How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

United States

Since the AIDS epidemic began in 1981, 1.7 million Americans have been infected with HIV and 583,298 have died of AIDS-related causes through 2007.
1.1 million Americans are living with HIV (including more than 468,000 with AIDS).
An estimated 21% of people living with HIV are undiagnosed.
Every 9 1/2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV.
Gay and bisexual men continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection, accounting for an estimated 53% of new HIV infections.
African-Americans and Latinos are disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS. Blacks accounted for 45% of new HIV infections in 2006 and 47% of those living with the disease, yet they make up only 12% of the U.S. population. Latinos account for 17% of new infections yet comprise 15% of the U.S. population, while whites represent 35% of new infections and account for 66% of the total population.
The AIDS case rate for African Americans is more than 9 times that of whites, and the HIV rate is 7 times greater among blacks than whites. Survival after an AIDS diagnosis is lower for blacks than any other racial/ethnic group.
Young adults and teens between 13 and 29 represent 34% of new HIV infections, the largest share of any age group. Black teens are disproportionately affected, representing 68% of reported AIDS cases among 13 to 19-year-olds in 2007.
Women now account for 27% of HIV infections, with 280,000 women living with HIV and AIDS. Black women accounted for 65% of new AIDS cases among women in 2007 and the largest share of new HIV infections (61%).
New infections due to injection drug use have declined by about 80% since the mid-to-late 1990s, accounting for 12% of new infections in 2006.
71% of all AIDS cases reported since the beginning of the epidemic are concentrated in 10 states or territories. While the District of Columbia has the highest AIDS case rate (148.1 per 100,000 in 2007), the states of New York (17.6%), California (14.4%) and Florida (10.6%) have the most cumulative AIDS cases.

Sources: Kaiser Family Foundation Fact Sheet: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States, September 2009.
That's rapidly changing.

The CDC report from 2010 found 57% of all new HIV cases among men who have sex with men. 2011 report found 61% of HIV cases among men who have sex with men. Yeah, its changing, in the opposite direction from what you allege. MSM have higher numbers of lifetime sex partners, higher rates of partner change and partner acquisition rates, unprotected sex and higher rates of Injecting Drug use. That combined with so called published, gay rights advocates such as yourself teaching young gay men that the rates of infection are about the same among homosexuals and heterosexuals, and the rates of HIV infection among MSM is likely to continue to rise.

Heterosexual couplings lead to procreation, the formation of nuclear families and a perpetuation of the human species. Homosexual sex leads to 61% and rising of the new HIV cases in the US. Government uses the tax breaks and governmental entitlements of marriage to encourage behavior that is beneficial to society. Using these same benefits to help gays feel better about themselves isnt a legitimate governmental interest and therefore unconstitutional discrimination.
Heterosexuals, women, especially "black women" represent the majority of the new HIV cases.

Can you provide a link for your claim?

. Black women accounted for 65% of new AIDS cases among women in 2007 and the largest share of new HIV infections (61%). .

You cant even comprehend your own source. Thats new AIDS and HIV among all WOMEN exclusively, excluding men, and not limited to heterosexual women.
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Government uses the tax breaks and governmental entitlements of marriage to encourage behavior that is beneficial to society. Using these same benefits to help gays feel better about themselves isnt a legitimate governmental interest and therefore unconstitutional discrimination.
Wouldn't it benefit society if more gay men were in long-term committed relationships?
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What is your opinion as to why that is the case?

The false belief that the disease is a "gay disease", and that heterosexuals, couldn't possibly contract it. Black women, specifically, and women in general, are blind and naive, to the notion that many of their men, "work both sides of the fence", and have sex with men, as well as with women. Because the gay population is the first group where the disease made its men were the carriers of the disease into the general population.
The false belief that the disease is a "gay disease", and that heterosexuals, couldn't possibly contract it. Black women, specifically, and women in general, are blind and naive, to the notion that many of their men, "work both sides of the fence", and have sex with men, as well as with women. Because the gay population is the first group where the disease made its men were the carriers of the disease into the general population.

so homosexuals are not the cause, it's bisexual men?....") think that changes something?......
The CDC report from 2010 found 57% of all new HIV cases among men who have sex with men. 2011 report found 61% of HIV cases among men who have sex with men. Yeah, its changing, in the opposite direction from what you allege. MSM have higher numbers of lifetime sex partners, higher rates of partner change and partner acquisition rates, unprotected sex and higher rates of Injecting Drug use. That combined with so called published, gay rights advocates such as yourself teaching young gay men that the rates of infection are about the same among homosexuals and heterosexuals, and the rates of HIV infection among MSM is likely to continue to rise.

Heterosexual couplings lead to procreation, the formation of nuclear families and a perpetuation of the human species. Homosexual sex leads to 61% and rising of the new HIV cases in the US. Government uses the tax breaks and governmental entitlements of marriage to encourage behavior that is beneficial to society. Using these same benefits to help gays feel better about themselves isnt a legitimate governmental interest and therefore unconstitutional discrimination.

Heterosexual couplings also lead to early parenthood, rapid divorce, alchoholism, child abuse, and a torn home while both divorced parents go off and have other relationships which fail to last. Interesting how the nuclear family fails to emerge.
I actually have a friend with 2 half siblings and neither of the three have the same set of parents as the other two. Heterosexual couplings at work.
so homosexuals are not the cause, it's bisexual men?....") think that changes something?......

Of course it changes something now the fault lies with an even smaller groups of people who can be even MORE easily victimized by the majority.
BAD BISEXUALS pick a team and stick with it.
so homosexuals are not the cause, it's bisexual men?....") think that changes something?......

Homosexuals are not the cause, but the victims, as are any who contract the disease. Would you fault someone with influenza, who, inadvertently spread the virus?
The progenitors of the spreading of the disease are those individuals, both heterosexual and gay, who refuse to get tested, and practice safe sex. Correction:
Irresponsible men and women, gay, straight, and bi-sexual, who don't engage in safe sex, transmit the disease with in populations and cross-infection occurs.
Heterosexual couplings also lead to early parenthood, rapid divorce, alchoholism, child abuse, and a torn home while both divorced parents go off and have other relationships which fail to last. Interesting how the nuclear family fails to emerge.

???? No, actually it is THE MOST common type of family.
Then why is the divorce rate at over 50%? You'd LIKE to think that most people go off and get happily married with 2 children and the pciket fence, the actuality is nothing so cheerful.
Wouldn't it benefit society if more gay men were in long-term committed relationships?

No more than it would benefit from long term commited relationships between any two people. Unless you have some legitimate governmental interest that is only served in the case of sexual couples.