How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

You can spin it anyway you want; but it doesn't respond to the original post, regarding the 15 States.
Obviously you have nothing, regarding those 35 you keep mentioning, or else you would have presented it.
I just used your data against you, destroying your argument in the process. You shouldn't take it personally.
...but both are sexually deviant behaviors...

If you mean deviant from the "norm" - as defined by what the majority does - than that is true of homosexuality. But, that is also true of what many heterosexual couples do, as well.

Ergo, it's pretty irrelevant to the discussion.
If you mean deviant from the "norm" - as defined by what the majority does - than that is true of homosexuality. But, that is also true of what many heterosexual couples do, as well.

Ergo, it's pretty irrelevant to the discussion.

Heteros practice homosexuality with each other? Are you on crack?
So to be clear, you would rank homosexuality and bestiality as equally abhorrent.

I'm sorry....are you having trouble reading today?......there are five actions that are listed as equally wrong in scriptures.......sexual relations with someone of the same sex, bestiality, incest, human sacrifice and idolatry......making someone repeat what you could simply have reread is not the sixth, but it certainly is annoying.....
yes.....sexual relations with someone of the same sex....bestiality.....human sacrifice.....incest......that and idolatry are the five things condemned by God as being equally wrong.......

LOLOL. Hence, your feelings of self-righteousness and superiority over gays and lesbians. You fake Christians are a riot.
I'm sorry....are you having trouble reading today?......there are five actions that are listed as equally wrong in scriptures.......sexual relations with someone of the same sex, bestiality, incest, human sacrifice and idolatry......making someone repeat what you could simply have reread is not the sixth, but it certainly is annoying.....

Precisely what Scriptures, Chapter and verse?
Precisely what Scriptures, Chapter and verse?

I provided you with that in a previous refused to read it.....if you've changed your mind go back and attend to that.....I have no intention of spelling it all out for you again only to have you tell me you're ignoring me......otherwise, look it up for yourself....start with a Hebrew Interlinear, look up the verse that says sexual relations between persons of the same sex are "abominations", then look at the other four actions in which the scriptures use the same Hebrew word......I have hate to have you simply take my opinion on it......look at God's........
Abomination is an old word, a superstitious word - it is a word used by those who are filled with fear.

It is not the word of a timeless being who created everything that we know or can be known.
I'm sorry....are you having trouble reading today?......there are five actions that are listed as equally wrong in scriptures.......sexual relations with someone of the same sex, bestiality, incest, human sacrifice and idolatry......making someone repeat what you could simply have reread is not the sixth, but it certainly is annoying.....

I just wanted to be crystal clear so I didn't misrepresent you. So are those your personal views also or are you just quoting what the Bible says?
I provided you with that in a previous refused to read it.....if you've changed your mind go back and attend to that.....I have no intention of spelling it all out for you again only to have you tell me you're ignoring me......otherwise, look it up for yourself....start with a Hebrew Interlinear, look up the verse that says sexual relations between persons of the same sex are "abominations", then look at the other four actions in which the scriptures use the same Hebrew word......I have hate to have you simply take my opinion on it......look at God's........

No, that's okay. I'm quite familiar with the Bible and outside of Leviticus, Corinthians and Romans, there is no remote reference made to homosexuality. (Corinthians and Romans were authored by Paul, who is rumored to have been a repressed homosexual, himself, as well as a misogynist)

There are no passages in the Bible that deal directly with same-sex marriage (SSM). Like abortion access, followers of the Bible have had to develop a position on SSM by using biblical passages dealing with other, related topics:

Generally speaking:

Religious conservatives use their interpretation of the six "clobber passages" and of passages discussing opposite-sex marriage to condemn SSM.
Religious liberals use the Bible's general themes on same-sex relationships, love, and justice to argue that SSM is a human right.

Christ never spoke to the matter...seems like he was the final word, outside of Paul's embellishments. What you fail to acknowledge is the freedom to believe and practice one's religion as one sees fit...not according to your interpretation.
I cannot see how the way any religion looks at marriage has any bearing whatsoever on how a government that isn't allowed to pick and choose specific religions to force onto us sees marriage. The two are not even remotely related.

They have a right to believe as they will, and you have no right to force them to follow your beliefs using secular or religious laws. It's just not your business. If you believe it to be a sin, then don't do it. If they do not and you believe they are sinning, live with it. Unless there is a victim you have no place to interfere into the life of another, to try to force society to follow the will of your God through legislation is simply wrong. To try to "teach" them what is "normal" through social engineering laws is equally wrong.