How the Ukraine situation should end.

Not if the Russians succeed. We'll see.
Russians aint gonna saw off much more. Putin's recent claim to the contrary.
They have to finish Donetsk and consolidate for counter attack with more better best NATO's finest
Expressions of admiration for Bandera and other collaborators have increased in scope and status following the 2014 revolution in Ukraine, which toppled the regime of Viktor Yanukovych amid claims that he is a Russian stooge, and triggered an armed conflict with Russia.


The veneration of Nazi collaborators, including killers of Jews, is a growing phenomenon in Eastern Europe, where many consider such individuals as heroes because they resisted Soviet Communism.

Having ' denazified ' the Donbas I can't imagine that Russians will allow the Nazification of the rest of Ukraine with NATO weaponry. It's early days in this war .
You can read my post, but you may not edit it, you old, angry asshole.

I have no need to edit your juvenile crap , Wiesel. You hang yourself without assistance.

Haw, haw................................haw.
'fraid not, you racist prick- but you give lessons, doubtless.

Haw, haw................................haw.

You're the one who brought it up, sugartits. What kind of other pervy things do you do on your little island village?
You're the one who brought it up, sugartits. What kind of other pervy things do you do on your little island village?

Your sex life- or apparent lack of one- doesn't interest me, you racist prick.

Your ' antisemitic ' smears are far more amusing. Pray continue . The country needs to know that ' Zionism ' and ' Judaism ' are not synonymous and racists pricks are the perfect tools to illustrate it.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
Your sex life- or apparent lack of one- doesn't interest me, you racist prick.

Your ' antisemitic ' smears are far more amusing. Pray continue . The country needs to know that ' Zionism ' and ' Judaism ' are not synonymous and racists pricks are the perfect tools to illustrate it.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

Your hate is yours to keep but if you become a terrorist or materially support terrorism, you will be crushed scum, burqa or not.
Your hate is yours to keep but if you become a terrorist or materially support terrorism, you will be crushed scum, burqa or not.

Your dick-waving is rather funny, Kaffer-Kicker. Careful with the tweezers.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Might be a good idea to get the thread back on track now. The subject was the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I'm happy to bring some joy to your miserable, Jew-hating life, Ms. Moon. :thup:

Absolutely nothing ' Jew-hating ' about me, you racist prick-- otherwise you'd have referenced it.

It doesn't exist- so you can't. Best stick to promoting your Jewish caveman theory.

Haw, haw.........................haw.
We already know it, you old, bitter cunt. You hate Jews and are wasting the last of your few days screaming at them on the internet. You're so pathetic.

Again, define ' Semite ', dumbass, or stfu. You pimply punks are all canards and no knowledge.