I hope the Prosecution was not depending on Cohen.

If we had a lawyer in this forum that actually understood the law, they would know every cast brought against Trump was utter bullshit designed to keep him off the ballot and said lawyer would understand that undermines the Constitution. Receptionists at law firms are just plain bored all day so they troll with bullshit. God Bless their little hearts, every village needs one and we here have one to laugh at.

Jarod is an idiot…and always wrong.
According to MSNBC Trumps lawyer stumbled into a strong Perry Mason moment on Cross.

Cohen had testified to a call where he informed Trump about the payments to Stormy, they found a text a few min's earlier where Shculler (Trumps Body Man) asked Cohen to call him about harassing phone calls.

He called 32 seconds later, and that was the call where he said he discussed the pay off... The call was only a minuet and thirty seconds long. Looks bad for Cohen.
Cohen is a chronic liar
I would explain the legal theory that the Bragg/Merchan prosecution is based on, but there isn't one. That's because this isn't a legal action, it's a political action to corrupt our election.

It sounds like campaign interference by Bragg/Merchsn which actually is a crime.
America understands that a party that will do this to a Billionaire President will not hesitate to do this to them. democrats have ended the rule of law. If Americans want to restore this country to a CIVILIZED nation, we must end the democrats.
It gives street creds to Trump to every voter that "thinks" they have been abused by a massive government. Black men are abandoning the Democrat party.
I'm cracking up at all the trumptard fucks in this thread claiming they don't care about the trial, while pissing themselves in post after post at the same time.

Yes, Cohen is a thug. That's the type of loser trump has always surrounded himself with. Cohen, Rudy, Weaselburg, Bannon, Manaford, Mr. Pillow, etc. all have had to do time or are about to do time because of all the shit they had to step in for trump.

To say trump was just an innocent bystander while all this criminality was/is going on around him, is just insane.

But please you sorry, trumptard fucks... continue with your denial and gaslighting!
Cohen got 3 years for lying to protect person 1. Person one is Trump. You want liars, Trump is the star of lies, big and small. Weiselberg is in jail a second time for lying. Trumps whole operation is based on smoke and mirrors. Trump is a conman who escaped over and over. It is time for him to pay for what he's been doing his whole life. Trump has lied to regulators, cheated in taxes, lied to bans and investors. Cohen fit perfectly in Truimp's company. It is all shemes to defraud.
I spect that the jury does not give a tinkers damn about the truth or evidence or justice...but we shall see.
According to MSNBC Trumps lawyer stumbled into a strong Perry Mason moment on Cross.

Cohen had testified to a call where he informed Trump about the payments to Stormy, they found a text a few min's earlier where Shculler (Trumps Body Man) asked Cohen to call him about harassing phone calls.

He called 32 seconds later, and that was the call where he said he discussed the pay off... The call was only a minuet and thirty seconds long. Looks bad for Cohen.
But there are various other calls within days of that.

A: You don't know that he didn't also simply tell trump that the payout is ready to go.

B: It's easy enough to explain the confusion between similar calls and dates.

Prosecution perhaps shouldn't have put so much credence on that call, at that time.

The answer to your concern above is simple. Prosecution didn't 'depend on' Cohen. He gives first hand corroboration to pertinent long established facts.
I'm cracking up at all the trumptard fucks in this thread claiming they don't care about the trial, while pissing themselves in post after post at the same time.

Yes, Cohen is a thug. That's the type of loser trump has always surrounded himself with. Cohen, Rudy, Weaselburg, Bannon, Manaford, Mr. Pillow, etc. all have had to do time or are about to do time because of all the shit they had to step in for trump.

To say trump was just an innocent bystander while all this criminality was/is going on around him, is just insane.

But please you sorry, trumptard fucks... continue with your denial and gaslighting!
To work for the pathological liar, you must be a pathological liar. Flynn was given a get out of jail free card by trump. Manafort too. It's pretty easy for Cohen to reiterate that he did what he did at the direction of, and for the benefit of trump. He was happy to lie for trump. It paid well.

Everyone hates Cohen. He was the guy that forced all of trump's contractors to take pennies on the dollar. He bragged about it.
Cohen former attorney has been permitted to testify against him, attorney-client privilege nullified. Heard him on one of the talk shows today, and Cohen is done if Costello testifies he is directly knowledgeable about contrary evidence to what Cohen is stating.
I'm cracking up at all the trumptard fucks in this thread claiming they don't care about the trial, while pissing themselves in post after post at the same time.

Yes, Cohen is a thug. That's the type of loser trump has always surrounded himself with. Cohen, Rudy, Weaselburg, Bannon, Manaford, Mr. Pillow, etc. all have had to do time or are about to do time because of all the shit they had to step in for trump.

To say trump was just an innocent bystander while all this criminality was/is going on around him, is just insane.

But please you sorry, trumptard fucks... continue with your denial and gaslighting!

Who said they didn't care about this lynching? This is a brutal rape of not only the rule of law, but free and fair elections. We definitely care.

And WHAT crime? No one can come up with anything - you want to claim an NDA is a crime? This is about smearing Trump and keeping him off the campaign trail - that is ALL it is about. Flat out election rigging.
To work for the pathological liar, you must be a pathological liar. Flynn was given a get out of jail free card by trump. Manafort too. It's pretty easy for Cohen to reiterate that he did what he did at the direction of, and for the benefit of trump. He was happy to lie for trump. It paid well.

Everyone hates Cohen. He was the guy that forced all of trump's contractors to take pennies on the dollar. He bragged about it.
Trump operates just like a mob boss. He reminds me of The Joker and people like Cohen and Rudy are like his comical minions.
Who said they didn't care about this lynching? This is a brutal rape of not only the rule of law, but free and fair elections. We definitely care.

And WHAT crime? No one can come up with anything - you want to claim an NDA is a crime? This is about smearing Trump and keeping him off the campaign trail - that is ALL it is about. Flat out election rigging.
The only people brutally raped were trump's victims. The crime wasn't the NDA. It's the fraud perpetrated to cover it up the hush money paid to Stormy. It's always the cover-up that nails the gomers in the Republican party. Just ask Nixon.
That's my guess. Comrade Merchan will declare a mistrial at the last moment.
I don't think he will. The Dems will keep this shit show going as long as they can because they know Trump is the leading presidential contender and will beat Biden come November.