I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

I remember a few years ago, he ranted on about Lasik surgery being dangerous and encouraged me not to get it.
I thought that was strange because I know a lot of people that have gotten it (my wife) with no issues.
But I didn't think much about it. Butt this rant was over the top. The things he was saying were just Looney Tunes.

You know, like the kinds of things Into my Nighty, ExcessLies and LyinBitch say every day on this forum.
Looney Tunes!!

One thing your guy did do is step over the line of professionalism. That would probably change my mind about seeking his services.
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

Not very professional on his part, anyone with any intelligence in such a vocation should learn early you don’t talk politics or religion with those you serve, not only unprofessional but rude
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

so not all doctors and scientists are believable? what have we been telling you for years?
Maybe. Just remember that Ben Carson, while a great technician at mending people’s brains, is a flat earth creationist. True cuckoo for Cocopuffs. That doesn’t mean your eye doctor isn’t good at his job. Or your car mechanic. Or your accountant.

What do they call it? Idiot savant?

Not everybody is good at everything. So, he knows your eyes but doesn’t know shit from Shinola.

I can always count on The Domer for a cogent reply.
Gets new Dr

For one thing he should not be forcing his politics on a CUSTOMER!

Get a new Dr and tell him why

Tell him you can not trust a Dr who can not discern Russian propaganda from the Truth

My thoughts Exactly!!! Great minds think alike, my friend.
Am I overreacting?

Yes. You need to keep your political opinions separate from your views about friends, business transactions, products, etc. It just generates more hate when you won't drink Bud Lite because you don't like their commercials, won't see Barbie because it is anti-male, won't watch pro sports because they take a knee, won't go to Home Deport or Chick-Fil-A because of their political views.

Soon, everybody will hate everybody and everything on the other side. If a person has a coffee shop that offers good service and products we should reward him with our business--not boycott him because we don't like his political views. We don't need more hate.
One thing your guy did do is step over the line of professionalism. That would probably change my mind about seeking his services.

Exactly. He went overboard. He was pointing his finger at me saying "Global Warming is bullshit. It's bullshit! They're lying to you."
This is a dude that I've always known as being meek, mild and reserved and suddenly he's abruptly saying to me "It's bullshit"!
I'm not sure I want someone so unstable to be sticking needles and scalpels into my eyes.
Yes. You need to keep your political opinions separate from your views about friends, business transactions, products, etc. It just generates more hate when you won't drink Bud Lite because you don't like their commercials, won't see Barbie because it is anti-male, won't watch pro sports because they take a knee, won't go to Home Deport or Chick-Fil-A because of their political views.

Soon, everybody will hate everybody and everything on the other side. If a person has a coffee shop that offers good service and products we should reward him with our business--not boycott him because we don't like his political views. We don't need more hate.

Would you let a doctor who believed the earth was flat, the moon landing never happened and the 2020 election was rigged, would you let this doctor stick needles in your eyes?
Would you let a doctor who believed the earth was flat, the moon landing never happened and the 2020 election was rigged, would you let this doctor stick needles in your eyes?

Maybe, if he had previously saved my eyesight. If I knew he had all those views I probably wouldn't go to him in the first place. If I didn't find out until later those were his beliefs, I would probably judge him based on past performance. If I had doubts I would check with some other doctors.

Being stubborn, I might stick with him just so we could argue.
Would you let a doctor who believed the earth was flat, the moon landing never happened and the 2020 election was rigged, would you let this doctor stick needles in your eyes?
Did he tell you the earth was flat or we never landed on the moon.

Don't forget YOU thought Trump colluded with the Russians, the Russia dossier was real and Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and your eye doctor still took care of you.

Did he tell you the earth was flat or we never landed on the moon.

Don't forget YOU thought Trump colluded with the Russians, the Russia dossier was real and Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and your eye doctor still took care of you.


Because the Trump campaign colluded. https://www.americanprogress.org/pr...paign-colluded-russia-caps-neera-tanden-says/ It has been proven.
Stone was found guilty of collaborating with Wikileaks to release democratic Emails to try and harm Hillary. Any guesses why Trump pardoned him?
Manafort gave Russian hackers up-to-date Repub polling and helped target the Russian hackers.
Because the Trump campaign colluded. https://www.americanprogress.org/pr...paign-colluded-russia-caps-neera-tanden-says/ It has been proven.
Stone was found guilty of collaborating with Wikileaks to release democratic Emails to try and harm Hillary. Any guesses why Trump pardoned him?
Manafort gavuCH more e Russian hackers up-to-date Repub polling and helped target the Russian hackers.
I trust the American Bar Association MUCH more than the American Progressive website,

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open

I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

Joey wets panties!

My CPA is a wokerati. Posts looney far left BS on her facebook page, my wife tells me. She does a good job and loves what she does so I don’t care about her politics.
Yes, you’re overreacting.

My GF is a Democrat...
I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?


Well, it is nice to know that personal anecdotes with No Link are now considered current political events.

Gov't subsidy Joey is typical of the intolerant, overly sensitive white lib, non transgender? male.

And With a torn retina, it is very likely that Lasik will cause permanent retinal inflammation. Anyone disagree with that?
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Big gov't's socialist micro managing of every human interaction, has made even the tiniest, most insignificant interactions ... political. It is so sad what authoritarian leftist have done to our country.

I don't care what someone's politics are, or what they believe are the origins of life, ... as long as they do a good job. And don't try to punish me, for my own individual beliefs.
One thing your guy did do is step over the line of professionalism. That would probably change my mind about seeking his services.

You can bet Subsidy Joe was the first to open the political can of worms by trying to get the Doc to buy Tesla stock.