How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

The privilege of state-recognized marriage hasn't been in flux with regards to sexual preference historically. Your argument seems to be that some aspects of marriage have been refined over time, so let's change it completely.

UH-Maybe because it never reached this level of discussion before; just like the discussion of inter-racial marriages never became an issue, until people who recognized that it was something that prevented people who loved each other from being together.

There has not been one thing presented that shows that gay marriage is a detriment to society, which is the only thing that the Government should have it's nose stuck in.
Don't you get it? I don't give a shit...I work with the system, as best I can, until the law changes. And change it will. Texas is no different than Massachusetts...except there's more shit to maneuver around here. And it's like two teenagers in love....against their parents' wishes. As much as the parents fuss and fight...nothing can keep two people apart who want to be together. Parents generally lose. You don't have to "get it". It will be "gotten" without you.
Texas is a lot different than Massachusetts. Mass is bright blue, and Texas blood red. It ain't gonna happen.
UH-Maybe because it never reached this level of discussion before; just like the discussion of inter-racial marriages never became an issue, until people who recognized that it was something that prevented people who loved each other from being together.

There has not been one thing presented that shows that gay marriage is a detriment to society, which is the only thing that the Government should have it's nose stuck in.

You're comparing apples and oranges. People of different races have been getting married since the beginning of time, and these unions fully recognized by governments. This has never been the case with gays. And race is a genetic trait, gay is learned behavior.
Texas is a lot different than Massachusetts. Mass is bright blue, and Texas blood red. It ain't gonna happen.

Then Texas must be still not be allowing inter-racial marriages either; because Texas was one of the States that refused to recognize them, or to allow them to be preformed.
You're comparing apples and oranges. People of different races have been getting married since the beginning of time, and these unions fully recognized by governments. This has never been the case with gays. And race is a genetic trait, gay is learned behavior.

If they were recognized by Governments, then why did the SCOTUS have to force 15 States to repeal their laws regarding anti-miscegenation in 1967?

You've provided nothing that shows that sexual orientation isn't genetic or that being gay is a learned behavior; whereas others have provided evidence that refutes that opinion.
You're comparing apples and oranges. People of different races have been getting married since the beginning of time, and these unions fully recognized by governments. This has never been the case with gays. And race is a genetic trait, gay is learned behavior.

Fucking liar. I didn't learn to be gay....
I am gay, by default. In that case, heterosexuality is learned's not actually. Sexual orientation isn't learned. One doesn't choose one's sexual orientation or identity.
Then Texas must be still not be allowing inter-racial marriages either; because Texas was one of the States that refused to recognize them, or to allow them to be preformed.
This is a good example of why your argument that gay and mixed race are the same does not hold water.
If they were recognized by Governments, then why did the SCOTUS have to force 15 States to repeal their laws regarding anti-miscegenation in 1967?

You've provided nothing that shows that sexual orientation isn't genetic or that being gay is a learned behavior; whereas others have provided evidence that refutes that opinion.

Thanks for proving my argument. From what you are saying at that time 35 states did recognize mixed race marriages.
Fucking liar. I didn't learn to be gay....
I am gay, by default. In that case, heterosexuality is learned's not actually. Sexual orientation isn't learned. One doesn't choose one's sexual orientation or identity.
No you learned how to be gay, most likely because your dick is too small to satisfy a woman.
Fucking liar. I didn't learn to be gay....
I am gay, by default. In that case, heterosexuality is learned's not actually. Sexual orientation isn't learned. One doesn't choose one's sexual orientation or identity.

When did you first realize you were heterophobic?
No you learned how to be gay, most likely because your dick is too small to satisfy a woman.

Right. As if that made any sense. In case you hadn't gotten the men tend to be "swinging", and white men, in general, tend not to be; hence, the saying, "Once you go "black", you don't go back". I've been compared to a coke, unlessen coke bottles prove to be "unrealistic", I'd say I have no worries.
Sexual orientation is not learned behavior.

From Wiki :

Sexual orientation describes an enduring pattern of attraction—emotional, romantic, sexual, or some combination of these—to the opposite sex, the same sex, both, or neither, and the genders that accompany them. By the convention of organized researchers, these attractions are subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation also refers to a person's sense of "personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."[1][2] The term sexual preference largely overlaps with sexual orientation, but is distinguished in psychological research.[3] A person who identifies as bisexual, for example, may sexually prefer one sex over the other.[4] "Sexual preference" may also suggest a degree of voluntary choice, which is disputed in terms of sexual formation,[3] as current consensus among scholars is that sexual orientation is not a choice.[5][6][7]

No simple, single cause for sexual orientation has been conclusively demonstrated, but research suggests that it is by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences,[8] with biological factors involving a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[9]

Oops, and then there is this:

Scientists trying to sniff out biological differences between gay and straight men have found new evidence — in scent.

It turns out that sniffing a chemical from testosterone, the male sex hormone, causes a response in the sexual area of gay men's brains, just as it does in the brains of straight women, but not in the brains of straight men.

"It is one more piece of evidence ... that is showing that sexual orientation is not all learned," said Sandra Witelson, an expert on brain anatomy and sexual orientation at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

Apparently the data resulted from "clinical trials"....not opinion, as you suggest. I would recommend talking about things you have knowledge of, instead of things you don't. You would then not appear so stupid, and worse, ignorant. LOL
Right. As if that made any sense. In case you hadn't gotten the men tend to be "swinging"..
That's the story, anyway, but the facts speak otherwise for you.

Wiki isn't a reliable source for controversial subjects.