I heart Reagan

Bob Shaffer is not a Schaefer. I would have spelled it that way if it were true. Shaffer was my congressional representative before I moved to the boonies, he is well qualified, unlike Coors who simply ran a beer company. And yes, Pete Coors was the owner of Coors before the company was sold to Molson's about two years ago.

Look at the penis backpeddling!
Wow, you really are channeling doniston today! Who poisoned your toothpaste this morning?

I am just having some fun at your expense. Can’t a girl have a little fun without all you men getting all up in arms over it? You’re like a bunch of dark clouds around here.
I am just having some fun at your expense. Can’t a girl have a little fun without all you men getting all up in arms over it? You’re like a bunch of dark clouds around here.

you're SUPPOSED to put the " ;) " to indicate you are kidding.... cause lately it is too hard to tell with you.

I am just having some fun at your expense. Can’t a girl have a little fun without all you men getting all up in arms over it? You’re like a bunch of dark clouds around here.
Hmmm... I should have added a smilie. It would have softened the blow.

I think you just like typing the word 'penis'... :bleh:
Damn...busted! Good God, if there was one vote I could have back, I would have picked mondale. :)

I liked Reagan's arms control deal with Gorby. But cawacko, in retrospect, the gipper did a lot of lasting damage to america. And with life experience behind me, I'm clear eyed about the damages and crimes reagan committed.

How is it that you could put a gun to the head of a Con, before they'd EVER say a kind word about FDR, but if one critcizes a Dem for sucking reagan's ass, then I'm being a bleeding heart kook?

My eyes are wide open, and the mythology of reagan winning on optimism, cheeriness, and a noble agent of government reform is way overstated. Obama is wrong on that. Under the radar, reagan won (largely) on cynicism and racism. Google the southern strategy, if you need to.

If Obama wanted to cite a historical example of change, he should have mentioned FDR. IMO, people in this thread are trying to minimize what obama said, by asserting that he was just acknowledging that reagan won two landslides. True enough. But, I think anyone who listens to the whole video can recognize the code language against the welfare state. And somebody need to pull Obama aside and explain to him that, whatever the faults were of the counter culture revolution (and I think the positives outweighed the negatives), it was the 60's and 70's that brought us paradigm shifting changes in envrionmental law, civil rights, consumer protection, and healthcare. Things to be proud of

Reagan was similiar to FDR in terms of their optimism. FDR helped the nation through one of its most difficult times through his optimism. He gave people hope at that time which cannot be overstated. Yes many on the right disagree with a lot of his economic policies. We obviously also won WWII under his watch in which we would be living in a far different world had we not. So people like can compliment FDR but we don't view the New Deal as great public policy.
Reagan was similiar to FDR in terms of their optimism. FDR helped the nation through one of its most difficult times through his optimism. He gave people hope at that time which cannot be overstated. Yes many on the right disagree with a lot of his economic policies. We obviously also won WWII under his watch in which we would be living in a far different world had we not. So people like can compliment FDR but we don't view the New Deal as great public policy.

I hear cons say the New Deal was horrible. But, I've rarely been able to pin them down on what, broadly speaking, was so horrible.

Which of these major New Deal reforms would you roll back and eliminate?

40 hour work week.
Minimum wage law.
Prohibition on child labor
Repeal of alcohol prohibition
Banking and Finance reform: Securities and Exchange Commision and FDIC
Disability, unemployment, and retirement insurance.
Labor Laws.
I hear cons say the New Deal was horrible. But, I've rarely been able to pin them down on what, broadly speaking, was so horrible.

Which of these major New Deal reforms would you roll back and eliminate?

40 hour work week.
Minimum wage law.
Prohibition on child labor
Repeal of alcohol prohibition
Banking and Finance reform: Securities and Exchange Commision and FDIC
Disability, unemployment, and retirement insurance.
Labor Laws.
You have been answered on this myriad times. Repeating the question is not an argument for FDR.

TR? He was a bloodthirsty imperialist. Kennedy? He put us into VietNam. FDR? Internement and the other ugliness of WWII.

Yeah, great legacies there.

It was Eisenhower who started the ball rolling for the VN war...read the Eisenhower/Kennedy papers...;)
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I've never heard a con (well, maybe one) who has the guts to say we should eliminate the minimum wage, eliminate the 40 hour work week, eliminate disability and unemployment insurance, get rid of prohibitions on child labor, and eliminate social security.

The "I would support those, but do it differently" baloney doesn't wash. It means you support the new deal agenda, and are just arguing about implementation.
Maybe republicans should run as republicans. You guys won't be happy until the Democrats run a fucking republican and it looks like we're about to do so.

And yeah Beefy, this country is totally fucked right now because of liberals, that's right.

so a Republican as a Democratic presidetn should fix that right up.

Worry about your own party, whatever it might be.

He said more than that DH and MY problem is, and I hope it's ok with you guys if I have a problem, that I don't want a Democratic presidential candidate saying Reagan did a lot of good things like connecting with th nation's concern with the growth and "excesses" of the federal government. This guy is constantly attacking the middle from the right and now he is lauding the right from the right, and you are free to vote for him, heck, go campaign for him.

But, I'll be looking for an actual Democrat to head the Democratic ticket.

Ronald Reagan is a fucking mass murderer who is in hell right now, if there is one. You think that you're funny, because you as a libertarian are (que harp music as the L's gather) A LIBERTARIAN..

But I'm down here on earth, and I don't like mass murderers, and I don't like ass kissers either.

I'm a liberal Beefy, if that's ok with you? And I'd like a FUCKING LIBERAL as the Democratic nominee.

I am so sick of being jumped on everytime I open my fucking mouth here. You can either be a con or you can be a blessed moderate, or you can lean right, or you can be a libertarian, but if you can't be a liberal. If you're a liberal you have Beefy, Damo, plus the right wing nutters, and that's a long list, and the "moderates" like DH and Onceler, all on your ass.

Do you ever listen to yourselves? Bo-ring and An-oying.

Thanks Onceler, I was expecting you.

Que Leaning right to post "I agree with you Onceler".

I'm more liberal than you are. I know that there should be a law against it, but so far, there is not one. So far liberal voices have just been marginalized as anti-american. And now when conservatism has failed and americans are ready for something new, I am not going to sit down and shut up, while the base nominates someone who is also going to tell me to sit down and shut up as he kisses conservative asses. He is more to the right than any one running for the D nomination in my estimation.

And I am not going to vote for Obama and I do not support Obama, and I will not support Obama.

And I will continue to say that on this board, even though any time I do, I have the Libertarains, the right wing nuts, and the moderate voices of reason we should all stop and shush ourselves to listen to, yapping around my feet like a bunch of over-excited cocker spaniels.

You crazy lady. You cranky! Crazy lady.