I heart Reagan

He offended the Democrats by saying this: "Reagan".

Go TO!

Seeing TO cry made my NFL season even though the Eagles failed to make the playoffs. I love it. I also love the fact that the Cowboys still haven't won a playoff game in about 12 years now. Schadenfreude rules!

As a black man, Obama should know better.

Google "Reagan" and "Philadelphia, Mississipi". Or Reagan and "Bob Jones University".

There's no denying, that reagan cultivated a sunny, optimistic personality, than many people responded to. But, reagan won the election in 1980, in large part by appealing to our most base instincts: Racial. He completed the southern strategy, which was started by Richard Nixon. The mainstream media won't ever mention it in any great detail - but, below the radar, all the facts are all there.

Also google Reagan and "welfare queen"
Seeing TO cry made my NFL season even though the Eagles failed to make the playoffs. I love it. I also love the fact that the Cowboys still haven't won a playoff game in about 12 years now. Schadenfreude rules!

Dallas has indeed sucked for a long time, they went from their prime in the early 90s to a shitbox today.

Now to piss off more democrats:


As a black man, Obama should know better.

Google "Reagan" and "Philadelphia, Mississipi". Or Reagan and "Bob Jones University".

There's no denying, that reagan cultivated a sunny, optimistic personality, than many people responded to. But, reagan won the election in 1980, in large part by appealing to our most base instincts: Racial. He completed the southern strategy, which was started by Richard Nixon. The mainstream media won't ever mention it in any great detail - but, below the radar, all the facts are all there.

Also google Reagan and "welfare queen"

I'm well aware of all of the above. You seriously think that Obama was buying into the racial politics of Ronald Reagan by acknowledging that he took the country on a different trajectory? Please. That's nonsense. I'm not saying it was a highlight of his campaign, but let's get real here.

Further, you cannot deny that Reagan was successful because he was able to tap into the underlying current of the country. All of the above horrible political tactics Reagan employed worked. They worked. And they worked for a reason. My take is that Obama sees the winds blowing in the opposite direction and similarly intends to take advantage of that undercurrent.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my take.
Why did Reagan do a speech in Philadelphia, OF ALL PLACES IN THE WORLD?!

Because it's the location of the Neshoba county fair. The biggest state political event of the year. WHy would he do it anywhere else, if he were making a speech in Mississippi, is what I wonder?
Why did Reagan do a speech in Philadelphia, OF ALL PLACES IN THE WORLD?!

Because it's the location of the Neshoba county fair. The biggest state political event of the year. WHy would he do it anywhere else, if he were making a speech in Mississippi, is what I wonder?

I'm glad you're still somewhat sane.
I'm glad you're still somewhat sane.

You buy that Beefy? Of all the mousefart towns in all of America Ronald Reagan just happens upon Philadelphia, Mississippi to launch his presidential campaign blowing boldly on the dog whistle of states' rights? Surely you jest.
You buy that Beefy? Of all the mousefart towns in all of America Ronald Reagan just happens upon Philadelphia, Mississippi to launch his presidential campaign blowing boldly on the dog whistle of states' rights? Surely you jest.

He launched his campaign at the Neshoba county fair. That is, coincidentally, where most of the people in Mississippi launch their campaign. The Neshoba county fair may seem like an odd place for a national candidate to make a speech, but if Reagan were intending to make a speech in Mississippi, that would be where anyone with half a brain would make it.
Saying, "Why would you make a speech in Philidelphia on the day of the Neshoba county fair?" is like saying, "Why would you make a speech in Mississippi?" Now, that would be a good question.
Saying, "Why would you make a speech in Philidelphia on the day of the Neshoba county fair?" is like saying, "Why would you make a speech in Mississippi?" Now, that would be a good question.

The bolded above is the question. You find it to be mere coincidence?
I'm well aware of all of the above. You seriously think that Obama was buying into the racial politics of Ronald Reagan by acknowledging that he took the country on a different trajectory? Please. That's nonsense. I'm not saying it was a highlight of his campaign, but let's get real here.

Further, you cannot deny that Reagan was successful because he was able to tap into the underlying current of the country. All of the above horrible political tactics Reagan employed worked. They worked. And they worked for a reason. My take is that Obama sees the winds blowing in the opposite direction and similarly intends to take advantage of that undercurrent.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my take.

what I saw in that video, was Obama paying tribute to reagan's optimism, and that the country was "ready" for the trajectory and changes he was advocating. And Obama didn't say a word about vietnam, drugs, or hippies. Its was all in the context of government "excess".

Here's my take. The mythology of reagan winning on optimism, and a noble program of government reform is way overblown.

Reagan's 1980 campaign, was very cyncial, very racial, and not what I would characterize as noble or optimistic. Sure, at the most superficial level, we see a sunny, charasmatic reagan. But, under the radar (as has been documented, but rarely acknowledged by the reagan worshipping media) was a cynical under the radar campaign to put the final nails in the coffin of the southern strategy. It was a about race. Politics in this country, often comes down to race. Not optimism, cheeriness, or smiling cowboy-like politicians. And it's icky to talk about, but its well documented. Reagan employed many dog whistles, to appeal to our most base instincts. Dog whistles that either weren't heard by the media, or white washed.

And its obvious what the "anti-government" and "reform" agenda, and references to "excess" were: to gut welfare, social services, and the welfare state. And you know what Billy Bob from Alabama hears, when he sees reagan saying that? He sees a guy who's going to stick it to the darkies. Make them get off their asses and get a job.

What I see Obama doing, is enabling the white wash of the reagan legacy. Which ain't cool, IMO


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Well, in celebration of the probable Democratic nominee for President getting on tv to tell the country that Ronald Reagan's ass is just so fine, I decided I didn't want this unity, let's all come together and tell the Republicans how great they are, and give them what they want, bus to pass me by.

So I ran out to get myself a big ole Ronald Reagan poster. And when I got home I hung it up in my bedroom, on the ceiling above my bed, where the great man himself can grin down on my every night.

And...I got to thinking...is it just me, or are rich people taxed too much in this country?

I love Obama! I am on board!

Hit me baby, one more time.

I'd rather hit Reagan.
I posted this the other day, and frankly I was borderline digusted.

What's a democrat doing, sucking Reagan's ass? And not only that, but saying that reagan took us in the right direction "after the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s".

Yeah, I know the vietnam war and the counter culture was traumatic. But, can someone frickin' tell obama that that was the period when medicare, envrionmental protection, Civil rights, consumer protection, and a host of other paradigm-shifting changes took place?

You know, I have to agree with Cypress here. I was born in 1972 and I can remember when I was 7 and 8 years old my toys were really safe. Then Reagan became President and from age 9 on my toys were not safe at all because consumer protection went to hell. Thanks Reagan! Rot in hell!!!
It was more than that. It was a rightwing, romanticized reminiscence of reagan, replete with code words that are straight from the rightwing handbook. From democrats point of view, reagan did a lot of lasting damage to the country.

Hey Cypress, since you voted for Reagan (at least once) you are personally responsible for all the fault Reagan did (you know, the whole voting for Bush thing) therefore you are responsible for all that you now mock.
But Democrats are pretty blind. They're essentially the left wing version of the Republican idiot.

Take your blinders off once in a while. Maybe then you'll be able to see the image in the mirror and cut off the mullet.

Maybe republicans should run as republicans. You guys won't be happy until the Democrats run a fucking republican and it looks like we're about to do so.

And yeah Beefy, this country is totally fucked right now because of liberals, that's right.

so a Republican as a Democratic presidetn should fix that right up.

Worry about your own party, whatever it might be.
I haven't seen the video, but I've read the transcript. I don't see Obama adopting a single Reagan policy. Not one. All he said was the Reagan put the country on a different trajectory. Which is true. He didn't necessarily say that it was a positive trajectory. Here it is:

I also find the idea of an accountable government as wholly unobjectionable. What really is the problem with what he said?

He said more than that DH and MY problem is, and I hope it's ok with you guys if I have a problem, that I don't want a Democratic presidential candidate saying Reagan did a lot of good things like connecting with th nation's concern with the growth and "excesses" of the federal government. This guy is constantly attacking the middle from the right and now he is lauding the right from the right, and you are free to vote for him, heck, go campaign for him.

But, I'll be looking for an actual Democrat to head the Democratic ticket.
He offended the Democrats by saying this: "Reagan".

Go TO!

Ronald Reagan is a fucking mass murderer who is in hell right now, if there is one. You think that you're funny, because you as a libertarian are (que harp music as the L's gather) A LIBERTARIAN..

But I'm down here on earth, and I don't like mass murderers, and I don't like ass kissers either.

I'm a liberal Beefy, if that's ok with you? And I'd like a FUCKING LIBERAL as the Democratic nominee.

I am so sick of being jumped on everytime I open my fucking mouth here. You can either be a con or you can be a blessed moderate, or you can lean right, or you can be a libertarian, but if you can't be a liberal. If you're a liberal you have Beefy, Damo, plus the right wing nutters, and that's a long list, and the "moderates" like DH and Onceler, all on your ass.

Do you ever listen to yourselves? Bo-ring and An-oying.
The reaction to this, typically, was WAY over the top.

It probably didn't help that I heard Edward's criticism of the remarks 1st, and the reaction of other Democrats. I was expecting some sort of wholesale endorsement of Reagan's policy & an open desire to emulate the man.

You all need to watch that again, and think about what he is actually saying. The hyperbole on this is absurd.
The reaction to this, typically, was WAY over the top.

It probably didn't help that I heard Edward's criticism of the remarks 1st, and the reaction of other Democrats. I was expecting some sort of wholesale endorsement of Reagan's policy & an open desire to emulate the man.

You all need to watch that again, and think about what he is actually saying. The hyperbole on this is absurd.

Thanks Onceler, I was expecting you.

Que Leaning right to post "I agree with you Onceler".

I'm more liberal than you are. I know that there should be a law against it, but so far, there is not one. So far liberal voices have just been marginalized as anti-american. And now when conservatism has failed and americans are ready for something new, I am not going to sit down and shut up, while the base nominates someone who is also going to tell me to sit down and shut up as he kisses conservative asses. He is more to the right than any one running for the D nomination in my estimation.

And I am not going to vote for Obama and I do not support Obama, and I will not support Obama.

And I will continue to say that on this board, even though any time I do, I have the Libertarains, the right wing nuts, and the moderate voices of reason we should all stop and shush ourselves to listen to, yapping around my feet like a bunch of over-excited cocker spaniels.