I am starting to wonder about Wright's motivations

I was just driving home for lunch when Rush was reading a Blog by the woman who organized all this. The blog was from earlier in this whole contraversy. According to Rush she said that Obama wanted us all to believe that Wright was nothing more than a kindly old uncle that was relegated to the church basement and that Obama didn't know about all Wright's beliefs. Rush then went on to say that in HIS mind, for whatever that is worth, she set this whole press club appearence up to benefit Clinton. He didn't go so far as to say the Clinton's PLANNED it but he did say that it was done for her benefit.
I was just driving home for lunch when Rush was reading a Blog by the woman who organized all this. The blog was from earlier in this whole contraversy. According to Rush she said that Obama wanted us all to believe that Wright was nothing more than a kindly old uncle that was relegated to the church basement and that Obama didn't know about all Wright's beliefs. Rush then went on to say that in HIS mind, for whatever that is worth, she set this whole press club appearence up to benefit Clinton. He didn't go so far as to say the Clinton's PLANNED it but he did say that it was done for her benefit.

Why would Wright play into something he knew would hurt Obama PLANNED by a Clinton supporter?
Here is what Obama said:

"Barack Obama appeared to disown his former pastor Tuesday, saying he was “outraged” and “angered” by Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.’s appearance the day before at The National Press Club.

In a press conference in North Carolina, the Illinois senator used his strongest language to date to denounce Wright’s controversial sermons and his public remarks since those sermons became national news a month ago.

“Yesterday we saw a very different vision of America,” Obama said. “I am outraged by the comments that were made, and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday.”

“The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive but I believe they ended up giving comfort to those who prey on hate,” he said."


Sorry to my liberal friends for the Fox link.....it was the first place I could find it.
Oh, and by the way, read that last sentence carefully.....I agree with it 100% and apply it to both sides of this. This is one of the reasons I could almost vote for Obama.....almost...
I just watched most of it; I thought anything like this would be disingenuous, but I think he kind of pulled it off. For one, he was genuinely pissed; I think it ticked him off that he went to great pains in his Philly speech not to slam Wright, and Wright still went off on his "typical politician" thing...
Why would Wright play into something he knew would hurt Obama PLANNED by a Clinton supporter?
I have watched him over and over for the last few days and all I can say my brother is EGO. Ego tends to be one of the biggest blinders that humans possess. And honestly, with Moyers he threw Obama under a car if not a bus by saying that Obama only said what he said in Philadelphia because he is a politician. He infered that Obama was not genuine in his comments but only a politician, which I saw as a way of hopefully keeping Obama from jettisoning Wright completely by before hand saying that Obama does what he does ONLY for political reasons.
I have watched him over and over for the last few days and all I can say my brother is EGO. Ego tends to be one of the biggest blinders that humans possess. And honestly, with Moyers he threw Obama under a car if not a bus by saying that Obama only said what he said in Philadelphia because he is a politician. He infered that Obama was not genuine in his comments but only a politician, which I saw as a way of hopefully keeping Obama from jettisoning Wright completely by before hand saying that Obama does what he does ONLY for political reasons.

You may be right .. but his performance looked as if it was intended to derail Obama.

He didn't just throw Obama under the bus, he threw the black church under the bus. There is much discussion and anger within the black community as we speak and the black talk show call-in lines on full.

Wright was held in far better esteem and his ego was being stroked when this looked like just another unfair attack on Obama. But now the stench of this is causing deeper questions. Wright knows that the black church as well as the entire black estabishment supports Obama and recognizes the significance of this moment.

Wright's ego, stature, and legacy would have been far better served by his STFU.

He's an intelligent man .. he must have known that.
You may be right .. but his performance looked as if it was intended to derail Obama.

He didn't just throw Obama under the bus, he threw the black church under the bus. There is much discussion and anger within the black community as we speak and the black talk show call-in lines on full.

Wright was held in far better esteem and his ego was being stroked when this looked like just another unfair attack on Obama. But now the stench of this is causing deeper questions. Wright knows that the black church as well as the entire black estabishment supports Obama and recognizes the significance of this moment.

Wright's ego, stature, and legacy would have been far better served by his STFU.

He's an intelligent man .. he must have known that.
I am uncertain if reverend wright cares at all about sticking his foot in his mouth or how what he says appears, this has been evident with his sermons that have come forth don't you think? So to me, this is NOT a new behavior or arrogance, but one that has existed all along to some degree.

For the life of me, I can not understand why the reverend wright has decided to throw Senator Obama under the bus the way he has done...I heard someone speak of a book he is trying to sell from a caller this morning....don't know if there is any truth to this though.

I also heard someone suggest that reverend wright could be doing this for his own selfish reasons, the sabotaging of the first black president, so he could continue his white hatred rants with his parishioners, but more than likely this person was being racist.

What is obvious is that the Rev. Wright is pretty upset with Obama to do this to a man that has been a member of his church for 20 years.

What also will be asked by others, like mccain and hillary supporters once again is how could Obama have stood up for this man in the first place and not have had a better read on Wrights visceral, vindictive, arrogant and egotistical character that is now showing its face to the public in full and purposefully stabbing obama in the back?

Even if it is how you speculate, which of course I believe is just ridiculous.....but say it is true that someohow Wright decided to get in buddy buddy with clinton and the clintons are behind him doing this.....what kind of pastor does that make Wright and what kind of judge of character expertice does that give Obama?

how well do you know your pastor?

Obama was gracious enough not to demonize this guy out of respect. Look what it got him?
This is one of the reasons I hate organized religion.

The people at the top always seem to get caught up in the power it gives them.
how well do you know your pastor?

Obama was gracious enough not to demonize this guy out of respect. Look what it got him?
This is one of the reasons I hate organized religion.

The people at the top always seem to get caught up in the power it gives them.
I know my pastor from my youth well enough (my mother still goes to his church) that I could, with confidence, answer about 95% of questions that would be put to him, with a reasonable certainty of accuracy, exactly as he would.
I know my pastor from my youth well enough (my mother still goes to his church) that I could, with confidence, answer about 95% of questions that would be put to him, with a reasonable certainty of accuracy, exactly as he would.

Oh well that must mean everybody does.

I neither know nor care what my local priest thinks about anything. He is about as influential to me as Sowell.
Oh well that must mean everybody does.

I neither know nor care what my local priest thinks about anything. He is about as influential to me as Sowell.
Because you don't attend a church, nor are a member of one. You don't know "your" pastor, because you don't have one.

There is a very large difference between somebody who just yesterday said that they aren't a member of any church but would attend one if Wright, or somebody like him, were preaching and somebody who regularly attends and is a member of a church.
Because you don't attend a church, nor are a member of one. You don't know "your" pastor, because you don't have one.

There is a very large difference between somebody who just yesterday said that they aren't a member of any church but would attend one if Wright, or somebody like him, were preaching and somebody who regularly attends and is a member of a church.

I used to when I was a kid, and my parents didn’t personally know our priest at all. I don’t know anybody who does.
Because you don't attend a church, nor are a member of one. You don't know "your" pastor, because you don't have one.

There is a very large difference between somebody who just yesterday said that they aren't a member of any church but would attend one if Wright, or somebody like him, were preaching and somebody who regularly attends and is a member of a church.

You don't speak for everyone who attends church. People attend church for a wide variety of reasons, and their relationship w/ their pastor, or lack thereof, is an individual thing.
You don't speak for everyone who attends church. People attend church for a wide variety of reasons, and their relationship w/ their pastor, or lack thereof, is an individual thing.

And, as Spock said, no one can guarantee the actions of another. Let’s face it, no one knows another’s heart unless you have a very intimate relationship with them. And even then, not always.