How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Excuse me, but the only "words of God" are outlined "in red", as the words of Jesus Christ. Everything else is "hearsay". The Bible may or may not be "divinely inspired", but the one thing we do know is God, didn't sit down at a typewriter or issue tape recordings....he spoke to the hearts and minds of men, if at all....fallible men, who invariably, misread, misinterpreted, got the message lost in translation, and changed wording to empower themselves ....they were, after all, "human" and subject to the "human condition".
To be accurate...the word of God, "filtered by men". If someone had thought the word of God to be important (in the OT) , they would have outlined God speaking in red, as well.

The Torah was revealed to Moses directly from God. It states that your behavior is an abomination.
And your reference to a grown black man, as a boy, is a racial pejorative, reflective of your racism....

As predicted, exactly, in my post 776:


Prediction: Poet will again trounce on my use of the word "boy" to justify his allegation of racism. Yet he has given me license to use the term "queer boy" since he has exhibited his sexism and hate against females by calling me "girl". /COLOR
Telling the Truth is not intolerance. You and Poet are intolerant of those who tell it.

By what authority do you cite "truth"? The Bible? The Bible instructs folks not to hate...and that is your M.O., so that can't be it?
White privilege? Perhaps. You think you have license to do and say anything that you want, because you have white skin.
White skin can be ripped off just like black skin. And underneath is all red. So, actually, that can't be it, either.
White superiority and supremacy . That must be it. You're feelings of superiority, derived from the notion that God favors white people and placed them in charge. Disregarding what you had to do, to be the boss. Incest, murder and rape. There's your truth.
By what authority do you cite "truth"? The Bible? The Bible instructs folks not to hate...and that is your M.O., so that can't be it?
White privilege? Perhaps. You think you have license to do and say anything that you want, because you have white skin.
White skin can be ripped off just like black skin. And underneath is all red. So, actually, that can't be it, either.
White superiority and supremacy . That must be it. You're feelings of superiority, derived from the notion that God favors white people and placed them in charge. Disregarding what you had to do, to be the boss. Incest, murder and rape. There's your truth.

It has nothing to do with the color of skin or ink. It's simply The Truth.
The Torah was revealed to Moses directly from God. It states that your behavior is an abomination.

The Torah is the primary holy scripture of Judaism.
While Christianity includes the five books of Moses (the Pentateuch) among their sacred texts, in its Old Testament, Islam believes that only the original Torah was sent by the One true God. In both religions they lack the religious legal significance that they have in Orthodox Judaism.

Concerning "abomination":

Concerning behavior:

And I'm not a Jew. The Torah is for Jews, not Christians.
It has nothing to do with the color of skin or ink. It's simply The Truth.

It's not the truth. And your problem lies in "proof". You have no proof outside of your opinion. You calling it the truth, is not good enough. Find proof, that I may dismantle it, line by line. Word for word. But we know how you handle claiming, "You first"...Girl, Ms. got a weak hand. My hand is full of trumps. LOL
As predicted, exactly, in my post 776:


Prediction: Poet will again trounce on my use of the word "boy" to justify his allegation of racism. Yet he has given me license to use the term "queer boy" since he has exhibited his sexism and hate against females by calling me "girl". /COLOR

LOL. And?

The Torah is the primary holy scripture of Judaism.
While Christianity includes the five books of Moses (the Pentateuch) among their sacred texts, in its Old Testament, Islam believes that only the original Torah was sent by the One true God. In both religions they lack the religious legal significance that they have in Orthodox Judaism.

Concerning "abomination":

Concerning behavior:

And I'm not a Jew. The Torah is for Jews, not Christians.

But what about this?

The Noahide Dinim Sub-Laws

7 "Against [a man] lying carnally with a male."
Negative Mitzvah 350
Leviticus 18:22 "Do not have a relationship with a male as you would with a woman"

The noahide laws are for everybody else right?
and just to save time. is not a bunch of stupid christians who just love hate misinterpreting things. It's rabbis! Soylent green is rabbis!

Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen
North America

Rabbi Dr. Shimon D. Cowen
Australia / Far East

Rabbi Dovid Klapman
Europe / Middle East

Rabbi Boaz Kali

Rab. Moshe Paim
South America

Rabbi Yakov Roglsky
Noahide Writer

Rabbi Yoseph Y Keller
Noahide Scholar
To clarify im not anti-gay. I just think people should reject religion for it's bigotry and totalitarianism instead of trying to whitewash it temporarily for propaganda reasons. It should all be rejected totally, poet. why are you helping them spin their momentary lies of convenience?
It's not the truth. And your problem lies in "proof". You have no proof outside of your opinion. You calling it the truth, is not good enough. Find proof, that I may dismantle it, line by line. Word for word. But we know how you handle claiming, "You first"...Girl, Ms. got a weak hand. My hand is full of trumps. LOL
The Bible is the ultimate trump card. I win.

in this instance, Bruce substitutes a different Hebrew word for the Hebrew word used to describe homosexual relations.....a completely different word is used to describe the eating of shellfish.....this may be intentional, or it may be because Bruce doesn't not know Hebrew.....either way, no one should pay any attention to this article, because it is deceptive......don't take my word for it.........for verification, use a Hebrew Interlinear, available online and view the words actually used in these texts.....
By what authority do you cite "truth"? The Bible? The Bible instructs folks not to hate...and that is your M.O., so that can't be it?
White privilege? Perhaps. You think you have license to do and say anything that you want, because you have white skin.
White skin can be ripped off just like black skin. And underneath is all red. So, actually, that can't be it, either.
White superiority and supremacy . That must be it. You're feelings of superiority, derived from the notion that God favors white people and placed them in charge. Disregarding what you had to do, to be the boss. Incest, murder and rape. There's your truth.

Now you sound like a Phariseee....."By what authority" blah, blah, blah. You don't get it, Mr. Wolf in sheep's clothing. There are posters on this forum who actually know the scriptures and what Christianity really is. You've been exposed. You're a liar and a fraud. The bible instructs us to tell the truth and not to lie. You are a liar. You don't know the truth. You're in bondage and controlled by the reprobate life you live.

But what about this?

The Noahide Dinim Sub-Laws

7 "Against [a man] lying carnally with a male."
Negative Mitzvah 350
Leviticus 18:22 "Do not have a relationship with a male as you would with a woman"

The noahide laws are for everybody else right?

Never heard of them....and Leviticus isn't relevant. The Torah was the code for ancient Hebrews...not for modern day Christians.
To clarify im not anti-gay. I just think people should reject religion for it's bigotry and totalitarianism instead of trying to whitewash it temporarily for propaganda reasons. It should all be rejected totally, poet. why are you helping them spin their momentary lies of convenience?

I say practice your faith as you see fit...and God will be the judge, at the end. But no one gets off telling another, how crappy he or she is in practicing their faith.