I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

This doctor isn't my only choice. Do you comprehend that?
Your ability to process information to reach conclusions is severely flawed.
And it's most likely why you suck Trump's dick so passionately.

Your choice...good luck... your vision is pretty precious you know....
That's unfortunate isn't it? Thankfully i'm able to just maneuver around those kind of people and get things done...


You gravitate to those people like a nail is drawn to a magnet. That's why your perverse political ideology has blinded you.
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

Give him your electric golf car, but keep the charger.
I'm not the one who throws
people away because they feel dfferently than I do...You started this thread...why? You've gone to the same doctor for 27 years... He saved your sight... Why do you care how he thinks politically and why in the world would you throw him under the bus here? In all these years.You've never chatted with him personally before? I hope you do pick a new doctor... And that he never finds out that you posted what you did here... What a pathetic thing to do... You should be ashamed...
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

No. His judgement is flawed. I would find a different doctor.
Gets new Dr

For one thing he should not be forcing his politics on a CUSTOMER!

Get a new Dr and tell him why

Tell him you can not trust a Dr who can not discern Russian propaganda from the Truth

Exactly. The fact the doctor wants to take his patient to lunch to try to indoctrinate him is cult behavior.
I remember a few years ago, he ranted on about Lasik surgery being dangerous and encouraged me not to get it.
I thought that was strange because I know a lot of people that have gotten it (my wife) with no issues.
But I didn't think much about it. But this rant was over the top. The things he was saying were just Looney Tunes.

You know, like the kinds of things Into my Nighty, ExcessLies and LyinBitch say every day on this forum.
Looney Tunes!!

It's cult-like behavior. It was inappropriate for your healthcare provider to push his politics on your. It's extremely unprofessional.
I'm not the one who throws
people away because they feel dfferently than I do...You started this thread...why? You've gone to the same doctor for 27 years... He saved your sight... Why do you care how he thinks politically and why in the world would you throw him under the bus here? In all these years.You've never chatted with him personally before? I hope you do pick a new doctor... And that he never finds out that you posted what you did here... What a pathetic thing to do... You should be ashamed...

Your whole team tries to professionally destroy Americans who don’t march in locked step with Russian propaganda you stupid shit hole

You started with your own party

Rino ring a bell you Russian whore

You shaming others for hating people is a fucking joke

You assholes hate all of America and do and say everything Putin orders you to do

You won’t win

Fucking LOSER
It's cult-like behavior. It was inappropriate for your healthcare provider to push his politics on your. It's extremely unprofessional.

Imagine how a maga fuck would react to their health professional telling them Trump is evil and they can prove it to them

They would lose what’s left of their tiny maga mind
Your whole team tries to professionally destroy Americans who don’t march in locked step with Russian propaganda you stupid shit hole

You started with your own party

Rino ring a bell you Russian whore

You shaming others for hating people is a fucking joke

You assholes hate all of America and do and say everything Putin orders you to do

You won’t win

Fucking LOSER

Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election?
Does that sounds like a lucid, intelligible comment?

No, it does not sound lucid. My mechanic, whom I've known for over 30 years, went full MAGA over the last few years. Government is going to go door to door taking guns, hiding cash in his house because it's not safe to put it in banks, election was stolen, etc, etc. The reality is, he's also the most honest and competent mechanic I've ever known. My car sometimes clunks when I put it into drive or reverse. I took it to him. He told me "Your rear end is going out. It might last two days or it might last two years. I wouldn't spend the money now to get it fixed." That was close to 3 years ago and it's still clunking sometimes, but going strong.

If this guy is an unknown, as far as his quality of work goes, maybe you change, but if you know he's good at his job (eyes are really important!), I wouldn't change.
Imagine how a maga fuck would react to their health professional telling them Trump is evil and they can prove it to them

They would lose what’s left of their tiny maga mind

I know. They'd call it an attempt to "indoctrinate" them.
No, it does not sound lucid. My mechanic, whom I've known for over 30 years, went full MAGA over the last few years. Government is going to go door to door taking guns, hiding cash in his house because it's not safe to put it in banks, election was stolen, etc, etc. The reality is, he's also the most honest and competent mechanic I've ever known. My car sometimes clunks when I put it into drive or reverse. I took it to him. He told me "Your rear end is going out. It might last two days or it might last two years. I wouldn't spend the money now to get it fixed." That was close to 3 years ago and it's still clunking sometimes, but going strong.

If this guy is an unknown, as far as his quality of work goes, maybe you change, but if you know he's good at his job (eyes are really important!), I wouldn't change.

And he’s an idiot who you need to stop giving money to

Spewing Russia propaganda that will destroy this nation needs to have a societal price
That's unfortunate isn't it? Thankfully i'm able to just maneuver around those kind of people and get things done...

I do believe that you believe this, TOP,

but from where I'm standing,
it appears that you immerse yourself in such people
and revel in what appear to me--I speak for nobody else-- to be their inexplicable values.

NONE of us, myself included, see ourselves as others might see us, TOP.

We're both very sincere in holding non-overlapping views,
and neither of us got to draw his/her own blueprint.

We both have to work with what we've got.