How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

"some houstonian queer" didnt refer to you and is likely instead some young houstonian queer who has been exposed to your so called gay AIDS activism.

Like I said, "better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
Like I said, "better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

And such a beautiful display for us on your part

Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

Fascinating to watch the gay ideology in action though. How effective the propaganda has been. The religious zeal with which you believe your statement above, in the face of CDC reports that state precisely the opposite. No wonder HIV continues to rise among homosexual men.
HIV is a human disease, not a gay disease. All it takes is one encounter to contract the disease. Either with a male partner or a female partner, since gender is no defense, neither is religion, race, background, class, or creed. I'm an AIDS activist...and you're trying to tell me the parameters and finer points of the disease? Try educating yourself, Neanderthal.

HIV was first discovered in queers. You know that.
Translated? Where's your proof that they were translated, and that they weren't composed in Greek and in Latin? Don't talk about what you don't know about.
Uh, I studied religion for 3 years, as a curricular course. What are your credentials?

sorry, poet....someone who argues that the OT and the writings of Paul are irrelevant, thinks the Apocrypha were once part of the OT canon, and refuses to look at the Bible for evidence has no credentials regarding Christian theology.......
sorry, poet....someone who argues that the OT and the writings of Paul are irrelevant, thinks the Apocrypha were once part of the OT canon, and refuses to look at the Bible for evidence has no credentials regarding Christian theology.......

Right. And you, with your little "store-bought" theology degree, think you know more than anyone else. I never said the Apocrypha was a part of the OT canon. I said it was written in Greek. You couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
Right. And you, with your little "store-bought" theology degree,

???....are you pretending to have knowledge of my degree?.....if so, you're lying.....if not, you're simply did post a quote which claimed the Apocryphal books had been assimilated into the Septuagint......the truth is, dating back to the earliest written canon of the Bible (around 190), the Apocryphal books were not included.....there is no indication they ever were.....
???....are you pretending to have knowledge of my degree?.....if so, you're lying.....if not, you're simply did post a quote which claimed the Apocryphal books had been assimilated into the Septuagint......the truth is, dating back to the earliest written canon of the Bible (around 190), the Apocryphal books were not included.....there is no indication they ever were.....
Hey Dumb Dora, who said they were included?? They are the Apocrypha, and the Septuagint. There are books that preclude and precede Genesis. BFD. The aforementioned are additions, separate and not always included or acknowledged or referenced.
And you demeaned my knowledge of religion and the Bible, I merely returned the favor. Get over it.
And you demeaned my knowledge of religion and the Bible, I merely returned the favor. Get over it.

I commented on statements you had made in your posts.....those statements, in and of themselves, demeaned your knowledge of religion and the Bible.....
I commented on statements you had made in your posts.....those statements, in and of themselves, demeaned your knowledge of religion and the Bible.....

Just like a low life conservative.........never willing to take responsibility for anything. My own statements demeaned me? Go fuck yourself. Your store bought theology degree doesn't give you any license, other than to think you might have a slight advantage over the rest of us, making it through the "pearly gates", because of your knowledge of scripture. Salvation isn't derived from your knowledge of the bible............folks who can't even read are entitled, the only requirement being the belief that Jesus died for our sins. Stupid bitch.