How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Please find where God has said anything about homosexuality.

come on, Poet....I've told you where to find it three times already.....your answer is that you'd rather get the Word from Bruce......that's fine, but don't waste my time asking again......
And there is no proof that there wasn't very well, people with delusions, or with voices in their heads, proclaiming that God was talking to them, as now. You propose to know the mind of God. and further, to speak for him. I find that to be the epitome of blasphemy. You are no one. You know nothing. And you most certainly don't speak for God. Folks have personal relationships with God, without your assistance.

it's a difficult path you follow, poet......if you disregard what is said in one place because it's just "folks hearing voices in their heads", how can you claim the rest of it isn't as well?.....I make no claim to be able to speak for God.....I offered you the opportunity to look at what he's said to've chosen to let Bruce speak to you for God instead......based on Bruce's capabilities, you'd have better luck relying on Legion......
Of course...but it's not your call. Why can't you seem to get that single solitary fact.

primarily because I'm not claiming it's my call.....I'm pointing out it's God's call and you're claiming God hasn't made a call.......when I offered to show it to you, even let you find it for yourself, you refused.....that isn't ME being arrogant, poet......
come on, Poet....I've told you where to find it three times already.....your answer is that you'd rather get the Word from Bruce......that's fine, but don't waste my time asking again......

Oh, don't worry...the next time you mention it, I'll simply remember to ignore your nonsense. I could tell you where to find the gold at the end of the rainbow...doesn't mean that it's there. It's your own Private Idaho, not mine. Get that. Or not.
it's a difficult path you follow, poet......if you disregard what is said in one place because it's just "folks hearing voices in their heads", how can you claim the rest of it isn't as well?.....I make no claim to be able to speak for God.....I offered you the opportunity to look at what he's said to've chosen to let Bruce speak to you for God instead......based on Bruce's capabilities, you'd have better luck relying on Legion......

Uh, I drew the same conclusions as Bruce. As others have. Religions splinter into sects which believe different things. Should the Seventh-Day Adventists chide the Catholics for believing, say, Transfiguration, if they don't? And you, on the other hand have chosen, most demonstratively, to "speak for God", and think nothing of it. You can't do that...without committing the most egregious sin. Which you are willing to excuse, at the expense of pointing fingers at me. You couldn't be more confused or misguided.
Who are you to demean Bruce, me or anyone else. I leave you free to believe whatever.....allow me the self same consideration.
Uh, I drew the same conclusions as Bruce. As others have. Religions splinter into sects which believe different things. Should the Seventh-Day Adventists chide the Catholics for believing, say, Transfiguration, if they don't? And you, on the other hand have chosen, most demonstratively, to "speak for God", and think nothing of it. You can't do that...without committing the most egregious sin. Which you are willing to excuse, at the expense of pointing fingers at me. You couldn't be more confused or misguided.
Who are you to demean Bruce, me or anyone else. I leave you free to believe whatever.....allow me the self same consideration.

I've always been willing to let you believe whatever you want to believe......I merely speak up when someone says "the Bible says this" when it so obviously doesn't......which by the way, is why I demean Bruce......but as you say, you are free to refuse to go look, as you've repeatedly done......
I've always been willing to let you believe whatever you want to believe......I merely speak up when someone says "the Bible says this" when it so obviously doesn't......which by the way, is why I demean Bruce......but as you say, you are free to refuse to go look, as you've repeatedly done......

Thank you. The "rub", lies in interpretation, which, oftentimes is "open". You have no right or valid reason to demean Bruce, me, or anyone. You only think that you do.
You want to project and espouse what you think it means, and what you construe as what "God says". Your only commentary to my beliefs and views should be, "oh, my, I don't agree", or "that's nice". I don't need for you or anyone here, to tell me just how wrong I am. Let me meet my maker and present my case, please. You'll have your hands full, presenting your own case. Which is why folks should mind their own business, lest they be "ill-prepared", when the time cometh. Selah.
You have no right or valid reason to demean Bruce
I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong......everyone in the world has a valid reason to demean Bruce, he's a fucking idiot who's fooled an entire country into thinking he knows his ass from Thessalonians.....

You want to project and espouse what you think it means, and what you construe as what "God says".
no, I have invited YOU to look at what God've refused......don't lie about what's been going on.....
I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong......everyone in the world has a valid reason to demean Bruce, he's a fucking idiot who's fooled an entire country into thinking he knows his ass from Thessalonians.....

no, I have invited YOU to look at what God've refused......don't lie about what's been going on.....

And you are way too many things: insane, arrogant, self-righteous, grandstanding, morally and ethically corrupt, among other things. Of course you have to have proof for your claims. I'll wait and see if you can produce any, other than your opinion, biased and agenda-laden as it is.

What God has said? God has said very little, save for the words attributed to Christ Jesus, directly or indirectly. Fallible men, who claim to be "divinely inspired", and the folks who bought into it, claim to know the mindset of God, and use it to "speak for God". Just like in a court of law, hearsay is not admissible. We gain insight by discernment. My discernment is not yours, and vice versa. Until you get into some acceptance about that reality, you're stuck in your own pathetic delusional universe.
I try to acknowledge God and his role in my life, ev'ry day. I don't always look to the Bible to inform me of my personal relationship with God. I pray and have prayed. Many of my prayers have been answered. He has caused the impossible to be possible. So, I hardly need the likes of you, telling me what God said, what you think he said, how he said it, and what he meant. Get on with your life, and stop trying to control the lives of others. You can't control yours, obviously.

K. Glover "katyg" (Michigan) - See all my reviews
(REAL NAME) Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: UNFAIR: Why the "Christian" View of Gays Doesn't Work (Kindle Edition)
I haven't read the whole book, because I just purchased it this morning. However, I flipped to the last chapter, where John and his wife Catherine present the whole case: why Christians are wrong for persecuting gays, and the REASON Paul condemned homosexuality. All of this is BACKED UP BY SCRIPTURE, so if you want to say "That's not what the Bible says," then you are WRONG.
The case presented here is so clear, so logical, it's impossible to argue. Christians like to cherry-pick their scriptures to fit their cause, but this essay makes you think of the Bible as a whole, and does NOT ALLOW you to do that. Incredible, really.

I'll update as I read from the beginning, but this book is SO WORTH your ten bucks, even if the only chapter you read is the last one.

Guess what my next book purchased will be?- poet
I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong......everyone in the world has a valid reason to demean Bruce, he's a fucking idiot who's fooled an entire country into thinking he knows his ass from Thessalonians.....

no, I have invited YOU to look at what God've refused......don't lie about what's been going on.....

dismissed, yet victorious.....

Really? You're starting to sound like DY, who thinks that putting folks on ignore, somehow, means that they have won (something).....when it simply means that I'm not putting up with nonsense, lies, subterfuge, and "smoke and mirrors". You, like him, and Alias, feel that your opinions carry weight, and providing evidence for your claims is not necessary, and by evidence I mean an unbiased, mainstream source...not some link to some obscure site or source which is steeped in ideology and right wing propaganda.
You so easily dismiss, while I'm supposed to give credence to your "Hebrew Interlinear". My partner studied Hebrew along with other languages at his if there's anything I need to confirm, I merely have to take a few steps. Enjoy your pyrrhic victory. Bitch.
Really? You're starting to sound like DY, who thinks that putting folks on ignore, somehow, means that they have won (something).....when it simply means that I'm not putting up with nonsense, lies, subterfuge, and "smoke and mirrors". You, like him, and Alias, feel that your opinions carry weight, and providing evidence for your claims is not necessary, and by evidence I mean an unbiased, mainstream source...not some link to some obscure site or source which is steeped in ideology and right wing propaganda.
You so easily dismiss, while I'm supposed to give credence to your "Hebrew Interlinear". My partner studied Hebrew along with other languages at his if there's anything I need to confirm, I merely have to take a few steps. Enjoy your pyrrhic victory. Bitch.

apparently you haven't taken those steps.....I am claiming victory because I have provided evidence of everything I have said, regardless of the fact you are afraid to look at it, it is on the other hand have tried to support your claim with the theocratic brilliance of a guy with a four year degree in engineering and now with the expertise of someone you obviously haven't even want an unbiased, mainstream source?.....I offered you the chance to look at the unvarnished, untainted, and untranslated Hebrew text.....I'm not sure what your looking for beyond that......well, that's not true, I know what you're looking for......something you can hide behind and keep lying to yourself.......good luck with that....