How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Then why is the divorce rate at over 50%? You'd LIKE to think that most people go off and get happily married with 2 children and the pciket fence, the actuality is nothing so cheerful.

???? A multitude of reasons. Unmarried couples are even more likely to break up than married couples, after children have been born. Not sure of your point. Government places a sin tax upon cigarettes in part to discourage cigarette smoking. The millions of continuing smokers doesnt negate this fact.
No more than it would benefit from long term commited relationships between any two people. Unless you have some legitimate governmental interest that is only served in the case of sexual couples.

Well you might have fewer gay parties with drugs and OD deaths, fewer unhappy marriages ending in lawsuits, more couples adopting. You know from any side this looks like a good thing.
No more than it would benefit from long term commited relationships between any two people. Unless you have some legitimate governmental interest that is only served in the case of sexual couples.

Well you might have fewer gay parties with drugs and OD deaths,

Well, drugs and OD deaths are more prevalent among men who have sex with men, than those who do not, but, drugs and OD deaths exist, regardless of whether someone is in a sexual couple or not. You want marriage for gay couples, and yet every argument you present would apply in the case of any two consenting adults who might form a couple.

fewer unhappy marriages ending in lawsuits,

Cant imagine how making marriage available to homosexual couples would reduce the # of divorces and would only tend to increase the # of divorces

more couples adopting. You know from any side this looks like a good thing.

Again, that would apply in the case of ANY TWO CONSENTING ADULTS,
No more than it would benefit from long term commited relationships between any two people. Unless you have some legitimate governmental interest that is only served in the case of sexual couples.
I'm glad you agree that society would benefit from more long term committed relationships between (for example) gay men. And as I recall, you also believe that "Government uses the tax breaks and governmental entitlements of marriage to encourage behavior that is beneficial to society." It strikes me as wholly irrational, then, that you should believe these two obvious truths and at the same time oppose gay marriage -- especially so when you are arguing from the societal benefit standpoint.
I'm glad you agree that society would benefit from more long term committed relationships between (for example) gay men. And as I recall, you also believe that "Government uses the tax breaks and governmental entitlements of marriage to encourage behavior that is beneficial to society." It strikes me as wholly irrational, then, that you should believe these two obvious truths and at the same time oppose gay marriage -- especially so when you are arguing from the societal benefit standpoint.

???? Because, if you want special treatment for those couples who happen to be gay, you need some justification for distinguishing them from a couple made up of any two consenting adults. For example, the single mother and grandmother down the street who have been raising their 3 children/grandchildren for years. You want special treatment for gay couples, with no justification for excluding the mother and grandmother, OR any two consenting adults.
???? Because, if you want special treatment for those couples who happen to be gay, you need some justification for distinguishing them from a couple made up of any two consenting adults.

I don't want special treatment for couples who happen to be gay.

I want those couples to be treated the same as those who are straight.

dixon76710 said:
For example, the single mother and grandmother down the street who have been raising their 3 children/grandchildren for years. You want special treatment for gay couples, with no justification for excluding the mother and grandmother, OR any two consenting adults.

If a straight daughter isn't allowed to marry her father then I don't think a gay daughter should be able to marry her mother. That is, I want both groups treated the same. Those who insist that only heterosexual marriages be legal are the ones advocating special treatment -- for heterosexuals.

But again, I am glad you agree that society benefits when more gay men are in long-term committed relationships. Personally, I think society would benefit greatly from allowing gays to marry. The promiscuity, the AIDS, the suicides, the drugs, all of the tropes that are regularly trotted out when this issue is discussed, all of these would be mitigated by allowing gay men to strengthen their families through marriage. It makes absolutely no sense, from the societal benefit perspective, to deny them this right.
I don't want special treatment for couples who happen to be gay.

I want those couples to be treated the same as those who are straight.

And thats what we have now......a gay man can marry a gay women of his choice right now......just as a gay man can marry a straight women or a straight man can marry a gay women, etc, etc......equal rights.......
Maybe you will answer the question I addressed to dixon76710.

Wouldn't it benefit society if more gay men were in long-term committed relationships?

Yes, but you miss the point entirely, that deviant behavior usually leads to more promiscuity.
Yes, but you miss the point entirely, that deviant behavior usually leads to more promiscuity.

Of course you have links or sources to back up your nonsensical claims. The world is over-populated, right now. The number of people outnumber the amount of resources to serve them. Thank God for homosexuality...or there would be more war, over everything, including "space".
At a larger percentage than queers, yes, queer boy.
BS. And I'm gay... your daddy is "queer". The politically correct term is gay. You won't call a gay man a queer to his face, you coward, for fear of being "beat down", or killed.
Added to the population in "carbon footprint" or contributions to society? If it's the latter, the prospect is immeasurable.
Oh look, liberal queer guy hates humanity.

Of course you have links or sources to back up your nonsensical claims. The world is over-populated, right now. The number of people outnumber the amount of resources to serve them. Thank God for homosexuality...or there would be more war, over everything, including "space".
God hates queers though.

BS. And I'm gay... your daddy is "queer". The politically correct term is gay. You won't call a gay man a queer to his face, you coward, for fear of being "beat down", or killed.
My dad would break your face if you dared call him that, queer boy.
Oh look, liberal queer guy hates humanity.

God hates queers though.

My dad would break your face if you dared call him that, queer boy.

You trying to speak for me again, or more evidence of you being "reading-comprehension-challenged"???

Uh, some clerics and scribes hated some gays..and so they wrote it into scripture. There is no evidence that God spoke to anyone, physically, witnessed and corroborated.
So you just lied again...the last person and least likely to be speaking for God.

Your dad is a queer...and I would mop the floor up with him, as I would you. And dare both of you to get up. How's your hooker mom?
Yes, but you miss the point entirely, that deviant behavior usually leads to more promiscuity.

There wasn't a point to miss -- I asked a question.

And I'm glad you agree that society benefits when more gay men are in long-term committed relationships.