How To Tell What The Truth Is.

I disagree. It isn't so much believing what they want to believe. It is being manipulated into believing what they do. Among which is a preference for self delusion and eventual destruction.

Exactly wrong. For the most part. People have always fooled themselves. But now they are being fooled by a different ethnic group who seeks their destruction. For example, fox news. Just look at the ethnicity-religion of the person who owns it.
Puffery? I spoke the truth. Deal with it.
Or "cope"? LOL

It's fun to watch you try to build up your post count with dribble. Do you believe a half-truth is truth or a lie? Example, your Einstein quote was only a partial quote. The full quote is "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."

This is very much like Lin Chi's comment, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." It means get rid of preconceived notions if trying to solve a problem.

Why would you eliminate that from your OP?
In the ninth century, the Buddhist sage Lin Chi told a monk, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." He meant that those who think they've found all the answers in any religion need to start questioning. The new book Killing the Buddha takes this advice to heart, examining American roadside distractions on the path to enlightenment.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your screed belies your screen name.

Evidently, something is bothering you. If you can be specific, perhaps someone here can help you. Otherwise, you're saying nothing but talking loud.

Ah, yet another dead person talking. Everything I said was true. If you want a topic to talk about, go to my thread "Immigration-Invasion." Only one person replied in it. And that person had nothing to say.

You offer nothing but your opinion, speculation, supposition and conjecture....these are NOT facts and do not bare a logical analysis.

YOU create THIS thread, so the burden of proof is on you. If you cannot logically or rationally (i.e., dead people don't type) explain or clarify it's content to the reader, it's worthless...and you insisting it's true is irrelevant, as only YOU understand your intent and such is not substantiating anything.

So if you can't meet a simple burden of proof, you're just dishonestly trolling. Carry on.
Or "cope"? LOL

It's fun to watch you try to build up your post count with dribble. Do you believe a half-truth is truth or a lie? Example, your Einstein quote was only a partial quote. The full quote is "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."

This is very much like Lin Chi's comment, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." It means get rid of preconceived notions if trying to solve a problem.

Why would you eliminate that from your OP?

but this doesnt mean turning morality upside down.

sometimes a new view is just not being a dumbass anymore.

like if you decide truth matters, you could completely change your life.

I believe man has ALWAYS done EXACTLY that.

When has following a faith led to understanding self evident results among people demanding human rights to believe real doesn't work in self evident proportions of numbers occupying space here now? All faith does is sustain doubt used against believers each generation present.
When has following a faith led to understanding self evident results among people demanding human rights to believe real doesn't work in self evident proportions of numbers occupying space here now? All faith does is sustain doubt used against believers each generation present.

Your schtick is also boring. Try something new. Change it up.
Your schtick is also boring. Try something new. Change it up.

my schtick is as old as evolving took place into constant changing total sum results individually universally present in ever changing total sum results never same details added as before arriving next. How does eternal life exist without a common beginning and end to each cycle balancing forward here now?

Not rocket science to escape one's biological time evolving as displaced in the atmosphere specifically you as it is specifically everything else present. thermodynamic barriers of space time is self evident by the limitations of your flesh changing form shaped since a fertilized cell the nucleus is now your brain and your vocabulary assumed after birth, your mind.
my schtick is as old as evolving took place into constant changing total sum results individually universally present in ever changing total sum results never same details added as before arriving next. How does eternal life exist without a common beginning and end to each cycle balancing forward here now?

Not rocket science to escape one's biological time evolving as displaced in the atmosphere specifically you as it is specifically everything else present. thermodynamic barriers of space time is self evident by the limitations of your flesh changing form shaped since a fertilized cell the nucleus is now your brain and your vocabulary assumed after birth, your mind.

You're not even TRYING. Up your game.
You're not even TRYING. Up your game.

Lower your speculation real isn't real and reality defines everything you wished into fruition forward from here. Life never exceeds personally evolving forward self contained to the moment here. Relative time logistics comes from comparing personal event horizons shared by each reproduction that ever existed to date statistically averaged over all to be used against each great great grandchild changing populaiton forward now one lifetime at a time.

Self evident kinetic evolving where I am no exception or exemption. Honesty survives reasonable doubt sacrificing one's sole time adapting to the moment pretending life works by relative time logistics alone. Social consensus is designed to corrupt every last ancestor in each ancestral lineage forward from here as it has done historiclaly since dawn of civilization became vernacular tribalism by rule of law controlled by 1 % of the populaiton charging rent to occupying space mutually evolving forward now.
Lower your speculation real isn't real and reality defines everything you wished into fruition forward from here. Life never exceeds personally evolving forward self contained to the moment here. Relative time logistics comes from comparing personal event horizons shared by each reproduction that ever existed to date statistically averaged over all to be used against each great great grandchild changing populaiton forward now one lifetime at a time.

Self evident kinetic evolving where I am no exception or exemption. Honesty survives reasonable doubt sacrificing one's sole time adapting to the moment pretending life works by relative time logistics alone. Social consensus is designed to corrupt every last ancestor in each ancestral lineage forward from here as it has done historiclaly since dawn of civilization became vernacular tribalism by rule of law controlled by 1 % of the populaiton charging rent to occupying space mutually evolving forward now.


Without punctuation people can tell IMMEDIATELY that this is autogenerated text and not anything real. But if you put some punctuation in there it might cause people to try to figure out if it is saying something. Gah!

THAT would be more fun!

And fun is what you are after. So autogenerate but then throw in some punctuation.

Without punctuation people can tell IMMEDIATELY that this is autogenerated text and not anything real. But if you put some punctuation in there it might cause people to try to figure out if it is saying something. Gah!

THAT would be more fun!

And fun is what you are after. So autogenerate but then throw in some punctuation.

you seriously thinking I didn't notice you cannot debunk what I said so you propose I didn't say what said properly? bait and switch, how reverse psychology of you. I don't have to prove self evident evolving, just explain it.
If there is something that isn't allowed to be said, chances are it is because it is the truth. If there is something that you don't like hearing, chances are is because it is the truth. Outside of provable science, for just about everything you think is right or true, the exact opposite is almost certainly the case. Furthermore, there are many problems in the world. The solution to those problems is almost certainly the opposite of what you think they are. It is as Einstein once said. "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it." But it gets worse than that. To even speak of the solutions almost certainly not be permitted. Not here or anyplace else that operates from the same problem creating level of consciousness.

Thanks for the advice, Constanza.
you seriously thinking I didn't notice you cannot debunk what I said so you propose I didn't say what said properly? bait and switch, how reverse psychology of you. I don't have to prove self evident evolving, just explain it.

See??? That's better. I actually read it thinking it was a meaningful post! GOOD JOB!

Now you are ONTO something! This will DEFINITELY lure more people in.

Try it on one of your longer blocks of text. And I honestly cannot recommend enough upping the n-grams to 2 or 3 that will force the algorith to generate phrases that sound more like a coherent thought than just random words strung together.

Here: the part of your post that reads " I don't have to prove self evident evolving, just explain it." <-- this could be improved by elimination or changing the word "Evolving" from a verb to a noun. If you had just switched it up for "evolution" it might have actually looked like a REAL SENTENCE instead of what is clearly just a markov chain generator.

(I really want to see you succeed with this schtick so I'm hoping you'll actually take my advice!)

Without punctuation people can tell IMMEDIATELY that this is autogenerated text and not anything real. But if you put some punctuation in there it might cause people to try to figure out if it is saying something. Gah!

THAT would be more fun!

And fun is what you are after. So autogenerate but then throw in some punctuation.

It is wonderful watching a typecast mentality pretend their ideology wasn't debunked by projecting I was out of touch with specific evolving here as me alone adapting to occupying space now. Kinetic series parallel existing in plain sight, is self evident one has to navigate around everything outside their skin.
It is wonderful watching a typecast mentality pretend their ideology wasn't debunked by projecting I was out of touch with specific evolving here as me alone adapting to occupying space now. Kinetic series parallel existing in plain sight, is self evident one has to navigate around everything outside their skin.

Let me fix this for you. Honest it won't take much time but it will improve readability while still maintaining opacity.

"It is wonderful watching a typecast mentality pretend their ideology wasn't debunked by projection. I was out of touch with specific evolvolution here as I, alone, adapted to occupying space. Kinetic series parallel existence in plain sight is self evident. One has to navigate around everything outside their skin."

SEE??? That almost sounds like someone could make sense of something if they tried hard enough.

If you don't polish up the output the seams show.

Hope that helps!
Let me fix this for you. Honest it won't take much time but it will improve readability while still maintaining opacity.

"It is wonderful watching a typecast mentality pretend their ideology wasn't debunked by projection. I was out of touch with specific evolvolution here as I, alone, adapted to occupying space. Kinetic series parallel existence in plain sight is self evident. One has to navigate around everything outside their skin."

SEE??? That almost sounds like someone could make sense of something if they tried hard enough.

If you don't polish up the output the seams show.

Hope that helps!

flail away with your symbolism over substance mentality, a mind is only useful to those directing your faith life is beyond your intellectual mind's capacity to navigate being alive in series parallel displacement being only you sharing the moment equally here since conceived adapting in the moment, now.
flail away with your symbolism over substance mentality, a mind is only useful to those directing your faith life is beyond your intellectual mind's capacity to navigate being alive in series parallel displacement being only you sharing the moment equally here since conceived adapting in the moment, now.

Wow, that's MUCH better! See? The only problem is, it kind of breaks down at the end. Did you get tired?

Still, you are doing GREAT! Keep up the good work!
If there is something that isn't allowed to be said, chances are it is because it is the truth. If there is something that you don't like hearing, chances are is because it is the truth. Outside of provable science, for just about everything you think is right or true, the exact opposite is almost certainly the case. Furthermore, there are many problems in the world. The solution to those problems is almost certainly the opposite of what you think they are. It is as Einstein once said. "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it." But it gets worse than that. To even speak of the solutions almost certainly not be permitted. Not here or anyplace else that operates from the same problem creating level of consciousness.

It truth exists, is it even relevant?

The entire universe, including all that exists within it [including us]
and all that occurs within it,
is nothing more than the completely random confluence of sub-atomic particles in the otherwise vacuum of infinite space.
We don't need to theorize this.
We wake up into it every morning.