised, would remain friendly to Germany.

pro-Russian government restored to the people who voted for it, the cessation of NATO aggression against the Russians via the proxy war and international recognition of the new Ukrainian republics by Russia's allies.
NATO is not a force for good and a Russian victory in Ukraine will act as a foil to further pressure on Russia and China and a lessened threat of WW3.
Ukraine is NATO in all but name. They are militarily linked now forever.