How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

How Loving God Becomes Hating Others

by John Shore on December 28, 2011 in Christian Issues

As many of you anticipated, my answer to yesterday’s question, “What quality of any given religion can easily render it the most dangerous thing in the world?” is exclusivity.


Let’s explore, shall we?

The conviction that one religion is infinitely more correct than any other tends to rather inevitably—and certainly over history—play out about like this:

I know God. You, having a different God, clearly do not.

My God is the true God. Your God, therefore, cannot be.

My God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and sustains the world through a mere exercise of his or her will. Your God is a sorry delusion that only someone raised in your completely foreign culture could even begin to consider credible.

My God is the God. Your God is an imposter.

My God offers eternal salvation. Your God is a one-way ticket to a place no person would ever want to go.

My God is good.

Anything that exists in opposition to my God is bad.

You clearly have a choice: my God, or deceptive evil.

If you choose evil, then, as you surely understand, you limit my options.

For verily has my God called upon me to resist evil, in all of its manifestations.

And if you choose to align yourself with the evil that I am sworn to resist, then surely you understand that in my response I have no choice.

I will draw your blood, and the blood of your children.

I will be deaf to your screams.

What can I do? My God, being infinitely good, will stand for nothing less.

My hands are tied, you see? I am a servant of the most high God.

Of the only good, real, and true God.

We will be victorious.

We will take your land. We will take your children. We will take your women.

We will take all that is yours.

And when we have done that, and you are vanquished, our God will be pleased.

See? So most reasonable people would believe that’s a problem. Wouldn’t you agree that it is?

Please discuss amongst yourselves.

Just like a low life conservative.........never willing to take responsibility for anything. My own statements demeaned me? Go fuck yourself. Your store bought theology degree doesn't give you any license, other than to think you might have a slight advantage over the rest of us, making it through the "pearly gates", because of your knowledge of scripture. Salvation isn't derived from your knowledge of the bible............folks who can't even read are entitled, the only requirement being the belief that Jesus died for our sins. Stupid bitch.

lol...I'm not arguing I'll get "through the pearly gates" quicker because of my my knowledge of scripture......I'm just pointing out you have no knowledge of scripture.....that would of course be relevant in a discussion of what scripture says on a particular issue, don't you think?......

why would anyone think you had knowledge of scripture when 1) you consider it irrelevant and 2) you openly admit you refuse to look at it.......obviously your statements have demeaned your credibility as a's not the fault of my pointing it out, it's the fault of your statement in the first place......
lol...I'm not arguing I'll get "through the pearly gates" quicker because of my my knowledge of scripture......I'm just pointing out you have no knowledge of scripture.....that would of course be relevant in a discussion of what scripture says on a particular issue, don't you think?......

why would anyone think you had knowledge of scripture when 1) you consider it irrelevant and 2) you openly admit you refuse to look at it.......obviously your statements have demeaned your credibility as a's not the fault of my pointing it out, it's the fault of your statement in the first place......

Darling. Let me put it to you this one cares. Least of all, me. You don't know me. Stop pretending that you do. Why do you think there are different churches and different ministers, and different beliefs? Because the Bible is open to interpretation. There isn't one ministry. There isn't one sermon. There isn't one message.
Christ spoke in that people (of the day) would "get it". Ministers, of today, have varying degrees of ability in conveying the message in terms that people can "get".
Some do better than others. Some, not so much. Just like Rev. Jeremiah Wright got "caught up" in the media frenzy and cameras and lights, he lost the message.

You're still in your quest to be acknowledged as "right", instead of being thought of as another point of view, which it invariably is. You're not the "end all or be all" only think that you are. I'm not "slinging my credentials" around, puffing myself up, because in the end it comes down to what one believes. And you have zero jurisdiction over what others choose to believe. And that's what sticks in your craw. I suggest you read two posts back, and try to get a grip on your self-righteous zeal. It ain't about you. No one gives a fuck what you know. Less, what you think. I know I don't.
lol.....refusing to look at the Bible is not interpreting it.....and I could care less what you believe as long as you don't pretend it's based on what you refuse to accept.....

One day you're going to get that whatever I choose to do, has nothing to do with you and what you think or believe. You keep missing the point. Not my problem.
Darling. Let me put it to you this one cares. Least of all, me. You don't know me. Stop pretending that you do. Why do you think there are different churches and different ministers, and different beliefs? Because the Bible is open to interpretation. There isn't one ministry. There isn't one sermon. There isn't one message.
Christ spoke in that people (of the day) would "get it". Ministers, of today, have varying degrees of ability in conveying the message in terms that people can "get".
Some do better than others. Some, not so much. Just like Rev. Jeremiah Wright got "caught up" in the media frenzy and cameras and lights, he lost the message.

You're still in your quest to be acknowledged as "right", instead of being thought of as another point of view, which it invariably is. You're not the "end all or be all" only think that you are. I'm not "slinging my credentials" around, puffing myself up, because in the end it comes down to what one believes. And you have zero jurisdiction over what others choose to believe. And that's what sticks in your craw. I suggest you read two posts back, and try to get a grip on your self-righteous zeal. It ain't about you. No one gives a fuck what you know. Less, what you think. I know I don't.

Thanks poet, nicely stated.
One day you're going to get that whatever I choose to do, has nothing to do with you and what you think or believe. You keep missing the point. Not my problem.

I know of people with Doctorates in Divinity that do not agree with PMP's interpretation of scripture.
One day you're going to get that whatever I choose to do, has nothing to do with you and what you think or believe. You keep missing the point. Not my problem.

I have become a huge fan of the Gnostic gospels, but they have a Feminine side to God which I feel was left behind by the Orthodox factions of Christianity. Gnosticism needs no church, that is why the orthodox factions of the church tried to stamp it out!
I know of people with Doctorates in Divinity that do not agree with PMP's interpretation of scripture.

Baby, delusions of self-importance have gone to his head. He needs to peddle those wares, elsewhere. He doesn't dare espouse that shit at the other forum. The forum members would eat him alive. LOL
Baby, delusions of self-importance have gone to his head. He needs to peddle those wares, elsewhere. He doesn't dare espouse that shit at the other forum. The forum members would eat him alive. LOL

that you don't see the irony of your post is hilarious. claim i'm on ignore...........yet you incorrectly read my post in the whatever goes forum.


that you don't see the irony of your post is hilarious. claim i'm on ignore...........yet you incorrectly read my post in the whatever goes forum.



Your daddy is a coward. Are you serious? You've changed you ID from Yurt, to Eye, to Supreme Being Yurt. No one is more delusional, in this forum, than you.
And you are on ignore. Haven't you noticed?
Your daddy is a coward. Are you serious? You've changed you ID from Yurt, to Eye, to Supreme Being Yurt. No one is more delusional, in this forum, than you.
And you are on ignore. Haven't you noticed?

no. you not only directly replied to my QUOTED my post. thus, i am not on ignore as you claim.

you're just a coward who is too afraid to debate me.

pick the subject and i will debate you. i predict you will cowardly walk away as you usually do and insult my father....nice job asshole.
This message is hidden because Supreme Being Yurt is on your ignore list.

See? See how easy that was?
no. you not only directly replied to my QUOTED my post. thus, i am not on ignore as you claim.

you're just a coward who is too afraid to debate me.

pick the subject and i will debate you. i predict you will cowardly walk away as you usually do and insult my father....nice job asshole.

Uh, you can look at individual posts, there a a little button.