How the Ukraine situation should end.

dutch is a noahide zionist butt-soldier.

Yes, with a penchant for filth.

He's likely spent hours trawling my posts for evidence of ' Jew-hatred ' and come up empty.
It's a pleasure wasting his worthless life.

Haw, haw, haw, haw........................haw, haw...........................haw.
Absolutely nothing ' Jew-hating ' about me, you racist prick-- otherwise you'd have referenced it.

It doesn't exist- so you can't. Best stick to promoting your Jewish caveman theory.

Haw, haw.........................haw.

When you lie about me, it tells me you have maxed out your intellect. LOL
Allegedly to stop the Zionist Nazi Jews in Ukraine. Why are you fucking morons so gullible?

Who said that Ukraine's Nazis were Jewish, you racist prick ?

If you read the Jewish press- which I do- then you'll know that Ukraine's Nazis celebrate the KILLING of Jews;

Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator
Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles

Now fuck off to your cave- you're out of your depth.
And that fuckhead Dutch is the worst of all. He claims to be an ex helo pilot in the marines, an officer. If true that means he knows EXACTLY how that abortion of a war in Ukraine ends without Direct NATO intervention and he STILL cheered it on. If ANYONE is an online Russian asset,....its that cocksucker.

It's not up to you, me, or Biden to decide if or when the Ukranians stop fighting.

It's their choice.

You can submit and surrender if our country is ever invaded by a powerful coalition of authoritarian countries.

In New Poll, 89% of Ukrainians Reject Ceding Land to Reach Peace With Russia

Ukrainians back Zelensky’s position that peace talks can’t grant Russia land it has seized, WSJ-NORC poll finds
All that the Ukrainians had to do to prevent the Russians from occupying any of their country was to reject NATO.
It's an example of the worst kind of sycophantic leadership.
It's not up to you, me, or Biden to decide if or when the Ukranians stop fighting.

It's their choice.

You can submit and surrender if our country is ever invaded by a powerful coalition of authoritarian countries.

Agreed on the Ukrainians. I'm fine with supplying them with material supplies but draw the line at doing their fighting for them. I'm also good with the sanctions even though, combined with the pandemic, I've taken a 10% hit on my savings.

Why do I support it? Because, unlike Stone, I think there's more important things than my wallet. Standing against assholes like Putin is enough but so is standing together with good, peaceful people like in the EU/NATO against invading aggressors.
All that the Ukrainians had to do to prevent the Russians from occupying any of their country was to reject NATO.
It's an example of the worst kind of sycophantic leadership.

Translation: Submit to blackmail or face the consequences of invasion.

Sad, but your culture is extremely barbaric, Ms. Moon. 7th Centuryish. LOL
Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

Why should Ukraine give up anything? Why shouldn't Russia pay for all the damage they caused?
Agreed on the Ukrainians. I'm fine with supplying them with material supplies but draw the line at doing their fighting for them. I'm also good with the sanctions even though, combined with the pandemic, I've taken a 10% hit on my savings.

Why do I support it? Because, unlike Stone, I think there's more important things than my wallet. Standing against assholes like Putin is enough but so is standing together with good, peaceful people like in the EU/NATO against invading aggressors.
Allowing American troops to fight in Ukraine would just help Putin, because it would confirm his propaganda to Russian citizens that this really is a war of NATO against Russia, right on their doorstep.

I don't think unprovoked aggression should ever be accepted, whether it is North Korea invading South Korea, Iraq invading Kuwait, Serbia attacking Bosnia, or Russia invading Ukraine.
Why should Ukraine give up anything? Why shouldn't Russia pay for all the damage they caused?

Agreed. Appeasing extortion is only a temporary solution. Eventually the extorter will want more. Only idiots and cowards would appease an aggressor.
Why should Ukraine give up anything? Why shouldn't Russia pay for all the damage they caused?

Ukraine shouldnt and Russia should. But do you think that will happen? Nope,.... not even close. When you negotiate it must be while also being realistic or you will get laughed right out of the building. Russia, if they want to,... can take the whole frikkin thing .
Ukraine shouldnt and Russia should. But do you think that will happen? Nope,.... not even close. When you negotiate it must be while also being realistic or you will get laughed right out of the building. Russia, if they want to,... can take the whole frikkin thing .

They are not interested in that, but they will continue to grind it into rubble, with the full support of China. This is a war between the Empire and the West, which the Empire will win. The shit will really it the fan this fall as the global famine really ramps up, and as the the global economic catastrophe ramps up. The Empire is sure that they will manage much better than the West, which is lead by infants, and is already collapsing.
Ukraine shouldnt and Russia should. But do you think that will happen? Nope,.... not even close. When you negotiate it must be while also being realistic or you will get laughed right out of the building. Russia, if they want to,... can take the whole frikkin thing .

Not sure that’s true, they tried and failed.
All that the Ukrainians had to do to prevent the Russians from occupying any of their country was to reject NATO.
It's an example of the worst kind of sycophantic leadership.

The Ukrainians don't have to do or not do one fucking thing Putin wants. He doesn't have the right to invade them. And here we are. Stop being such a little US-hating bitch.
Translation: Submit to blackmail or face the consequences of invasion.

Sad, but your culture is extremely barbaric, Ms. Moon. 7th Centuryish. LOL

Considering the devastation of Ukraine, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and the displacement of millions more, you, like Zelensky, should be taken out and shot.
You are profligate with the lives and welfare of others, you cowardly racist prick.
The Ukrainians don't have to do or not do one fucking thing Putin wants. He doesn't have the right to invade them. And here we are. Stop being such a little US-hating bitch.

Their nation did not need to become rubble.

They chose this after being pushed into it by America....when this is all over and they look around I wonder how they will feel about that.
The Ukrainians don't have to do or not do one fucking thing Putin wants. He doesn't have the right to invade them. And here we are. Stop being such a little US-hating bitch.

I oppose American Stupid, not America. You, for example, are a stupid American.