How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

USF's opinion of you is just as valid as the opinions from your wiki article.

Really? Well, what you can do is to post a link or a source, refuting Wiki, which, of course, no one has ever done. Least of all, you. USF? LOL. His only saving grace is his tolerant stance on gays and gay marriage. Other than that, I have no need for him, or for you, for that matter. Next? really got me that time!


I do declare...NOBODY whips up a witty yet stinging rebuke like our resident Mensa Candidate...DumbMunkee!


It must have taken him HOURS to come up with such an ORIGINAL retort!


Total irony yet again. Here's a clue Zippy: my post was not a retort, since I didn't reply to you. Look up the word and learn that before you use it so you don't look like such a fool next time.
Really? Well, what you can do is to post a link or a source, refuting Wiki, which, of course, no one has ever done. Least of all, you. USF? LOL. His only saving grace is his tolerant stance on gays and gay marriage. Other than that, I have no need for him, or for you, for that matter. Next?
Its not up to me to refute what you have yet to prove, queer boy. really got me that time!


I do declare...NOBODY whips up a witty yet stinging rebuke like our resident Mensa Candidate...DumbMunkee!


It must have taken him HOURS to come up with such an ORIGINAL retort!


ZG, whenever DY is stumped for a retort, he always goes for the "gay insult". Next he'll be linking you and I, in a room. It's always the sexual identity-challenged that obsess with the possibility of others being gay, when it's a non sequitur. He gives himself away, every time. Tell Ms. Thing to run along. LOL
Its not up to me to refute what you have yet to prove, queer boy.

Pure irony, at its' best. Wiki, by most accounts, is a reputable by referencing it, I have proved my point. You have yet to refute it, because you can't.
And I'm gay...your daddy was queer, and your mama was a hooker. And I haven't been a "boy" in 42 years. Racist. Bigot.
Like your "girlie" insult gives me license to call you queer boy, your "gay" insult gives me license to use it against your friends.
Pure irony, at its' best. Wiki, by most accounts, is a reputable by referencing it, I have proved my point. You have yet to refute it, because you can't.
And I'm gay...your daddy was queer, and your mama was a hooker.

It's not reputable at all on controversial subjects since anyone with a valid email address can post or change an article there.

You are gay and therefore are destined to hell, your daddy was a sperm donor and I'm sure that your mother was very disappointed in both of you.
Like your "girlie" insult gives me license to call you queer boy, your "gay" insult gives me license to use it against your friends.

Bitch, you've lost the little mind you once could lay claim to. Are you inventing your own laws and rules and regulations? You have no license for anything. And I didn't give it to you.
You act like a little bitch, so I call you one. You backbite, gossip and whine like a girl, so I call you one. It's not an insult, really, when you label me as's just reduced to a pejorative, because you claim to be "straight" (which I know you're not)...keep calling me such, and I'll keep calling you such. Doesn't faze me. I know it pushes your buttons. LOL.
Bitch, you've lost the little mind you once could lay claim to. Are you inventing your own laws and rules and regulations? You have no license for anything. And I didn't give it to you.
You act like a little bitch, so I call you one. You backbite, gossip and whine like a girl, so I call you one. It's not an insult, really, when you label me as's just reduced to a pejorative, because you claim to be "straight" (which I know you're not)...keep calling me such, and I'll keep calling you such. Doesn't faze me. I know it pushes your buttons. LOL.
You're acting like a queer boy so I call you queer boy, nincompoop.
It's not reputable at all on controversial subjects since anyone with a valid email address can post or change an article there.

You are gay and therefore are destined to hell, your daddy was a sperm donor and I'm sure that your mother was very disappointed in both of you.

Perhaps, which is why you're free and welcome to provide further references and links, "refuting it", (which you have never done) until you do, it stands as reputable point of reference.
And since you don't run anything, we don't have to take your word for anything.

You don't know anything about me, personally, that I have not speculate until cows come home. You can't prove Hell exists. And you've never witnessed anyone going to Hell, so you don't know what you're talking about. Let's talk about your queer daddy and your hooker mama.
Not interested. You're wasting your time trying to convince me you are anywhere near right.

of course I am wasting my time on you.......doesn't change the fact Bruce is either a liar or an incompetent poser, however.....and others among our readers may not be afraid to find out the truth......
For example: I remember, when I was younger, being taught that Adam asked why he, out of all that God created, had no one. God then caused Adam to go into a deep sleep, removed a rib, and formed Eve from it. (Not exactly as written).
Now all I can find is: God created Adam and Eve.

??....have you looked in Genesis 2?'s still there....
Delmonica, why don't you come on out and use the n-word? You know you want to. There are no boys, 59 years of age. Even you as a KKK'er should know that.
I did use the n word. It was what you responded to, queer boy. And sorry, but I don't belong to that terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.
of course I am wasting my time on you.......doesn't change the fact Bruce is either a liar or an incompetent poser, however.....and others among our readers may not be afraid to find out the truth......

LOLOLOL. You overestimate your positions and opinions. Just because you believe gay marriage to be inviolate, and gays to be sinners beyond reproach, hardly means that the forum members here agree with you. Several may, many more, I believe do not. Folks claim that the moon is made of green cheese. Folks claim lots of things. Doesn't mean that there is an iota of truth to it. You think "Bruce" is a liar, you're entitled to believe that. I, and others who think like me, are entitled to take his word as august, if we so choose.
The Tea Party displays propaganda it believes to be the truth. I liken you to it. Riotously funny and sad, at the same time.
I did use the n word. It was what you responded to, queer boy. And sorry, but I don't belong to that terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

Oh, come now. You know, good and well, which "n-word", we're talking about...and it isn't "nincompoop". And you're confused. There are no KKK'ers who profess to be Democrats anymore...they all fled the party, in the 70's for the Republican Party, where they now reside. There and the Tea Party. Find one KKK member who aligns himself with the Democratic Party, the stronghold of blacks, and minorities, whom they despise. LOL.