I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

The early onset of dementia? From your description it sounds as though the ranting about political things is very out of character. It's definitely unprofessional.

Could be. Dementia does induce Paranoia. Just look at General Flynn and Rudi. Prime examples.

Dementia steadily damages parts of the brain. For this reason, people with dementia may experience delusions and hallucinations. This can lead to symptoms of paranoia and cause mistrust of others.

That would explain many of the MAGA morons looney conspiracy theories.
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I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation
He's essentially correct (100% is a made up number, but the underlying point he is making still stands). Plenty of items have doubled in price in just the last few years under Biden. E.g. hamburger helper used to cost $0.99 regular price. Now, it is $1.99 or more regular price. I purposely buy grocery items whenever they are on sale, and even $1.50 is a hefty increase from $0.99 ... Thanks Joe!

and the media is lying to me
He's completely correct. The media ARE lying to you... and even manipulating you as a result of said lies.

and Global Warming is bullshit.
He's completely correct. Global Warming IS bullshit. It's a wacky religion in which the only "solution" is to tax the piss out of people while subjecting them to ever-increasing amounts of tyrannical control over their lives. It's rather funny how that's always the Uniparty's "solution" to the "problem".

I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
Suuuuuuure you did...... I don't believe for a second that you managed to stay that composed...

He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
Well, he IS "educated" and an "expert" after all, right?? Isn't that how lefties approach this sort of thing.... "but, but an EDUCATED EXPERT says it is true!!!!" ... or are you going to deny that approach now...

He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen
He's absolutely correct. What was supposed to be the 2020 election faulted due to election fraud.

and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election
Ehhhhhhhh, now he's getting a bit off the rails.

and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?".
Through the exit door(s), after your appointment.

As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me.
That's a very nice offer from him. He knows that you don't agree with him politically, but he's still willing to kindly and rationally discuss his political views with you and why he holds them. He probably also has some authoritative sources that he's willing to share with you that support his point of view on said subject matter. It would be a good opportunity for you to learn how you're being manipulated by the mainstream media to believe in lies rather than truth.

I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
Is he no longer a competent eye doctor because he has different political views than you do?

It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted.
Yup, definitely bizarre. But that's your issue.

I've been going to this doctor for 27 years.
... and now he's suddenly incompetent at eye doctoring because of his current political views?

He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear.
You should thank him for that instead of bailing on him the very moment that you found out that he supports Trump as a Presidential candidate. Seems rather petty of you.

I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit
There are weak-minded people of all political beliefs, however most of them tend to be leftists.

but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years.
Yes, believe it or not, there are actually plenty of "educated" (credentialed) people out there who like Trump...

Very disappointing.
Why? For all you know, he could've been a fellow Democrat for much of his life and only fairly recently changed his political views.

I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.
What do his political views have to do with him being able to perform competent eye doctoring services?

Am I overreacting?
I personally favor a peacefully negotiated partition to a civil war.

I live in one of those states where there's an active "secessionist" movement to peel off more than half the state and join with a neighboring state. I don't think it's going to work Red America and Blue America. We're too integrated spatially.

Besides, Red America would quickly devolve into some Libertarian Nightmare (part of the reason Kansas backed away from their experiment) and Blue America would have to bail them out. We'd need their agricultural output but they would quickly fall apart leaving those of us in Blue America with the need to go in and do some "nation building".
I live in one of those states where there's an active "secessionist" movement to peel off more than half the state and join with a neighboring state. I don't think it's going to work Red America and Blue America. We're too integrated spatially.

Besides, Red America would quickly devolve into some Libertarian Nightmare (part of the reason Kansas backed away from their experiment) and Blue America would have to bail them out. We'd need their agricultural output but they would quickly fall apart leaving those of us in Blue America with the need to go in and do some "nation building".

Americans are beginning to see the pattern

From the Great Depression on

Rs use their idiot economic ideas in practice then the economy crashes do to corps raping everyone after deregulation by the Rs

Then Dems get voted in

Then Dems fix the economy with our economic ideas

The Rs lie about what’s happening until it is no longer deniable

The Republicans get in and claim the credit for what the Dems fixed

Then the republicans deregulate and cut rich peoples taxes

Then the economy fails

I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

When you call a person or half of sensible Americans who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN morons, then you yourself are the MORON as well as being an Anti-American piece of trash. Take your Marxism elsewhere.
When you call a person or half of sensible Americans who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN morons, then you yourself are the MORON as well as being an Anti-American piece of trash. Take your Marxism elsewhere.

Name one substantive policy initiative that Trump has promulgated for his next term. I haven't heard any. But I've heard plenty of full-throated support from his people for his "policies".

Support of invisible things sounds like something a moron would undertake.
Name one substantive policy initiative that Trump has promulgated for his next term. I haven't heard any. But I've heard plenty of full-throated support from his people for his "policies".

Support of invisible things sounds like something a moron would undertake.

deport illegals.

secure the border.

You don't dismantle lies either...

Oh really?

Hey fucking idiot

I predicted the 2008 crash even though at the time you were saying I was a fool

I warned that Bush was lying us to war in Iraq even though you claimed it was not true

I keep turning out to be correct

You keep backing lies

Eat a loaf of moose shit

deport illegals.

secure the border.


Neither of which is a substantive policy. If "Deporting Illegals" was a solution then Obama would be hailed a hero since he deported a huge amount of illegals. In fact that same argument has been bashing around for 60+ years now (at least) and not one president has "solved" the problem. Trump certainly never even came CLOSE to doing so in his first term.

"Secure the border"? What does that mean? In other words: not substantive policy. Just a catch phrase.

Oh yeah, and my sincerest apologies if you are losing work to illegals. It has got to be a hard life doing yard work for a career.
Name one substantive policy initiative that Trump has promulgated for his next term. I haven't heard any. But I've heard plenty of full-throated support from his people for his "policies".

Support of invisible things sounds like something a moron would undertake.

Why are you now pretending to be a liberal?