How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

apparently you haven't taken those steps.....I am claiming victory because I have provided evidence of everything I have said, regardless of the fact you are afraid to look at it, it is on the other hand have tried to support your claim with the theocratic brilliance of a guy with a four year degree in engineering and now with the expertise of someone you obviously haven't even want an unbiased, mainstream source?.....I offered you the chance to look at the unvarnished, untainted, and untranslated Hebrew text.....I'm not sure what your looking for beyond that......well, that's not true, I know what you're looking for......something you can hide behind and keep lying to yourself.......good luck with that....

Once again, my reality is not yours, and yours is not mine. I am not fact, I'm out in the open. And I'm in the 15th year of my recovery, and sobriety is based on honesty. I stopped lying to myself, 16 years ago. You?
then why won't you read it?

Because it's not for me. I know, by now, you can't fathom where I'm coming from. And I really don't care. You're simply dense, and it's not my problem.
I'm on a different own. You want me to accept what you believe....and you refuse to accept that what you believe is not reality or truth for myself and others. So you persist in attempting to convince me that you're right and I'm wrong. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I, long ago, said you were insane....and you keep proving it.
your claim you're concerned about what the Scriptures say......I'm showing everyone else that you aren't............
your claim you're concerned about what the Scriptures say......I'm showing everyone else that you aren't............

How fucked up can you possibly be? No one friggin' cares what you believe or what I believe. Dr. Ron Smothermon, in his self-help tome, "Winning Through Enlightenment", says of the mind, "it has only two purposes, survival and being right , at the expense of making others wrong. To these ends, it will do most anything." You're living proof of that. Truth is not found in your opinion, beliefs, judgments, positions, or justifications. You need all of those things for what is not true. Truth has weight, and doesn't need your belief of it, to be true. It's true, despite your beliefs.
So you go right ahead, and show everyone how faulty and wrong I am...No one, but you, gives a shit.
The truth is, that all gays go to hell.

Hearsay. Have you stood at the gates of Hell and watched who entered? No, you have you're speculating again, about something you have no direct knowledge of.
You and the truth, don't occupy the same space.
DY is Fred Phelps! I knew he sounded familiar...

He's a racist, bigoted homophobe with sexual identity issues. Folks that are supposedly "straight" that are "obsessed" with "all things gay", are either indulging in self-hate, because of their inability to accept their own gayness, or so insecure about their own orientation that they have to "over-compensate", lest they be identified as "gay".
Straight men.....really "straight men", are not bothered in the least by gays or homosexuality, because they know it doesn't mean anything about them.
I mean do atheists cause Christians grief? Do wives go nuts over their husbands watching football? (Get you a hobby) Is anyone jealous of child molesters? If it's not your thing...outside of criminality, is anyone bothered? No, they are not.
Hearsay. Have you stood at the gates of Hell and watched who entered? No, you have you're speculating again, about something you have no direct knowledge of.
You and the truth, don't occupy the same space.
I read the Bible. The Word of God isn't "hearsay".
How fucked up can you possibly be? No one friggin' cares what you believe or what I believe. Dr. Ron Smothermon, in his self-help tome, "Winning Through Enlightenment", says of the mind, "it has only two purposes, survival and being right , at the expense of making others wrong. To these ends, it will do most anything." You're living proof of that. Truth is not found in your opinion, beliefs, judgments, positions, or justifications. You need all of those things for what is not true. Truth has weight, and doesn't need your belief of it, to be true. It's true, despite your beliefs.
So you go right ahead, and show everyone how faulty and wrong I am...No one, but you, gives a shit.

and you think someone cares what Ron Smothermon believes?, I'm not asking you to accept my opinion......all I've suggested is that you look at the original language of the have made it obvious that you will never do that.....even that is fine.....just don't ever start a thread again about what the Bible says about are afraid to even look at what the Bible says about homosexuality......I could care less about you being a homosexual.....I'm just pointing out how faulty and wrong you are about the Bible.......
He's a racist, bigoted homophobe with sexual identity issues....
Oh look, more baseless accusations, personal attacks, and a queer boy using gay an an insult.

Prediction: Poet will again trounce on my use of the word "boy" to justify his allegation of racism. Yet he has given me license to use the term "queer boy" since he has exhibited his sexism and hate against females by calling me "girl".
I read the Bible. The Word of God isn't "hearsay".

Excuse me, but the only "words of God" are outlined "in red", as the words of Jesus Christ. Everything else is "hearsay". The Bible may or may not be "divinely inspired", but the one thing we do know is God, didn't sit down at a typewriter or issue tape recordings....he spoke to the hearts and minds of men, if at all....fallible men, who invariably, misread, misinterpreted, got the message lost in translation, and changed wording to empower themselves ....they were, after all, "human" and subject to the "human condition".
To be accurate...the word of God, "filtered by men". If someone had thought the word of God to be important (in the OT) , they would have outlined God speaking in red, as well.
Oh look, more baseless accusations, personal attacks, and a queer boy using gay an an insult.

Prediction: Poet will again trounce on my use of the word "boy" to justify his allegation of racism. Yet he has given me license to use the term "queer boy" since he has exhibited his sexism and hate against females by calling me "girl".

I've called you Ms. Thing, and friggin what. Boy? I just turned 59 on Christmas Eve...and haven't been a boy for 42 years. I don't have to justify anything. You do.
And your reference to a grown black man, as a boy, is a racial pejorative, reflective of your racism. And me, calling you out, for your failure to act and perform as a grown man, and displaying all of the negative traits of a woman, and ofttimes, "a girl", is no sexism or misogyny on my part. I revere women. But all women are not to be revered. Some are sluts, and know....your kind of people. So don't be inventing stories about me. I called you out. There are women in my friends list, who respect me as I do them. Like I said, you and the truth are in separate rooms.