How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Oh, come now. You know, good and well, which "n-word", we're talking about...and it isn't "nincompoop". And you're confused. There are no KKK'ers who profess to be Democrats anymore...they all fled the party, in the 70's for the Republican Party, where they now reside. There and the Tea Party. Find one KKK member who aligns himself with the Democratic Party, the stronghold of blacks, and minorities, whom they despise. LOL.
I haven't been keeping tabs on them, but as I recall Kleagle Byrd had to die to be removed form office...
I haven't been keeping tabs on them, but as I recall Kleagle Byrd had to die to be removed form office...

Oh, come now. You're certainly a "card-carrying" member. And that old tired spiel, about Robert Byrd. Didn't you hear, he "recanted" his old ways, much like George Wallace recanted his old ways, and wind up winning a sizable portion of the black vote, as a result. And David Duke started out as a Dixiecrat...and last time I heard, he was a Republican, espousing neo-Nazi propaganda, in Germany, which got him arrested and deported. You won't find a KKK'er who identifies as a Democrat. Period. Hadn't you heard? supports Ron Paul...and last time I heard, he was still a Republican, albeit Libertarian ( in some circles) LOL
You've been thoroughly pwned by me on the n-word issue, queer boy.

I dare you to call me the n-word to my face. They'd wouldn't ever find all of your pieces. The offer to meet you, at Hobby Airport, still stands. The whole airport will know you. I'll even invite Channel 13. They love drama.
I dare you to call me the n-word to my face. They'd wouldn't ever find all of your pieces. The offer to meet you, at Hobby Airport, still stands. The whole airport will know you. I'll even invite Channel 13. They love drama.
You're the drama queen now. But your threats can't disguise the fact that you've been thoroughly pwned by me on the n-word issue, queer boy.
You're the drama queen now. But your threats can't disguise the fact that you've been thoroughly pwned by me on the n-word issue, queer boy.

Do you think that this is a one on one conversation? You're exposed to the board and the world. No one here, save maybe Alias, Ice Dancer, Webbway and Dixie side with you...and they also have been accused of being racist bigots. That you would cite that you have won on the issue of the n-word....a battle you couldn't win amongst decent white folk, speaks to your bigotry and racism. I didn't have to do nothing. You put on that fuck me pump, all by your lonesome. LOL. You go on, girl.
Morality is relevant. Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

And then there is the real world.

HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men
A Snapshot
t MSM account for nearly half of the approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States (49%, or an estimated 580,000 total persons).
t MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (61%, or an estimated 29,300 infections).
t While CDC estimates that only 4 percent of men in the United States are MSM, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522 – 989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men).

44 TIMES the rate of men who do not have sex with men. Last years report had it at 57%. Its these silly beliefs of yours, common among gays, that perpetuates the disease among homosexuals.

And a clinician just stated in a link to a study that sexual orientation is not learned behavior. And since you don't have the credentials to dispute her findings, I'll side with her. "Folks are just born one race or another or mixed"?????????????????? Rocket science, not. You're dumber than dirt. LOL

...the emergence of "plastic sexuality," "confluent love," and the "pure relationship" as democratic and desirable alternatives to a sexuality harnessed to reproduction, love based on addictive or co-dependent relationships, and the rights and obligations of traditional marriage. The separation of sexuality from procreation entails its freedom from heterosexuality and its emergence as an individual attribute, something individuals can develop, enjoy, change or project as part of their changing definition of the self. Sexuality becomes plastic because the self itself has broken the bounds of traditional institutional expectations and it is now free to constitute and reconstitute itself in a series of narratives answering to nothing else but the growing freedom of individuals to develop their potential
Thanks, ZG. USF groans my every post...which is creepy and bizarre, but I just consider the source.
What does the first amendment mean, if not practicing one's religion, be it Zen Buddhism, or witchcraft, as one sees fit? How dare someone tell someone else what to believe or how to practice. From AHZ to DY, they hardly can manage themselves, let alone trying to manage others. I say fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. They can all kiss my natural black ass.

"...USF groans my every post..."

And then there is the real world.

44 TIMES the rate of men who do not have sex with men. Last years report had it at 57%. Its these silly beliefs of yours, common among gays, that perpetuates the disease among homosexuals.

Another attempt at trying to demonize gays, by someone obviously sexual orientation-challenged. Straights represent the highest incidents of new HIV cases. Lets not even talk about those men that "creep" and dip, over to the gay side.
Another attempt at trying to demonize gays, by someone obviously sexual orientation-challenged. Straights represent the highest incidents of new HIV cases. Lets not even talk about those men that "creep" and dip, over to the gay side.

Does the truth demonize gays? Perhaps as a gay, you just have difficulty accepting the truth. 44 times the rate of HIV infection when compared to men who do not have sex with men. I can have sex with 44 different women, and be exposed to the same risk of contracting HIV as sex with just one man who has sex with men.
Does the truth demonize gays? Perhaps as a gay, you just have difficulty accepting the truth. 44 times the rate of HIV infection when compared to men who do not have sex with men. I can have sex with 44 different women, and be exposed to the same risk of contracting HIV as sex with just one man who has sex with men.

HIV is a human disease, not a gay disease. All it takes is one encounter to contract the disease. Either with a male partner or a female partner, since gender is no defense, neither is religion, race, background, class, or creed. I'm an AIDS activist...and you're trying to tell me the parameters and finer points of the disease? Try educating yourself, Neanderthal.
HIV is a human disease, not a gay disease. All it takes is one encounter to contract the disease. Either with a male partner or a female partner, since gender is no defense, neither is religion, race, background, class, or creed. I'm an AIDS activist...and you're trying to tell me the parameters and finer points of the disease? Try educating yourself, Neanderthal.

Nooooo, you are a GAY AIDS activist which involves spreading dsinformation like

Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

When in fact, men who have sex with men are 44 times as likely to aquire HIV.
Just because you believe gay marriage to be inviolate, and gays to be sinners beyond reproach, hardly means that the forum members here agree with you.

????....that isn't what we're talking about though, is it.....we were debating what the Bible said about homosexual activity.....I haven't asked a single person here to agree with me.....all I did was offer an opportunity for everyone to take a simple look at the original Hebrew text and make their own decisions about what the Bible said about homosexual activity.......the fact that you refused to do so doesn't mean that every one will.....
Excuse me, but easily dismissed, due to your track record, and your propensity to stoop to any low, in order to be perceived as "right". Can you say "persona non grata"?

you didn't dismiss what I refused to look at it......there's a huge difference, as the latter is not only done from ignorance, it fosters track record is presenting evidence.......your track record is ignoring people and posts......