How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Do you think that this is a one on one conversation? You're exposed to the board and the world. No one here, save maybe Alias, Ice Dancer, Webbway and Dixie side with you...and they also have been accused of being racist bigots. That you would cite that you have won on the issue of the n-word....a battle you couldn't win amongst decent white folk, speaks to your bigotry and racism. I didn't have to do nothing. You put on that fuck me pump, all by your lonesome. LOL. You go on, girl.

Yes you've accused several here of racism. That doesn't serve as proof to anything except your stupidity. And you conveniently forget Damo's schooling of you, at least three times recently over the n-word incident, queer boy.
Sugar plum, you're the one, aptly named AzzHat Zombie. LOL.
And I'm quite "well-read" and knowledgeable...and if I haven't heard of it, in these, lo, 59 years, it's hardly mainstream or relevant.

Is this intended to justify your deep embrace of your own personal ignorance?
I'm always struck by how much those w/ an anti-gay agenda, who seem to be trying to find a rationale for their intolerance, invoke the Bible & Christ so much.

If someone didn't know the Bible, they'd probably expect to open it & see Christ talk about almost nothing but homosexuality, and in very condemning tones.

But, that isn't the case. In fact, Christ's message is one of love, tolerance & forgiveness. As with so many around the world, it's just a case of people with an agenda warping a religion for their own selfish purpose.
Nooooo, you are a GAY AIDS activist which involves spreading dsinformation like

When in fact, men who have sex with men are 44 times as likely to aquire HIV.

Welcome to 2012, where gay activism provides education, support and encourages men who have sex with men to practice safely, using condoms, and engaging in activities with "low risk". Just participated in a project aimed at the Houston community where safety, testing and follow-up treatment was promoted, in an event headlined by 3 time Grammy Nominee, Marsha Ambrosius, at the Arena Theater, underwritten by The AIDS Foundation of Houston. My information is more accurate than yours, I'll wager.
????....that isn't what we're talking about though, is it.....we were debating what the Bible said about homosexual activity.....I haven't asked a single person here to agree with me.....all I did was offer an opportunity for everyone to take a simple look at the original Hebrew text and make their own decisions about what the Bible said about homosexual activity.......the fact that you refused to do so doesn't mean that every one will.....

Hebrew text is irrelevant. The Latin and Greek texts are relevant, those being the languages of both the Roman Church and the Greek Orthodoxy. The writers of antiquity were not sophisticated, learned men....not in the traditional sense. So for you to put "undo weight" on their words, and think that it translates to 2012, is naive and foolish.
I care not what the OT has to say, or what Paul has to say. Christ didn't speak to the matter, and that holds more weight than anything else. You fail.
Hebrew text is irrelevant. The Latin and Greek texts are relevant, those being the languages of both the Roman Church and the Greek Orthodoxy. The writers of antiquity were not sophisticated, learned men....not in the traditional sense. So for you to put "undo weight" on their words, and think that it translates to 2012, is naive and foolish.
I care not what the OT has to say, or what Paul has to say. Christ didn't speak to the matter, and that holds more weight than anything else. You fail.

Is the interpretation of modern day rabbis relevant to you?
Hebrew text is irrelevant. The Latin and Greek texts are relevant, those being the languages of both the Roman Church and the Greek Orthodoxy. .

Well, relevant to the Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox churches. Bible was originally written in Hebrew and aramaic.
Welcome to 2012, where gay activism provides education, support and encourages men who have sex with men to practice safely, using condoms, and engaging in activities with "low risk".

And any good that could have been accomplished is negated by the misinformation you include.
And any good that could have been accomplished is negated by the misinformation you include.

Uh, do you know what I know? Do you know my accomplishments, contacts? You talk like a fool.
Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. You just did.
My information is more accurate than yours, I'll wager.

So you keep saying. Still havent offered a shred of evidence to support this BS put out by the gay AIDS activists. It is fascinating how completely they have convinced you of this.

Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men
A Snapshot
t MSM account for nearly half of the approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States (49%, or an estimated 580,000 total persons).
t MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (61%, or an estimated 29,300 infections).
t While CDC estimates that only 4 percent of men in the United States are MSM, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522 – 989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men).
Well, relevant to the Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox churches. Bible was originally written in Hebrew and aramaic.

Not the New Testament, Sparky. Not the Apocrypha.

In Greek circles, however, these books are not traditionally called Apocrypha, but Anagignoskomena (ἀναγιγνωσκόμενα), and are integrated into the Old Testament. The Orthodox Study Bible, published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, includes the Anagignoskomena in its Old Testament, with the exception of 4 Maccabees. This was translated by the Saint Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology, from the Rahlfs Edition of the Septuagint using Brenton's English translation and the RSV Expanded Apocrypha as boilerplate. As such, they are included in the Old Testament with no distinction between these books and the rest of the Old Testament. This follows the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church where the Septuagint is the received version of Old Testament scripture, considered itself inspired in agreement with some of the Fathers, such as St Augustine, rather than the Hebrew Masoretic text followed by all other modern translations.[22]

[edit] Anagignoskomena

The Septuagint, the pre-eminent Greek version of the Old Testament, contains books that are not present in the Hebrew Bible. These texts are not traditionally segregated into a separate section, nor are they usually called apocrypha. Rather, they are referred to as the Anagignoskomena (ἀναγιγνωσκόμενα, "things that are read"). The anagignoskomena are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Jesus Sirach, Baruch, Epistle of Jeremy (in the Vulgate this is chapter 6 of Baruch), additions to Daniel (The Prayer of Azarias, Susanna and Bel and the Dragon), additions to Esther, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, 3 Maccabees, 1 Esdras, i.e. all the Deuterocanonical plus 3 Maccabees and 1 Esdras.[23]

Some editions add additional books, as Psalm 151 or the Odes, including the Prayer of Manasses. 2 Esdras is added as appendix in the Slavonic Bibles and 4 Maccabees as appendix in Greek editions.[23]
Uh, do you know what I know? Do you know my accomplishments, contacts? You talk like a fool.
Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. You just did.

Probably some houstonian queer taking it up the ass from 4 or 5 strangers, confident in the belief that
Healthy? Gay sex is about as healthy as straight sex. Straights acquire venereal disease, HIV, pre-cancers and cancers about the same rate as gays.

When in fact it poses 44 TIMES the risk of sexaul contact with women.
So you keep saying. Still havent offered a shred of evidence to support this BS put out by the gay AIDS activists. It is fascinating how completely they have convinced you of this.

White men who are MSM (men who have sex with men) have the highest incidence of infection.

Heterosexuals and Injection Drug Users also continue to be affected by HIV.

Heterosexuals accounted for 27% of estimated new HIV infections in 2009 and 28% of people living with HIV infection in 2008.
Injection drug users represented 9% of new HIV infections in 2009 and 17% of those living with HIV in 2008.
HIV infections among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact or injection drug use. Women accounted for 23% of estimated new HIV infections in 2009 and 25% of those living with HIV infection in 2008.

No one has convinced me of anything. I read. I research. I network. I'm active. You?
Probably some houstonian queer taking it up the ass from 4 or 5 strangers, confident in the belief that

When in fact it poses 44 TIMES the risk of sexaul contact with women.

Oh, I feel your pain. Having to speak about your daddy like that. I've been in a monogamous, committed relationship for the past 10 years. How many women (and men) have you had sex with in 10 years? Oops.
No one disputes that theyve all been translated into greek and Latin.

Translated? Where's your proof that they were translated, and that they weren't composed in Greek and in Latin? Don't talk about what you don't know about.
Uh, I studied religion for 3 years, as a curricular course. What are your credentials?

White men who are MSM (men who have sex with men) have the highest incidence of infection.

Heterosexuals and Injection Drug Users also continue to be affected by HIV.

Heterosexuals accounted for 27% of estimated new HIV infections in 2009 and 28% of people living with HIV infection in 2008.
Injection drug users represented 9% of new HIV infections in 2009 and 17% of those living with HIV in 2008.
HIV infections among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact or injection drug use. Women accounted for 23% of estimated new HIV infections in 2009 and 25% of those living with HIV infection in 2008.

No one has convinced me of anything. I read. I research. I network. I'm active. You?

Not sure what the point of that was. NONE of it supports your assertion that the rates of infection are about the same between gay and straight men and by implication refutes it. Not the sharpest crayon in the box are ya.
Oh, I feel your pain. Having to speak about your daddy like that. I've been in a monogamous, committed relationship for the past 10 years. How many women (and men) have you had sex with in 10 years? Oops.

"some houstonian queer" didnt refer to you and is likely instead some young houstonian queer who has been exposed to your so called gay AIDS activism.