How the Ukraine situation should end.

Do you know why NATO hasnt entered for real? Because within days of us hitting Russian assets in Ukraine China hits Taiwan, North Korea hits South Korea, and a very good chance Iranian missiles start dropping on Israel. Frikkin dumbasses...
Do you know why NATO hasnt entered for real? Because within days of us hitting Russian assets in Ukraine China hits Taiwan, North Korea hits South Korea, and a very good chance Iranian missiles start dropping on Israel. Frikkin dumbasses...

they want war.

they believe in mass population reduction.

they're insane mass murderers...... for the enviiiiiiiiironment.
they want war.

they believe in mass population reduction.

they're insane mass murderers...... for the enviiiiiiiiironment.

Whatever happened to the MAKE LOVE NOT WAR left? I guess that whole BULLSHIT STORY ended when they got old enuff to be non draftable. No problem sending someone elses kids off to be killed though.....:palm:
wrong, idiot.

its still alive and well.
No doubt, in your world, it does, Fredo. Reality is a little less fanciful and a lot more boring.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Whatever happened to the MAKE LOVE NOT WAR left? I guess that whole BULLSHIT STORY ended when they got old enuff to be non draftable. No problem sending someone elses kids off to be killed though.....:palm:
Max Boot, David Frum, Cheney (for all intents) and the assorted neocons have been thrown out of the Republican party and found a home with the globalist Dems
How it SHOULD end? The total defeat of Russian armed forces.

How it will end? More likely Russia will likely keep the Donetsk and Luhansk regions along with the Crimea.
Donetsk is still up in the air, Luhansk is all under Russian control now.

The Kherson Oblast has been annexed, and I think Mariupol is pacified...

So the question is does Zelensky want to negotiate the land for peace, or is he gonna stay
in the Olive Drab t-shirt mode and slug it out. I think the later -to the detriment of the Uk peoples

As to Odesa: the anti ship missiles have kept the Russian unable to use much naval assets
but I have to think that's next on Putin's list (not Kyiv)
Ukraine knows that trading away Donbass will just result in a ceasefire, not peace.

Putin would just use the ceasefire to rebuild his military capacity for further invasions of Ukraine. He doesn't think Ukraine deserves to be a real country, though might accept some Ukrainian rump state in the west, centered on Lviv.

I think he wants Kyiv, as part of a greater Holy Rus. Kyiv has enormous symbolic and spiritual significance for the Russian state.

Shades of europe 1939

Then why do you care?

You're the fanatic. I simply support the right of all human beings to exist unmolested.

Sure, that's evident in your concern for Palestinians, you racist prick

Haw, haw................................haw.
Yea A Jewish president whose family died in the shoa

And Jewish Ukrainian soldiers , yea nazis

Orthodox father and son pick up arms, ready to defend their Ukraine hometown

Show me some Palestinians defending their country, you prosemitic hypocrite.

I guess we can all sit around and PRETEND how Ukraine is going to stomp Russia's ass without DIRECT NATO intervention. :rolleyes: Lot of good that will do. All that does is get a whole lot of people killed, maimed, and half a damn country destroyed. You people are stupid, or bloodthirsty, or at best hugely naive. The answer ALWAYS came down to two choices,......Direct NATO intervention,.....or bargain for peace to save human life. CHOOSE! In war there is no half step bullshit. Doesnt work,....never has. Sooooooo ,...either CHOOSE or shut the fuck up.
And that fuckhead Dutch is the worst of all. He claims to be an ex helo pilot in the marines, an officer. If true that means he knows EXACTLY how that abortion of a war in Ukraine ends without Direct NATO intervention and he STILL cheered it on. If ANYONE is an online Russian asset,....its that cocksucker.
I guess we can all sit around and PRETEND how Ukraine is going to stomp Russia's ass without DIRECT NATO intervention. :rolleyes: Lot of good that will do. All that does is get a whole lot of people killed, maimed, and half a damn country destroyed. You people are stupid, or bloodthirsty, or at best hugely naive. The answer ALWAYS came down to two choices,......Direct NATO intervention,.....or bargain for peace to save human life. CHOOSE! In war there is no half step bullshit. Doesnt work,....never has. Sooooooo ,...either CHOOSE or shut the fuck up.
they already have all the NATO high tech weapons they could possibly use.
I dont think Biden can get away with US/NATO "boots" in Ukraine ( no that he and the Brits dont want it)

The point is Ukraine is already a defacto NATO state ( and has been) with the most advanced weaponry on the planet

I keep reading "40k Russian casualties" but no real figures on Ukraine losses.
One thing is clear - Zelensky is ready to fight to the last man -even if it's a 59 year old male draftee
(men 18 -59 are subject to the draft and cannot leave the county.)