How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

lol, well.....if it doesn't get any worse that what I've seen so far, I can handle it.......

campaign to get stupid laws removed.......

Well, your bitch ass will have its' work cut out for you. We're not going back on civil rights...we won't be going back on gay rights, as well.
Dude are you on crack? You told me that there were 15 that did not. Since there were 50 states in 1967, that means that there were 35 that did.

But then, I was talking about the 15 States that the 1967 decission forced their State laws to be changed.
If you have something of signifigance, please bring it forward.
Well, your bitch ass will have its' work cut out for you. We're not going back on civil rights...we won't be going back on gay rights, as well.

I agree....we won't be going back on civil rights.....however, since you have no right to be "married" to another person of the same sex, it won't be "going back".....
No doubt to you they are the same thing.

Tom, honestly, I'm not perturbed. It's the girls with the most baggage, kinks and skeletons that point more fingers at everyone else. Baby, we don't have the time necessary for her "laundry list".
And youre a cum guzzling man whore. Got anything relvant to the topic of discussion?

No, that would be your mother. I'm in a monogamous, committed relationship with a man, 21 years my junior, for 10 years. We were married in a civil mass ceremony, Feb 2003.
Got anything to negate it?
50-15=35, apparently the number of states that didn't.

You can spin it anyway you want; but it doesn't respond to the original post, regarding the 15 States.
Obviously you have nothing, regarding those 35 you keep mentioning, or else you would have presented it.