How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

in this instance, Bruce substitutes a different Hebrew word for the Hebrew word used to describe homosexual relations.....a completely different word is used to describe the eating of shellfish.....this may be intentional, or it may be because Bruce doesn't not know Hebrew.....either way, no one should pay any attention to this article, because it is deceptive......don't take my word for it.........for verification, use a Hebrew Interlinear, available online and view the words actually used in these texts.....

Not interested. You're wasting your time trying to convince me you are anywhere near right.
I say practice your faith as you see fit...and God will be the judge, at the end. But no one gets off telling another, how crappy he or she is in practicing their faith.

Just because someone practices a certain faith doesnt mean they can change what words mean.
I've called you Ms. Thing, and friggin what. Boy? I just turned 59 on Christmas Eve...and haven't been a boy for 42 years. I don't have to justify anything. You do.
And your reference to a grown black man, as a boy, is a racial pejorative, reflective of your racism. And me, calling you out, for your failure to act and perform as a grown man, and displaying all of the negative traits of a woman, and ofttimes, "a girl", is no sexism or misogyny on my part. I revere women. But all women are not to be revered. Some are sluts, and know....your kind of people. So don't be inventing stories about me. I called you out. There are women in my friends list, who respect me as I do them. Like I said, you and the truth are in separate rooms.

Do you even realize that your postings, presetations, comments, assertions, generalizations, assumptions, etc. are nothing more then mirror images of what the "other side" puts out there.

Two peas in a pod.
Just because someone practices a certain faith doesnt mean they can change what words mean.

A lot is open to interpretation. And I'm free to practice my faith as I see fit. Again, you're attempting to control or direct traffic...which is inappropriate.
Against my better judgement and I'll probably catch flak from both sides; but here we go.

It is my opinion that the "word of God" was given to man, in a way he could understand it.
You don't send a rocket scientist to a 1st grade class and talk like a college professor.

Man has "re-written" the Bible many times, over the centuries.
For example: I remember, when I was younger, being taught that Adam asked why he, out of all that God created, had no one. God then caused Adam to go into a deep sleep, removed a rib, and formed Eve from it. (Not exactly as written).
Now all I can find is: God created Adam and Eve.

Regarding Noah and the ark.
Do I think the entire world was flooded.
NO; but I do believe that the "world" that Noah knew WAS flooded.
You have to remember that most people never knew much outside of the area where they were born and lived.

Do I believe that God created everything in 6 days.
NO; but try explaining million of years, let alone billions of years, to people who had no grasp of the concept.

I could go into this more; but hopefully those of intelligence will get the gist of what I'm trying to say.
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Uh, if anyone would be accused of being a pedophile, it would be you. The only thing children can do for me is to stay out of my way.
You missed the point entirely. You justified your position by referencing someone's opinion. That's why you lost yet another debate.
So things you've never heard of are irrelevant? What a wonderful inquisitive and open mind you have there. not. cretin.

Sugar plum, you're the one, aptly named AzzHat Zombie. LOL.
And I'm quite "well-read" and knowledgeable...and if I haven't heard of it, in these, lo, 59 years, it's hardly mainstream or relevant.
I say practice your faith as you see fit...and God will be the judge, at the end. But no one gets off telling another, how crappy he or she is in practicing their faith.

AMEN my friend!

Couldn't have said it better myself and it's very telling isn't it, that USF would groan you for such a comment.

Obviously he believes he's got a right to be telling other how they should practice their religion...of course now he'll deny ever believing that despite what his groan implies and will then begin dodging questions and lying to cover his ass.
AMEN my friend!

Couldn't have said it better myself and it's very telling isn't it, that USF would groan you for such a comment.

Obviously he believes he's got a right to be telling other how they should practice their religion...of course now he'll deny ever believing that despite what his groan implies and will then begin dodging questions and lying to cover his ass.
Thanks, ZG. USF groans my every post...which is creepy and bizarre, but I just consider the source.
What does the first amendment mean, if not practicing one's religion, be it Zen Buddhism, or witchcraft, as one sees fit? How dare someone tell someone else what to believe or how to practice. From AHZ to DY, they hardly can manage themselves, let alone trying to manage others. I say fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. They can all kiss my natural black ass.