I can't believe nobody is talking about this! or Echoes of "Indoctrination" Claims

Really? Do you have a link?

Editor's Note (9/3/2009, 11:00 AM): ABC News reports that the White House is revising some of the language in the teacher materials. Students had been asked to "Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." The Department of Education has changed that section to now read: "Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals."

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Editor's Note (9/3/2009, 11:00 AM): ABC News reports that the White House is revising some of the language in the teacher materials. Students had been asked to "Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." The Department of Education has changed that section to now read: "Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals."

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LOL. Excellent. It appears as if clearer heads prevailed.
LOL. Excellent. It appears as if clearer heads prevailed.

Clearer heads? How about clearer language?

The president is going to give a speech about how education is important for kids' futures and how kids need to stay in school and try to achieve great things. Then one of the suggested questions is "How can you help the president?" clearly meaning how can you help the president KEEP KIDS IN SCHOOL AND ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS.

All they did is clarify the language to mean exactly what anyone with a brain knows they meant. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Clearer heads? How about clearer language?

The president is going to give a speech about how education is important for kids' futures and how kids need to stay in school and try to achieve great things. Then one of the suggested questions is "How can you help the president?" clearly meaning how can you help the president KEEP KIDS IN SCHOOL AND ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS.

All they did is clarify the language to mean exactly what anyone with a brain knows they meant. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

yeah sure...that is why they are backpedaling
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Meme and Tutu

To Damo and the retard twins - If you want to raise a stink about indoctrination, why don't you go ahead and condemn Bush I and Reagan?

Obama's talking strictly about education and how good it is. There's nothing indoctrinating about it unless you hate education. You want to know what Reagan talked to the students about? You wanna know? Lowering taxes. No joke.

From Reagan's address:

"When we came into office, the top personal tax rate that the federal government could put on your income was 70 percent," Reagan said in his opening remarks. "Now, you can understand, I think, that if you were getting up in those brackets -- there were 14 different tax brackets, depending on the amount of money in each bracket you earned. And when you could look and say, 'If I earn another dollar, I only get to keep 30 cents out of it,' you can imagine the lack of incentive there. Well, we lowered it to 50 percent, and the economy really took off."

"So, I think the fact that we have finally gotten the Congress of the United States to deal with this problem of tax reform is the greatest achievement," Reagan said. "And I'm going to be riding herd all the way to see that we finally get it through."


The problem with you guys is you have no sense of shame or embarrassment about making yourselves look totally fucking stupid.
Did the race-haters protest when (daddy of Shrub) President Bush gave a live, televised speech about school achievement to the nation's students in 1991? His "indoctrination" was broadcast live by CNN.

It's sad that the racists had to disguise another of their hate crimes as a political issue.
What is wrong with asking school kids how they could help the president with education issues?

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

As someone else posted. A false outrage needle pegger for the right.

Well true partisan based outrage. But false reason for it.
Clearer heads? How about clearer language?

The president is going to give a speech about how education is important for kids' futures and how kids need to stay in school and try to achieve great things. Then one of the suggested questions is "How can you help the president?" clearly meaning how can you help the president KEEP KIDS IN SCHOOL AND ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS.

All they did is clarify the language to mean exactly what anyone with a brain knows they meant. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The language was very clear, according to the lesson plan you were supposed to have the kids make posters about how they were inspired by the dear leader (and this was the pre K to 6th plan), you were supposed to talk about the leaders speeches from before and put up quotes of the leader around the classroom and then talk about how you were going to help the leader in his plans....

They didn't just "clarify" they rewrote it so that it was no longer about Obama and became more about education, this is a good thing. However the original intent as laid out in the lesson plans was not what you are saying it is. People will have less objection now that it no longer centers on Obama, and it will be far less controversial now. I think they made the right move in rewriting the lesson plans.