How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

I'm not responsible for your reality or how things seem to you. I'm a published author and your statement is beyond laughable.

Where'd you get published? Moron Press? You seem to be too misinformed and idiotic to be considered intelligent in any way. Your ambitions of competency are what really creates the chuckles.
Where'd you get published? Moron Press? You seem to be too misinformed and idiotic to be considered intelligent in any way. Your ambitions of competency are what really creates the chuckles.

Bitch, you must forget where you are. On a mediocre political debate forum surrounded by mediocrity. The fact that you'd challenge my credentials and accomplishments, gives away your racism and bigotry. What? You don't think I could be a published author because I'm black? Gay? Liberal? Or that I routinely embarrass and reduce the lot of you?
Who the fuck are you? Where did you go to school? What are your fucking accomplishments? Ambitions of competency???? LOL
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Not interested in anything further you might have to say. Move around.
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Not interested in anything further you might have to say. Move around.

That wasnt for your benefit. You, better than anybody knows how knotted up your panties have become. Any way, lets get back to the topic we were discussing before your bout of hysterics.

Morality is relevant. Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

When in fact

HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men
A Snapshot
t MSM account for nearly half of the approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States (49%, or an estimated 580,000 total persons).
t MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (61%, or an estimated 29,300 infections).
t While CDC estimates that only 4 percent of men in the United States are MSM, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522 – 989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men).

44 TIMES the rate of men who do not have sex with men. Making one sexual encounter with a man who has sex with men, FOuRTY FOUR TIMES the risk of contracting HIV when compared to one sexual encounter with a woman. And you claim the rates of HIV infection are "about the same rate" in homo and heterosexuals. ABSURD. Shoudnt be surprising. Men who have sex with men have higher numbers of lifetime sex partners, higher rates of partner change and partner acquisition rates, unprotected sex and higher rates of Injecting Drug use. I guess this is what you mean by morality is relevant. Normally spreading such potentially deadly misinformation to young homosexuals would be immoral, but for you, anything, including the truth, that reflects badly upon homosexuals is immoral.
Kind of like Californias new Education requirements, mandating teaching children about homosexuals, while prohibiting any information that even MIGHT reflect badly upon homosexuals. Harvey Milk will be the great politician and gay rights activist, but they cant learn he was fond of underage homeless boys for his sexual pleasures. Homosexual sex will be presented as an equal alternative to heterosexuality, but young boy cant learn that it poses FOURTY FOUR TIMES the risk of contracting HIV, than sex with a woman does
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Whilst dissociating myself from posters like Dixon$"^%&, it is undoubtedly true that gay men contract HIV far more often than other groups in society.

Im pretty sure everyone is fully aware of this fact. Even Poet. Its purposeful disinformation. If Onceler is a horny 16-25 yr old horny gay boy that doesnt know any better might still believe such things, because hes heard it so many times from the likes of Poet, but even most gays are fully aware of this fact.
Coronation Street is a soap that has been shown in the UK for over 50 years, unfortunately political correctness has taken hold and there is a current story about two lesbian teenagers geting married.

That's rapidly changing.

You claimed that the stats were much the same across the different social groups.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, gay and bi-sexual men account for half of all new HIV infections in the US. Also noted was the fact that they were also 50 times more likely to get HIV infected. This group of men is also the only group whose infection rates are rising. It was noted that while there are numerous prevention initiatives targeted toward this group, surveys show that only 20 percent of the demographic group were aware of HIV prevention campaigns.
Heterosexuals, women, especially "black women" represent the majority of the new HIV cases.

Can you provide a link for your claim?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, gay and bi-sexual men account for half of all new HIV infections in the US. Also noted was the fact that they were also 50 times more likely to get HIV infected. This group of men is also the only group whose infection rates are rising. It was noted that while there are numerous prevention initiatives targeted toward this group, surveys show that only 20 percent of the demographic group were aware of HIV prevention campaigns.
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