How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

That's the story, anyway, but the facts speak otherwise for you.

Wiki isn't a reliable source for controversial subjects.

Bitch, all you have is speculation...and short of me sending a picture of my dick, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Wiki isn't a reliable source...but CBSNews is. STupid bitch.
Because gay isn't normal moral natural or healthy and is learned behavior while folks are just born one race or another or mixed, duh.

That's your answer, and you claim to have a higher I.Q. than me? A high school student could have done better than that. Gay is normal for gays. Morality is relevant. Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays. And a clinician just stated in a link to a study that sexual orientation is not learned behavior. And since you don't have the credentials to dispute her findings, I'll side with her. "Folks are just born one race or another or mixed"?????????????????? Rocket science, not. You're dumber than dirt. LOL
Bitch, all you have is speculation...and short of me sending a picture of my dick, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Wiki isn't a reliable source...but CBSNews is. STupid bitch.

My speculation is based on your choice for sexual gratification: A vagina, or the much smaller anus.
That's your answer, and you claim to have a higher I.Q. than me? A high school student could have done better than that. Gay is normal for gays. Morality is relevant. Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays. And a clinician just stated in a link to a study that sexual orientation is not learned behavior. And since you don't have the credentials to dispute her findings, I'll side with her. "Folks are just born one race or another or mixed"?????????????????? Rocket science, not. You're dumber than dirt. LOL

Earth to Poet: IQ doesn't really change with age.

Morality isn't relative. Didn't you learn anything at church?
Damn Yankee, I'm through arguing with a fool. You're on ignore with the rest. You'll never convince me of anything, as I won't convince you. I'm leaving you where you are.
lol....actually, you don't get the right to define marriage......

Sez who. I defined for me. Who is going to say otherwise, that I should yield? The courts? Those can be overturned...and will be. Can't you see the writing on the wall?
Watch the dumb bitch say no.
Sez who. I defined for me. Who is going to say otherwise, that I should yield? The courts? Those can be overturned...and will be. Can't you see the writing on the wall?
Watch the dumb bitch say no.

of course you defined for you......and the rest of us looked away and went about our you're getting pissy and trying to get the courts to force us to pay attention to you........that's when it stops being amusing......if you want to play house, play house......don't annoy the rest of us......
of course you defined for you......and the rest of us looked away and went about our you're getting pissy and trying to get the courts to force us to pay attention to you........that's when it stops being amusing......if you want to play house, play house......don't annoy the rest of us......

Well, bitch, continue to look away. No one is trying to get the courts to force you to pay attention to us. Do you pay attention to the number of heterosexuals that wind up divorcing? Or that are involved in domestic violence? You could be less concerned. So, as we pursue equal rights and protection, under the law, "look the other way". Or exempt us from all taxation, as a class. We'll just whip out our "gay card", and be exempt from all taxes. Choose your poison. But don't mf'ing complain.
Poet, try taking your "certificate" to a hospital to obtain visitation rights, or an employer to obtain your partner's health care benefits, or to a probate court to obtain inheritance rights. Aren't those the issues that you gay marriage advocates champion? Suddenly they aren't important now, but a piece of paper is.
Thus your inclusion of all the definitions of its OLD common usage not the current common usage. It was only in the absence of an implicit ban (through sodomy laws) that heterosexuals suddenly decided to explicitly exclude same-sex couples.

Nonsense. Inclusion of the word "marriage" was an implicit ban before gays in the 70s got the idea that they wanted to marry. Just as use of the term "dog" licenses in our city ordinances, implicitly precludes dog licenses for cats, even though the term "dog" is not defined.

The issue is does society have the right to restrict the behavior of a group simply because the it disturbs the sensibilities of the majority. What are the detrimental effects of homosexual unions?

Nonsense, your "behavior" doesnt require tax breaks and governmental entitlements. What restrictions?
Clearly, it has. What a silly thing to just fabricate & say.

Lets see your evidence. Usually the gays point to their posterboys. Nero and Elagabalus. Nero, deballed his boyfriend, dressed him up to look like his ex wife and married him. Elagabbalus, who whored himself out to men in the Palace, also married his male slave. But, of course,

It should be noted, however, that conubium existed only between a civis Romanus and a civis Romana (that is, between a male Roman citizen and a female Roman citizen), so that a so-called marriage between two Roman males (or with a slave) would have no legal standing in Roman law (apart, presumably, from the arbitrary will of the emperor in the two aforementioned cases).[56] Furthermore, "matrimonium is an institution involving a mother, mater. The idea implicit in the word is that a man takes a woman in marriage, in matrimonium ducere, so that he may have children by her."
Lets see your evidence. Usually the gays point to their posterboys. Nero and Elagabalus. Nero, deballed his boyfriend, dressed him up to look like his ex wife and married him. Elagabbalus, who whored himself out to men in the Palace, also married his male slave. But, of course,

It should be noted, however, that conubium existed only between a civis Romanus and a civis Romana (that is, between a male Roman citizen and a female Roman citizen), so that a so-called marriage between two Roman males (or with a slave) would have no legal standing in Roman law (apart, presumably, from the arbitrary will of the emperor in the two aforementioned cases).[56] Furthermore, "matrimonium is an institution involving a mother, mater. The idea implicit in the word is that a man takes a woman in marriage, in matrimonium ducere, so that he may have children by her."
Posterboys? Nero and Elagabalus??? You're an idiot.
???....people suing the government to make it force me to do something isn't my business?.......keep it in your bedroom and out of the courthouse.....then it isn't my business.....

The courtroom isn't your business either. Don't like gay marriage, don't marry anybody gay. Otherwise, I'll be in your shit, calling you on the carpet, every time you open your mouth in the wrong way. Forcing you to do something? Like what? Roll your eyes? What a bitch. And when it's the law of the land, what will you do?