I heart Reagan

Thanks Onceler, I was expecting you.

Que Leaning right to post "I agree with you Onceler".

I'm more liberal than you are. I know that there should be a law against it, but so far, there is not one. So far liberal voices have just been marginalized as anti-american. And now when conservatism has failed and americans are ready for something new, I am not going to sit down and shut up, while the base nominates someone who is also going to tell me to sit down and shut up as he kisses conservative asses. He is more to the right than any one running for the D nomination in my estimation.

And I am not going to vote for Obama and I do not support Obama, and I will not support Obama.

And I will continue to say that on this board, even though any time I do, I have the Libertarains, the right wing nuts, and the moderate voices of reason we should all stop and shush ourselves to listen to, yapping around my feet like a bunch of over-excited cocker spaniels.

Did I say any of that?

What the hell kind of a response is that? Because you are a liberal & feel this way, it does not give you a right to mischaracterize Obama's remarks, or my response.

I don't have to prove my lib cred to anyone. But I am a fiscally conservative lib; they DO exist. I believe progressive change can be made AND that taxes can be kept in check at the same time. I guess that actually makes me a radical.

Still, my views & your views do not change the fact that nothing Obama said was an endorsement of Reagan's policies, or indicated in any way that we can expect "Reagan, the sequel" with Obama. If anything, the guy's voting record is a little more left than I would usually prefer.
Oh, and bac hasn't even signed in yet!

Don't get me wrong, I love bac's writings and think he's great, and you Onceler, really are one of my favorite posters, sincerely, and DH is in my opinion, one of the best-informed.


And I'm not going to apologize for it, and I will put up a negative thread about Obama if I want to.

I noticed it's ok for you to put up anti-Hillary threads. Which I have no problem with if you haven't noticed, and you won't see me trying to bite your ankles on those threads. At least you don't have to put down newspaper when you put one up.
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Did I say any of that?

What the hell kind of a response is that? Because you are a liberal & feel this way, it does not give you a right to mischaracterize Obama's remarks, or my response.

I don't have to prove my lib cred to anyone. But I am a fiscally conservative lib; they DO exist. I believe progressive change can be made AND that taxes can be kept in check at the same time. I guess that actually makes me a radical.

Still, my views & your views do not change the fact that nothing Obama said was an endorsement of Reagan's policies, or indicated in any way that we can expect "Reagan, the sequel" with Obama. If anything, the guy's voting record is a little more left than I would usually prefer.

I think that you have blinders on when it comes to Reagan. Complimenting Reagan for rejecting the "exceses of government" is absolutely an endorsement, and it's an endorsment of right wing shrink the social spending part of the government, policies.

I reject it, completely. And I don't like anyone winking and nodding at the right wing nutters while they are running to head up the Democratic ticket.

This country is going to be truly f'd if all we do is move from radical neoliberal economic policies when R's are in office, to DLC globalization economic policies when a D is in office.

Who will speak for the average man?
"I reject it, completely. And I don't like anyone winking and nodding at the right wing nutters while they are running to head up the Democratic ticket."

So who WOULD you vote for? Hillary was triangulating all the way to Iowa, and then she took a break for a week.

You're going too far with these remarks. They are factually correct. I loathe just about every aspect of Reagan's legacy, but it is impossible to deny 2 elections years where the electoral map was solid red. Government WAS broken in the '70's, and it WAS bloated. IT STILL IS. It's even worse now under Bush, because of Cheney et al.'s idiocy that "deficit spending doesn't matter."

I agree with liberalism more than any other political philosophy, but it cannot be impractical. I cheered when Clinton said "we need a smaller, smarter government." The bureacracy is bloated, and always has been. Gore made great progress with his 5-year "reinventing government" project, but Bush abandoned it.

Our differences on this mirror our discussion regarding universal healthcare. We both agree philisophically that this should be a priority in America. I don't want to see it done until someone has a plan that can reasonably pay for most of it, without affecting taxes and without creating another runaway gov't program that we can't control. You stated that we just need to agitate for it, and in effect, damn the torpedoes & whatever fiscal issues may arise as a result.

I'm not down with that. My biggest problem with the left-wing of the party I tend to vote for is that they are so eager & often desperate to implement the plans they believe in (and that is understandable, given the usual political climate, which constrains such change), that they are generally very irresponsible fiscally, and even tend to disparage those who are.
"I reject it, completely. And I don't like anyone winking and nodding at the right wing nutters while they are running to head up the Democratic ticket."

So who WOULD you vote for? Hillary was triangulating all the way to Iowa, and then she took a break for a week.

You're going too far with these remarks. They are factually correct. I loathe just about every aspect of Reagan's legacy, but it is impossible to deny 2 elections years where the electoral map was solid red. Government WAS broken in the '70's, and it WAS bloated. IT STILL IS. It's even worse now under Bush, because of Cheney et al.'s idiocy that "deficit spending doesn't matter."

I agree with liberalism more than any other political philosophy, but it cannot be impractical. I cheered when Clinton said "we need a smaller, smarter government." The bureacracy is bloated, and always has been. Gore made great progress with his 5-year "reinventing government" project, but Bush abandoned it.

Our differences on this mirror our discussion regarding universal healthcare. We both agree philisophically that this should be a priority in America. I don't want to see it done until someone has a plan that can reasonably pay for most of it, without affecting taxes and without creating another runaway gov't program that we can't control. You stated that we just need to agitate for it, and in effect, damn the torpedoes & whatever fiscal issues may arise as a result.

I'm not down with that. My biggest problem with the left-wing of the party I tend to vote for is that they are so eager & often desperate to implement the plans they believe in (and that is understandable, given the usual political climate, which constrains such change), that they are generally very irresponsible fiscally, and even tend to disparage those who are.

No, I am not disparaging you, I am only reconizing that there is that gulf there...you are a fiscal conservative, I am not.

My opinion is, that if we wait until it would be financially responsible to implement things like universal health care, that time will never come. When do you think the historic bush deficits are going to be paid off Onceler? Do you think it's an accident that they are that high? Because I don't. I think that's the plan. Let's bankrupt the government so that liberals can't institute new social programs, and in fact, so that we are foriced to cut back on existing ones. This kills people, it costs lives.

So I push back by saying, no, I won't go along with that plan, in order to be termed "fiscally responsible". Instead I say go for broke, and then when something finally has to be slashed, let's have a political fight to the death over whether it's going to be social programs or the military budget, and overseas tax shelters, and the estate tax, etc.

I think I know where the American people are going to comee down on that, and I'm not afraid of that fight. I want that fight.

The only alternative to having that fight is to cave into the right wing strategy of allowing them to bankrupt us, and electing DLC dems in response, as the situation gets worse and worse and worse, until finally, when the left in this country truly has no voice, and something does have to be cut, they will swing this country right back to Pre-New Deal America, their ultimate, and stated goal.

And people will die.
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Oh, to answer your other questions...it's still Edwards for me.

I am seriously wondering if I won't just stay home if he's not the nominee. I just can't buy into this other shit. Yeah, I know what HIllary is. I didn't know what Obama was. Now I do.
Well, I agree that it's probably the intended strategy of this admin to bankrupt government, so we have to slash gov't programs. That has been discussed on this board before, and I think it's a reasonable assumption.

Your idea is the liberal bedfellow of that strategy; an extreme measure that, while being harmful in the short-term, will better serve the long-term goal.

Honestly, I respect that. I don't agree with it, but I understand it, and I can't say with any confidence that this strategy won't work.

I think it's impractical though, and will never support it. I think progressive change can be made in a way that doesn't bankrupt us & raise taxes back to ridiculous levels. I think we can have a goal of a 33% top tax rate that is compatible with universal healthcare, better education programs, greener energy policy & a variety of programs that help the less fortunate & more disadantaged in America.

As for Obama, if you go by voting record, he's still about the most liberal out there. It's funny, because - as I said - it's one of the hesitations I have about him. I think you're going a little far with his comments, and I don't think he meant at all what you are now characterizing him with; his admin will look nothing at all like Reagan's, and I would bet the farm on that one.
Well, pick your poison its either going to be him or Hillary in the seat.

I can't. I live in NY. I don't have to hold my nose and give an affirmation vote to either of them, and end up feeling bad about myself down the road. No Republican is going to come close to taking NY. I'll sit it out.
I can't. I live in NY. I don't have to hold my nose and give an affirmation vote to either of them, and end up feeling bad about myself down the road. No Republican is going to come close to taking NY. I'll sit it out.

Really? You're not going to vote this year in the general?
Well, I agree that it's probably the intended strategy of this admin to bankrupt government, so we have to slash gov't programs. That has been discussed on this board before, and I think it's a reasonable assumption.

Your idea is the liberal bedfellow of that strategy; an extreme measure that, while being harmful in the short-term, will better serve the long-term goal.

Honestly, I respect that. I don't agree with it, but I understand it, and I can't say with any confidence that this strategy won't work.

I think it's impractical though, and will never support it. I think progressive change can be made in a way that doesn't bankrupt us & raise taxes back to ridiculous levels. I think we can have a goal of a 33% top tax rate that is compatible with universal healthcare, better education programs, greener energy policy & a variety of programs that help the less fortunate & more disadantaged in America.

As for Obama, if you go by voting record, he's still about the most liberal out there. It's funny, because - as I said - it's one of the hesitations I have about him. I think you're going a little far with his comments, and I don't think he meant at all what you are now characterizing him with; his admin will look nothing at all like Reagan's, and I would bet the farm on that one.

He's got to Nov to show me something. So far everything he has shown me has indicated the exact opposite of what I wanted to see.

I completely understand your position, and I do understand that our end goals are somewhat similar. I guess that is why I am an activist. It takes kind of a ,take no prisoners, kick them in the balls, attitude to stand around with a sign reading "Impeach the bastards" on it, especially back when that was not a popular opinion by any means.

That's the part of me that Bush brought out, and the part of me that comes out on this board. I'm actually a real diplomat for most of my life.
Really? You're not going to vote this year in the general?

I don't know. i can see myself sitting around that day, while the fight to elect the first woman or the first black man to the Presidency is going on out there, and not being able to resist going out.

But right now, I'm very disappointed, and I wouldn't give two cents for either one of them.
Hey Cypress, since you voted for Reagan (at least once) you are personally responsible for all the fault Reagan did (you know, the whole voting for Bush thing) therefore you are responsible for all that you now mock.

Damn...busted! Good God, if there was one vote I could have back, I would have picked mondale. :)

I liked Reagan's arms control deal with Gorby. But cawacko, in retrospect, the gipper did a lot of lasting damage to america. And with life experience behind me, I'm clear eyed about the damages and crimes reagan committed.

How is it that you could put a gun to the head of a Con, before they'd EVER say a kind word about FDR, but if one critcizes a Dem for sucking reagan's ass, then I'm being a bleeding heart kook?

My eyes are wide open, and the mythology of reagan winning on optimism, cheeriness, and a noble agent of government reform is way overstated. Obama is wrong on that. Under the radar, reagan won (largely) on cynicism and racism. Google the southern strategy, if you need to.

If Obama wanted to cite a historical example of change, he should have mentioned FDR. IMO, people in this thread are trying to minimize what obama said, by asserting that he was just acknowledging that reagan won two landslides. True enough. But, I think anyone who listens to the whole video can recognize the code language against the welfare state. And somebody need to pull Obama aside and explain to him that, whatever the faults were of the counter culture revolution (and I think the positives outweighed the negatives), it was the 60's and 70's that brought us paradigm shifting changes in envrionmental law, civil rights, consumer protection, and healthcare. Things to be proud of
I didn't know that Cypress is a Reagan voter! Good thing Obama loves Reagan too. :thup:

And finding something that I agree with Obama on is pretty amazing.
I haven't seen the video, but I've read the transcript. I don't see Obama adopting a single Reagan policy. Not one. All he said was the Reagan put the country on a different trajectory. Which is true. He didn't necessarily say that it was a positive trajectory. Here it is:

I also find the idea of an accountable government as wholly unobjectionable. What really is the problem with what he said?

" I think people, he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing. "

I would say that portion hits the nail on the head. Dems may not have liked all of his policies, but the man did far more good for this country than bad. One side note I find rather funny.... there was not one single year in Reagans 8 that he had a Rep led Senate AND a Rep led House. Not one thing he did could have been done without the Dems in the House. They could have blocked him time and again.

Which is why Reagan and Tip were forced to compromise and work together. That was a time where they could have opposing positions, piss each other off and still be cival enough to work together. A lesson our current idiots in DC should learn.
Ronald Reagan is a fucking mass murderer who is in hell right now, if there is one. You think that you're funny, because you as a libertarian are (que harp music as the L's gather) A LIBERTARIAN..

But I'm down here on earth, and I don't like mass murderers, and I don't like ass kissers either.

I'm a liberal Beefy, if that's ok with you? And I'd like a FUCKING LIBERAL as the Democratic nominee.

I am so sick of being jumped on everytime I open my fucking mouth here. You can either be a con or you can be a blessed moderate, or you can lean right, or you can be a libertarian, but if you can't be a liberal. If you're a liberal you have Beefy, Damo, plus the right wing nutters, and that's a long list, and the "moderates" like DH and Onceler, all on your ass.

Do you ever listen to yourselves? Bo-ring and An-oying.

Al Gore and Bill Clinton were mass murderers. Blah blah blah rant rant rant yada yada yada.... what a crock of shit.
I'm well aware of all of the above. You seriously think that Obama was buying into the racial politics of Ronald Reagan by acknowledging that he took the country on a different trajectory? Please. That's nonsense. I'm not saying it was a highlight of his campaign, but let's get real here.

Further, you cannot deny that Reagan was successful because he was able to tap into the underlying current of the country. All of the above horrible political tactics Reagan employed worked. They worked. And they worked for a reason. My take is that Obama sees the winds blowing in the opposite direction and similarly intends to take advantage of that undercurrent.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my take.

I would agree with that assessment.