I heart Reagan



Well, in celebration of the probable Democratic nominee for President getting on tv to tell the country that Ronald Reagan's ass is just so fine, I decided I didn't want this unity, let's all come together and tell the Republicans how great they are, and give them what they want, bus to pass me by.

So I ran out to get myself a big ole Ronald Reagan poster. And when I got home I hung it up in my bedroom, on the ceiling above my bed, where the great man himself can grin down on my every night.

And...I got to thinking...is it just me, or are rich people taxed too much in this country?

I love Obama! I am on board!

Hit me baby, one more time.
I posted this the other day, and frankly I was borderline digusted.

What's a democrat doing, sucking Reagan's ass? And not only that, but saying that reagan took us in the right direction "after the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s".

Yeah, I know the vietnam war and the counter culture was traumatic. But, can someone frickin' tell obama that that was the period when medicare, envrionmental protection, Civil rights, consumer protection, and a host of other paradigm-shifting changes took place?

Well, in celebration of the probable Democratic nominee for President getting on tv to tell the country that Ronald Reagan's ass is just so fine, I decided I didn't want this unity, let's all come together and tell the Republicans how great they are, and give them what they want, bus to pass me by.

So I ran out to get myself a big ole Ronald Reagan poster. And when I got home I hung it up in my bedroom, on the ceiling above my bed, where the great man himself can grin down on my every night.

And...I got to thinking...is it just me, or are rich people taxed too much in this country?

I love Obama! I am on board!

Hit me baby, one more time.

Yeah, Obama's pretty cool.
I posted this the other day, and frankly I was borderline digusted.

What's a democrat doing, sucking Reagan's ass? And not only that, but saying that reagan took us in the right direction "after the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s".

Yeah, I know the vietnam war and the counter culture was traumatic. But, can someone frickin' tell obama that that was the period when medicare, envrionmental protection, Civil rights, consumer protection, and a host of other paradigm-shifting changes took place?

And inneffective 70% taxation...
I don't see this as an endorsement of Reagan, but rather an opinion that Reagan changed the direction of the country, which he did.

So what?

-PAUL '08!
Me likey.

Finally a Democrat willing to condemn the social experiments of the Democratic 60s and 70s. This makes me much more likely to vote Obama.
I don't see this as an endorsement of Reagan, but rather an opinion that Reagan changed the direction of the country, which he did.

So what?

-PAUL '08!

It was more than that. It was a rightwing, romanticized reminiscence of reagan, replete with code words that are straight from the rightwing handbook. From democrats point of view, reagan did a lot of lasting damage to the country.
From democrats point of view, reagan did a lot of lasting damage to the country.

But Democrats are pretty blind. They're essentially the left wing version of the Republican idiot.

Take your blinders off once in a while. Maybe then you'll be able to see the image in the mirror and cut off the mullet.
I concur with this:

John Edwards statement on Obama's comments on Reagan

"Senator Obama was wrong -- frightfully so -- in using Ronald Reagan as an example of voters reaching for change. The breadth of change Ronald Reagan brought was crippling for millions of Americans with the two worst recessions since the Depression, a complete disregard for the rights of American labor, and tax cuts that lined the pockets of the richest Americans at the expense of fiscal sanity and the well-being of the most vulnerable in our society.

"Senator Obama may have been more interested in contrasting Reagan with Bill Clinton, but it shows particularly bad judgment to suggest this is the kind or even the breadth of change Americans want. Instead of lauding Ronald Reagan, Senator Obama would do better to remember that it was presidents like Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy who helped move this country forward."
All presidents are guilty of horrendous crimes and policies. Going all the way back to George Washington. They are ultimately judged on whether they do more good than harm.

I understand you hate FDR, TR, LBJ, and Kennedy. That's not the point. Obama is running for the nomination of the Democratic party. Not of the Libertarian Party. Not of the Republican party. Praising Reagan as some noble agent of change, and dismissing the progressive reforms of the 1960s and 1970s as "excesses" is not something many democrats would agree with.
All presidents are guilty of horrendous crimes and policies. Going all the way back to George Washington. They are ultimately judged on whether they do more good than harm.

I understand you hate FDR, TR, LBJ, and Kennedy. That's not the point. Obama is running for the nomination of the Democratic party. Not of the Libertarian Party. Not of the Republican party. Praising Reagan as some noble agent of change, and dismissing the progressive reforms of the 1960s and 1970s as "excesses" is not something many democrats would agree with.

You're making the disingenuous assumption that Obama was strictly talking about your "progressive reforms" of the 60s and 70s when he refers to excesses.
You're making the disingenuous assumption that Obama was strictly talking about your "progressive reforms" of the 60s and 70s when he refers to excesses.

Stop being a superfreak or damo with the disingenous assertions.

Listen to the video again. He didn't mention hippies, drugs, or the vietnam war. He comments were explicitly limited to change with respect to government accountability and bloat. Rightwing code words, that any democrat recognizes.
Stop being a superfreak or damo with the disingenous assertions.

Listen to the video again. He didn't mention hippies, drugs, or the vietnam war. He comments were explicitly limited to change with respect to government accountability and bloat. Rightwing code words, that any democrat recognizes.

Let's repeat that:

Rightwing code words, that any democrat recognizes.


Rightwing code words, that any democrat recognizes.

Stop being a superfreak or damo with the disingenous assertions.

Listen to the video again. He didn't mention hippies, drugs, or the vietnam war. He comments were explicitly limited to change with respect to government accountability and bloat. Rightwing code words, that any democrat recognizes.

Come on, admit it, you can be disingenuous from time to time. Admitting it will make you appear less disingenuous. :D

And if you're trying to paint Obama as some sort of Reaganesque conservative, then I think you're being disingenuous.
Come on, admit it, you can be disingenuous from time to time. Admitting it will make you appear less disingenuous. :D

And if you're trying to paint Obama as some sort of Reaganesque conservative, then I think you're being disingenuous.

Yeah, we all can be fakers and poseurs on this board. Myself included. :)

I've said not one word about Obama being a reagan conservative. I don't think he would ever be like reagan. God forbid if he was. But, he sounds more and more to me, like one of those mealy mouthed blue dog democrats.
I haven't seen the video, but I've read the transcript. I don't see Obama adopting a single Reagan policy. Not one. All he said was the Reagan put the country on a different trajectory. Which is true. He didn't necessarily say that it was a positive trajectory. Here it is:

I don't want to present myself as some sort of singular figure. I think part of what's different are the times. I do think that for example the 1980 was different. I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. I think they felt like with all the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s and government had grown and grown but there wasn't much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating. I think people, he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.

I also find the idea of an accountable government as wholly unobjectionable. What really is the problem with what he said?
Yeah, we all can be fakers and poseurs on this board. Myself included. :)

I've said not one word about Obama being a reagan conservative. I don't think he would ever be like reagan. God forbid if he was. But, he sounds more and more to me, like one of those mealy mouthed blue dog democrats.

Which Democrat doesn't? They're all part of the same fucked up machine.
I haven't seen the video, but I've read the transcript. I don't see Obama adopting a single Reagan policy. Not one. All he said was the Reagan put the country on a different trajectory. Which is true. He didn't necessarily say that it was a positive trajectory. Here it is:

I also find the idea of an accountable government as wholly unobjectionable. What really is the problem with what he said?

He offended the Democrats by saying this: "Reagan".

Go TO!