How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Abomination is an old word, a superstitious word - it is a word used by those who are filled with fear.

It is not the word of a timeless being who created everything that we know or can be known.

true enough.....the word of a timeless being who created everything that we know or can be known was delivered in Hebrew.....
No, that's okay. I'm quite familiar with the Bible and outside of Leviticus, Corinthians and Romans, there is no remote reference made to homosexuality. (Corinthians and Romans were authored by Paul, who is rumored to have been a repressed homosexual, himself, as well as a misogynist)

There are no passages in the Bible that deal directly with same-sex marriage (SSM). Like abortion access, followers of the Bible have had to develop a position on SSM by using biblical passages dealing with other, related topics:

Generally speaking:

Religious conservatives use their interpretation of the six "clobber passages" and of passages discussing opposite-sex marriage to condemn SSM.
Religious liberals use the Bible's general themes on same-sex relationships, love, and justice to argue that SSM is a human right.

Christ never spoke to the matter...seems like he was the final word, outside of Paul's embellishments. What you fail to acknowledge is the freedom to believe and practice one's religion as one sees fit...not according to your interpretation.

don't waste your time reading what Bruce thinks......go to the Hebrew interlinear and see what the original text of the OT says......that way you don't have to rely on my interpretation or your own.....particularly, you won't waste your time on Bruce's..........

true, you have the right to practice your religion as you see matters nothing if I disagree with becomes problematic though, if God disagrees with you.....

you point out there is no reference to homosexual activity outside Leviticus {and Paul who we know you don't like}......however, the reference to homosexual activity in Leviticus is negative, is it not?.....
You are like a slippery eel at times. I know it comes from scripture, you've said that enough already. What I want to know is your personal opinion.

I am not inclined to argue with if you can somehow convince me that this is NOT what he said, then you might have an argument worth listening to......
So now we are getting to it. You think, because the Old Testament says so, that homosexuality and bestiality are no different and should be abhorred equally.

?????.....with the exception (I'm not sure if you're intentionally misrepresenting it or if is simply ignorance regarding the difference) that I keep typing homosexual activity and you keep typing homosexuality.....beyond that, does this come as a surprise to you that I believe the Bible should be used as a standard for living?......I've been saying the same thing for as long as I can remember.......
Well bestiality is illegal, even in your neck of the woods, homosexuality is not.

and is it your argument that all of our laws accurately reflect Biblical instruction?.......the fact that the laws of a secular state permit something doesn't make it a wise moral choice......after all, our laws also permit us to kill our unborn children.....
I just used your data against you, destroying your argument in the process. You shouldn't take it personally.

You didn't destroy anything, except the last shreds of believability, that you may have had left.
The only one who appears to be taking it personally, is you. :)
lol, of course I do.....however, I am not foolish enough to believe we can compel God by a majority you think that if enough people want to say gays can marry that God will change his mind?......

I don't believe that God wrote the bibles and scriptures, they were written by man. I also believe that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that exists in nature amongst primates who have never read the "sacred texts". Finally I believe that we are nothing more than advanced primates that have ideas and pretensions above our station and somehow believe we are something special primarily because we know no better, religion is no more than a sophisticated version of a Pacific cargo cult.
don't waste your time reading what Bruce thinks......go to the Hebrew interlinear and see what the original text of the OT says......that way you don't have to rely on my interpretation or your own.....particularly, you won't waste your time on Bruce's..........

true, you have the right to practice your religion as you see matters nothing if I disagree with becomes problematic though, if God disagrees with you.....

you point out there is no reference to homosexual activity outside Leviticus {and Paul who we know you don't like}......however, the reference to homosexual activity in Leviticus is negative, is it not?.....

No thanks, I'll stick with what Bruce thinks. And who's to say if God disagrees with me or not? You? I rather think that God speaks to everyone's heart, that is open to hearing. And so far, so good...I believe with my whole heart that in spite of you, in spite of me, God allowed for me to be with my partner, out of impossible circumstances that only he could have paved the way for.

Leviticus is null and void. as it was rules, provided for the survival and cohesiveness of the Hebrews. It is not a message or a template for Christians. Everything is laid out in the ministry and the words attributed to Jesus Christ. Just like I take the account provided for in Genesis with a grain of salt...likewise, I submit that everything that you read in the Bible, it ain't necessarily so.
lol, of course I do.....however, I am not foolish enough to believe we can compel God by a majority you think that if enough people want to say gays can marry that God will change his mind?......

Please find where God has said anything about homosexuality. God spoke to few people, if to any. And there is no proof that there wasn't very well, people with delusions, or with voices in their heads, proclaiming that God was talking to them, as now. You propose to know the mind of God. and further, to speak for him. I find that to be the epitome of blasphemy. You are no one. You know nothing. And you most certainly don't speak for God. Folks have personal relationships with God, without your assistance.
I don't believe that God wrote the bibles and scriptures, they were written by man. I also believe that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that exists in nature amongst primates who have never read the "sacred texts". Finally I believe that we are nothing more than advanced primates that have ideas and pretensions above our station and somehow believe we are something special primarily because we know no better, religion is no more than a sophisticated version of a Pacific cargo cult.

that's nice....however, you asked me about my opinion and I gave you my answer....the fact you have a different opinion doesn't change my answer.....