How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

For DY, Alias, Webbway, USF, Dixie, Yurt, :

Call the wrong gay "a fag" or "a queer" and get your bitch ass beat down. In public!
Y'all think it's a game. Gays ain't playing with you. Keep your bigotry and your hate to yourselves. Or risk getting sent to the hospital on a stretcher. Your choice.
no. you not only directly replied to my QUOTED my post. thus, i am not on ignore as you claim.

you're just a coward who is too afraid to debate me.

pick the subject and i will debate you. i predict you will cowardly walk away as you usually do and insult my father....nice job asshole.

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See? See how easy that was?

exactly as i predicted, the coward walks away because he is too afraid to actually debate an issue
exactly as i predicted, the coward walks away because he is too afraid to actually debate an issue

Yurt, no one is afraid to debate you. For that matter, no one is afraid to debate anyone here. It's an anonymous message board.

Chances are that - like some other posters here - poet has just tired of your usual BS.
For DY, Alias, Webbway, USF, Dixie, Yurt, :

Call the wrong gay "a fag" or "a queer" and get your bitch ass beat down. In public!
Y'all think it's a game. Gays ain't playing with you. Keep your bigotry and your hate to yourselves. Or risk getting sent to the hospital on a stretcher. Your choice.

Why are fags and queers so insulted by their sexuality? And "queer" is the gays label, selected by themselves. "Queer theory" and "queer Nation". Seems you all select words to identify yourselves with, and then get your panties all knotted up when people use the terms.
Yurt, no one is afraid to debate you. For that matter, no one is afraid to debate anyone here. It's an anonymous message board.

Chances are that - like some other posters here - poet has just tired of your usual BS.

poet is afraid. that is a fact. the only time he ever responds to a post of mine is to insult me. when i try to discuss the issues, he runs away and claims i'm back on ignore. pretty cowardly petulant nonsense, i'm not at all suprised you would defend such actions.
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You're not a "Supreme Being", and I'm not interested in anything you might have to say.
Why are fags and queers so insulted by their sexuality? And "queer" is the gays label, selected by themselves. "Queer theory" and "queer Nation". Seems you all select words to identify yourselves with, and then get your panties all knotted up when people use the terms.

You're a moron, among other things. "Fag" and "queer" are pejoratives when uttered or written by heterosexuals. Period. Don't like something about it.
It's like the n-word. I can say it, but you can't. Say it, and you might wind up dead. Call a homosexual "a fag" or "a queer" the same results might occur.
You're a moron, among other things. "Fag" and "queer" are pejoratives when uttered or written by heterosexuals. Period. Don't like something about it.

OK, I was called a breeder once by a homosexual. All the explitaves included made it pretty clear that it was intended to be an insult, but Im not offended by my sexuality. Why are gays so offended. The ladies doth protest too much, me thinks. yall need to work on these self loathing issues you have.
Ive provided a dozen verses from the koran that directly supports muslims who "fight" "kill" "slay" and "smite the necks" of the unbelievers, to "draw blood" . And can provide a dozen verses from the bible that would directly contradict the legitimacy of such bloodshed. Can you show even one verse from the bible that would support such an assertion?

In the US, probably the most Christian nation in the world, immigrants of all faiths come to the US in droves. We have more Jewish and Christian Syrians, than Syria has. In muslim nations across the world, non muslim populations continue to decline.

Non sequitur
OK, I was called a breeder once by a homosexual. All the explitaves (Did you mean "expletives"?) included made it pretty clear that it was intended to be an insult, but Im not offended by my sexuality. Why are gays so offended. The ladies doth protest too much, me thinks. yall need to work on these self loathing issues you have.
Oh, girlfriend, your arms are too short to box with God, and your mind too feeble to camp with me. Gays are not that much offended, but will not tolerate, unanswered, an insult from a homophobe.

Oh, girlfriend, your arms are too short to box with God, and your mind too feeble to camp with me. Gays are not that much offended, but will not tolerate, unanswered, an insult from a homophobe.

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Homophobe????? I dont fear you, I pity you. I suspect all this machismo from you is but a pathetic attempt to conceal your femininity. But, whatever it takes you to get you through your day nancy boy, is OK with me.
Homophobe????? I dont fear you, I pity you. I suspect all this machismo from you is but a pathetic attempt to conceal your femininity. But, whatever it takes you to get you through your day nancy boy, is OK with me.

Oh, you fear me. You fear that my blood might be tainted, and that you could be infected with the AIDS virus, from a fist fight, because don't all gays carry the virus? That's what all you straights believe, isn't it? So, yeah,'re afraid. Quaking in your fuck me pumps.
And you're the one displaying "false machismo", in your attempt to deflect any suspicion that you might like dick more than me. There are few men that haven't had one homosexual encounter, so don't get too "puffy". In the gay community, it's often said...given the right circumstances, any man can be had. Absorb that, bitch.
I lost track, thought we were in one of your defense of Islam threads. Deleted it when I realized we were not

I don't defend Islam. I support freedom of religion as specified by the First Amendment. I'm not a bigot. And you lost track? Are we detecting a pattern? Stupid bitch.
And you're the one displaying "false machismo", in your attempt to deflect any suspicion that you might like dick more than me.

LOLOLOL!!!! Even homosexuals view accusations of someone being homosexual to be the ultimate insult. Self Loathing, seek counseling.
LOLOLOL!!!! Even homosexuals view accusations of someone being homosexual to be the ultimate insult. Self Loathing, seek counseling.

No, stupid bitch....if you're really a "straight man", then there is no starker insult than accusing you of being a homosexual. I find being gay, glorious. Self-loathing? You must be looking in a mirror. LOL
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Run along,'ve told us all we need to know.