I can't believe nobody is talking about this! or Echoes of "Indoctrination" Claims

Probably, however this is making the airwaves on talk radio as the second coming of the "Young Pioneers" of the Stalin regime...

There are interesting aspects. Decorating the room with Obama quotes before he comes on? Reading inspiring books of teh Obamas before he speaks to get the kids in the mood? After the speech making neat posters on how teh Obamas inspired you?

Putting out lesson plans for your own speech?

If he didn't want it to be politicized it might have been better received with representatives of both parties talking up education...
You mean like what W did with NCLB?
To Damo and the retard twins - If you want to raise a stink about indoctrination, why don't you go ahead and condemn Bush I and Reagan?

Obama's talking strictly about education and how good it is. There's nothing indoctrinating about it unless you hate education. You want to know what Reagan talked to the students about? You wanna know? Lowering taxes. No joke.

From Reagan's address:

"When we came into office, the top personal tax rate that the federal government could put on your income was 70 percent," Reagan said in his opening remarks. "Now, you can understand, I think, that if you were getting up in those brackets -- there were 14 different tax brackets, depending on the amount of money in each bracket you earned. And when you could look and say, 'If I earn another dollar, I only get to keep 30 cents out of it,' you can imagine the lack of incentive there. Well, we lowered it to 50 percent, and the economy really took off."

"So, I think the fact that we have finally gotten the Congress of the United States to deal with this problem of tax reform is the greatest achievement," Reagan said. "And I'm going to be riding herd all the way to see that we finally get it through."


The problem with you guys is you have no sense of shame or embarrassment about making yourselves look totally fucking stupid.

You worship Obama, don't you!
You want to Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarry him, dont you.
Meme and Tutu


You are a very sick SOB. So much for you caring for the weak and disabled. You must enjoy being a prick.
nope....not the exact same.....next

Yeah, except you didn't use the term "the exact same" in your other post. Your EXACT words were, "the same shit".

Trying to change the rules midstream again I see.

A president...speaking to school children...during the school day.

Exactly the same? Nope...one president was white, and the other black.

The same in all the ways that matter? Of course
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President Obama loves to insult children with downs syndrome by using them as an insult?

Just like i thought, here comes the true Damo...
Yeah, my bowling game is like... what did he call it again? ZappasGuitar, you are quite the apologist.
Yeah, except you didn't use the term "the exact same" in your other post. Your EXACT words were, "the same shit".

Trying to change the rules midstream again I see.

A president...speaking to school children...during the school day.

Exactly the same? Nope...one president was white, and the other black.

The same in all the ways that matter? Of course

Implying the President doesn't even display the bowling skills that the disabled do.
Even the President realized that he was over the line, only silly apologists try to drink up that bath water like this. Come on, man. Give it a rest already.