How To Tell What The Truth Is.

If there is something that isn't allowed to be said, chances are it is because it is the truth. If there is something that you don't like hearing, chances are is because it is the truth. Outside of provable science, for just about everything you think is right or true, the exact opposite is almost certainly the case. Furthermore, there are many problems in the world. The solution to those problems is almost certainly the opposite of what you think they are. It is as Einstein once said. "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it." But it gets worse than that. To even speak of the solutions almost certainly not be permitted. Not here or anyplace else that operates from the same problem creating level of consciousness.

Please explain, in your own words, what Fake New is, and while you are at it, please explain to us what Conspiracy theories are?

I just want to make sure we are all on the same page here?
Or "cope"? LOL

It's fun to watch you try to build up your post count with dribble. Do you believe a half-truth is truth or a lie? Example, your Einstein quote was only a partial quote. The full quote is "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."

This is very much like Lin Chi's comment, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." It means get rid of preconceived notions if trying to solve a problem.

Why would you eliminate that from your OP?

The reason I left the rest of the quote was because it was irrelevant to the point I was making.
You offer nothing but your opinion, speculation, supposition and conjecture....these are NOT facts and do not bare a logical analysis.

YOU create THIS thread, so the burden of proof is on you. If you cannot logically or rationally (i.e., dead people don't type) explain or clarify it's content to the reader, it's worthless...and you insisting it's true is irrelevant, as only YOU understand your intent and such is not substantiating anything.

So if you can't meet a simple burden of proof, you're just dishonestly trolling. Carry on.

What I said in my thread was true. If you think any part of it is untrue, speak up. Or shut up.
Please explain, in your own words, what Fake New is, and while you are at it, please explain to us what Conspiracy theories are?

I just want to make sure we are all on the same page here?

I am anti Trump. Is that close enough? (Though I am also an ti Biden) Fake news is a problem. But it isn't "THEE" problem. The real problem is not being allowed to speak the truth. For example, I started a thread called, "The philosophy of being banned." It was closed to debate. But before that happened, some people did reply to it. Not one did what the thread suggested. There is another thing about "fake news." From what I have seen, it seems most people PREFER being lied to. It's a god damned shame. Lastly, I have heard it said that in a world full of misleading propaganda, truth itself is a conspiracy. That is no conspiracy. Also, a "conspiracy theory" that isn't true is the same thing as fake news.
It truth exists, is it even relevant?

The entire universe, including all that exists within it [including us]
and all that occurs within it,
is nothing more than the completely random confluence of sub-atomic particles in the otherwise vacuum of infinite space.
We don't need to theorize this.
We wake up into it every morning.

evolving isn't random results, but series parallel specific events spontaneously existing at the same time anything existing is never same total sum details again. Universal cycles as maintaining outcomes arriving next here now. Evolving isn't speculated, it is existing as happening now and nowhere else currently going on.

Overwhelming people pretending not to know what their own brain is navigating through being alive here as ancestrally positioned native to this universal displacement. Kinetic self evident results by performing the adapt or become extinct behavior practiced since dawn of self deception being humanity corrupting each great great grandchild added within the species being over 8 mbillion sole displacements here.

Accountability without reasonable doubt or facts created ancestrally every village suggests humans are exempt and excluded from actual time currently evolving forward now.

Corrupted intellectual minds governing instinctive brains to always defend state of mind semantics or else the game of truth or consequences not believing now isn't eternity gets a person shunned by previous 4 generations, exiled from community, exiled from society for treason or blasphemy regardless race, creed, color, national origin, gender bias, academic training, artistic impression of tomorrow, ancestral position today, generation gap remaining since conceived to decomposed inhabiting space specifically here.

Self evident things occupying space evolving as displaced universally present. I can account for what, where, when, which, person, place, thing, inorganic, ancestral, this atmosphere, or any other. hope, faith, charity are psychological tools to keep each brain gussing what totmorrow could become each rotation of the planet a personal body gets inhabiting the moment here.

Self evident because each has to navigate same moment here as conceived to replace preious 4 generation gaps living left adapting forward "in plain sight.". Believing it cannot be this way commands the nature of human behavior to always doubt one's actual time here.

Power of suggesting real isn't real is the Original sin of humanity corrupting each ancestor added until extinction.

Every reality is doing it currently.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You offer nothing but your opinion, speculation, supposition and conjecture....these are NOT facts and do not bare a logical analysis.

YOU create THIS thread, so the burden of proof is on you. If you cannot logically or rationally (i.e., dead people don't type) explain or clarify it's content to the reader, it's worthless...and you insisting it's true is irrelevant, as only YOU understand your intent and such is not substantiating anything.

So if you can't meet a simple burden of proof, you're just dishonestly trolling. Carry on.

What I said in my thread was true. If you think any part of it is untrue, speak up. Or shut up.

:palm: Post #7, genius.

As you can see, dear reader....we have here yet another MAGA minion who cannot debate logically or rationally beyond a certain point. All he does here is just repeat himself while ignoring all else. Typical MAGA troll. I'm done with him.
Once we accept multiple realities, we've departed from the realm of science and entered the realm of fancy.

intellectual truth is relative to choices believed ancestrally forward, actual evolving is ancestry changing population alive one at a time in the same moment regardless generation gaps left living here now. True believers aren't honest about actual evolving as displaced in this atmosphere.

Dishonesty about self evident results is wrong, corruption is justified by people wishing now wasn't self evident evolving and won't tolerate anyone not believing in issues beyond results occupying the moment here. you know social issues between we say, you better obey, nobody knows, leaders promise better tomorrrows, fellowships make today all the tomorrrows that exist next rotation of the planet each lifetime is never same tpotal sum again here.

Compounded combined simplicity without a doubt suggesting unequal balancing between extreme interpretations of how many other ways eternity could exist without it being now as genetics simply separates ancestors changing populaiton one at a time existing in plain sight of navigating the moment here never the same form again since conceived.

think about something, Truth is relative to interpretation, actual evolving is relative to population occupying space now. Processed information used by whole population historically left, processing population arriving one at a time here never same person since inception of the ancestral DNA streaming present.
intellectual truth is relative to choices believed ancestrally forward, actual evolving is ancestry changing population alive one at a time in the same moment regardless generation gaps left living here now. True believers aren't honest about actual evolving as displaced in this atmosphere.

Dishonesty about self evident results is wrong, corruption is justified by people wishing now wasn't self evident evolving and won't tolerate anyone not believing in issues beyond results occupying the moment here. you know social issues between we say, you better obey, nobody knows, leaders promise better tomorrrows, fellowships make today all the tomorrrows that exist next rotation of the planet each lifetime is never same tpotal sum again here.

Compounded combined simplicity without a doubt suggesting unequal balancing between extreme interpretations of how many other ways eternity could exist without it being now as genetics simply separates ancestors changing populaiton one at a time existing in plain sight of navigating the moment here never the same form again since conceived.

think about something, Truth is relative to interpretation, actual evolving is relative to population occupying space now. Processed information used by whole population historically left, processing population arriving one at a time here never same person since inception of the ancestral DNA streaming present.

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 18.4 is a little much dontcha think?
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 18.4 is a little much dontcha think?

My thinking works in parallel of navigating space as spontaneously alive simultaneously with everyting else universally balancing here. Simple compounding sequences of new total sum arriving forward here now per cycle evolving as specifically present substance formed as inorganic and ancestral shape as molecular combined and cellularly reproductively present in ancestral achievement since conceived to replace one's previous donators of current DNA configuration not duplicated since inception of the species to any other ancestor lived, living, added.
My thinking works in parallel of navigating space as spontaneously alive simultaneously with everyting else universally balancing here. Simple compounding sequences of new total sum arriving forward here now per cycle evolving as specifically present substance formed as inorganic and ancestral shape as molecular combined and cellularly reproductively present in ancestral achievement since conceived to replace one's previous donators of current DNA configuration not duplicated since inception of the species to any other ancestor lived, living, added.

You seem to be getting lazy again. These are just trash. C'mon man, you can do better than this.
You seem to be getting lazy again. These are just trash. C'mon man, you can do better than this.

Seem? I have done better than my previous generations solving the traditional mysteries of realities combined. My brain does more than believe in hypothetical possibilities are greater than actual genetic results pretending they never knew how evolving works naturally timing ancestors apart now.

I discovered there is not such thing as missing links to series parallel displacements changing forms shaped as combined molecular elements(inorganic) or DNA(ancestral) results occupying time inhabiting space here evolving into a new total sum forward now.

Power vs energy. energy flows paths of least resistance and rule of intellectual law commands people to resis self awareness cradle to grave or society will remove those not complying to what people will do to each other not following suggestions reality is greater than existing here in the real point of actually being eternally separated now.

Self contained to DNA displacement is self evident as gaseous, liquid, mineral characteristics being what lives shape to universal positions life adapts within for each reproduction in a food chain present never staying same result as their point of origin, conceived to replace those adding the conception.

Compounding series parallel events spontaneously evolving simultaneously here. Same space, same species, parallel lifetimes of multiple generations present adapting to the moment balancing happens here contracting from every direction, expanding to individual angles of adapting to space inhabiting the moment now.

thermodynamics reveal life never exceeded results that evolved or evolving forward as currently occupying time per "cycle" reproduced until no more reproducitons added as each great great grandchild is a son or daughter of 2 parents, grandchild of 4 grandparents, great grandchild of 8 great grandparents, great great grandchild of 16 great great grandparents among the 30 lifetimes that contributed DNA forward previous 4 generation gaps lived.

Specific to each of the estimated 8 billion replacements making up the homo sapien species regardless race, creed, color, national origin, gender bias, gender identity, political motivation, spiritual conviction character matters and ancestral displacement doesn't count academically, artistically, economically, poltically, spiritually, socially, ancestrally when people are governed to believe living cannot be limited to genetics eternally separating numbers present.

Original sin, manufactured intellectual reasonable doubt from individuals within this species used against this species as a whole.
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:palm: Post #7, genius.

As you can see, dear reader....we have here yet another MAGA minion who cannot debate logically or rationally beyond a certain point. All he does here is just repeat himself while ignoring all else. Typical MAGA troll. I'm done with him.

Post#7 says nothing. At least nothing sensable.