I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

Name one substantive policy initiative that Trump has promulgated for his next term. I haven't heard any. But I've heard plenty of full-throated support from his people for his "policies".

Support of invisible things sounds like something a moron would undertake.

You would need to watch and listen to one of Trump's rallies (if he's not stuck in court) to hear him discuss everything he'll do on day one of his presidency and going forward. One thing for sure is he'll stop the madness of biden's open border, and he'll help stop China, Iran and Russia from building up their economies and military by putting
sanctions back on them, and he keeps saying what he did when he was #45, and that is to be energy independent "DRILL BABY DRILL". So much more on his slate to
help bring back or Make America Great Again. Its going to be a little rougher this time since Biden still has about 9 months left to further screw up and weaken our nation.
I hear Hannity almost on a nightly time table ask the question, "Can anyone think of anything biden has done to help America or help Americans?" No one can ever come up with a single thing, and Hannity has had many radical lefties on his show that couldn't come up with a single thing.
When you call a person or half of sensible Americans who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN morons, then you yourself are the MORON as well as being an Anti-American piece of trash. Take your Marxism elsewhere.

Suck that Putin cock you Russpublican
You would need to watch and listen to one of Trump's rallies (if he's not stuck in court) to hear him discuss everything he'll do on day one of his presidency and going forward. One thing for sure is he'll stop the madness of biden's open border, and he'll help stop China, Iran and Russia from building up their economies and military by putting
sanctions back on them, and he keeps saying what he did when he was #45, and that is to be energy independent "DRILL BABY DRILL". So much more on his slate to
help bring back or Make America Great Again. Its going to be a little rougher this time since Biden still has about 9 months left to further screw up and weaken our nation.

So no substantive policy you can actually explain other than "stop the open borders" (which isn't even a real thing)
So no substantive policy you can actually explain other than "stop the open borders" (which isn't even a real thing)

Well the open borders were stopped and secure under Trump's presidency. His executive orders like Remain in Mexico also helped with securing the border. He will
put a stop to that catch and release nonsense. He will drill baby drill so that we'll be one again energy independent and not dependent on buying oil from socialist nations
like Venezuela. He'll once again lower taxes and cut needless regulations from small businesses. He will make sure our manufacturing companies remain in the U.S and
are not sent out to China etc. Auto workers have his word that he supports them, and that he doesn't give in to biden's ridiculous plan to switch from gas powered cars
to EV's. Lets start with those few plans that will tremendously help America and Americans. He'll also re-open the Keystone pipeline that Biden needlessly closed to help
with our energy dominance and help those union workers get their jobs back.
Neither of which is a substantive policy. If "Deporting Illegals" was a solution then Obama would be hailed a hero since he deported a huge amount of illegals. In fact that same argument has been bashing around for 60+ years now (at least) and not one president has "solved" the problem. Trump certainly never even came CLOSE to doing so in his first term.

"Secure the border"? What does that mean? In other words: not substantive policy. Just a catch phrase.

Oh yeah, and my sincerest apologies if you are losing work to illegals. It has got to be a hard life doing yard work for a career.

it is a substantive policy, weasel word fucktard......
it is a substantive policy, weasel word fucktard......

Not really. But it's your vote, not mine. And, again, sorry if you lost a lot of yardwork jobs to illegals. I'm lucky that I don't necessarily have to worry about that. Most of the threats to my job come from H1B visa holders. All quite legal.
Not really. But it's your vote, not mine. And, again, sorry if you lost a lot of yardwork jobs to illegals. I'm lucky that I don't necessarily have to worry about that. Most of the threats to my job come from H1B visa holders. All quite legal.

it's so substantive that it's why you're losing, dipshit.
For me the issue here isn't the physician's political views, but that he chose to share them with a client. It is unprofessional. Whatever other unprofessional things might he do? Discuss me and my condition with others outside the office? Why would he be asking a client to have lunch with him? That is also unprofessional.

He needs a friend:laugh:
why isn't border control a real thing again?

you seem to be a fucking idiot.

And you don't know the first foreign thing about the history of immigration along the Mexican border with the US. It's been a problem for most of the 20th century and on to today. Your guy, Trump, isn't going to fix it.
And you don't know the first foreign thing about the history of immigration along the Mexican border with the US. It's been a problem for most of the 20th century and on to today. Your guy, Trump, isn't going to fix it.
you could help him instead of being a mental trashcan of globalist stupidity.
it's forum policy for the more stupid members to reread threads as necessary.

If your point was that I should help Trump fix the border, well I will respond with: I don't want to help the KKK/Nazi Party of the US/Putin fix anything. So why would I want to "help" Trump?

The reality is that there will ALWAYS (as in ALWAYS) be immigration across that border. There is no wall that will fix it. Probably the best way to fix the "immigration problem" on the Southern Border is to beef up the economy and stability of places like Mexico. Invest foreign aid money.

I'd also be OK if American companies got thrown in jail if they hire undocumented aliens but you know that won't go over well.

America is uber-rich and Mexico not even close. Anytime you have that degree of economic disparity across a border you will have this sort of thing. It's probably why we don't have a similar problem with Canada.