I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

If your point was that I should help Trump fix the border, well I will respond with: I don't want to help the KKK/Nazi Party of the US/Putin fix anything. So why would I want to "help" Trump?

The reality is that there will ALWAYS (as in ALWAYS) be immigration across that border. There is no wall that will fix it. Probably the best way to fix the "immigration problem" on the Southern Border is to beef up the economy and stability of places like Mexico. Invest foreign aid money.

I'd also be OK if American companies got thrown in jail if they hire undocumented aliens but you know that won't go over well.

America is uber-rich and Mexico not even close. Anytime you have that degree of economic disparity across a border you will have this sort of thing. It's probably why we don't have a similar problem with Canada.

the reality is enforcing the border is quite easy with the right attitude.

you just have the wrong attitude.

you're just a globalist imbecile spreading your false inevitabilities, because you're stupid and miseducated and it's all you know to do.
the reality is enforcing the border is quite easy with the right attitude.

you just have the wrong attitude.

you're just a globalist imbecile spreading your false inevitabilities, because you're stupid and miseducated and it's all you know to do.

LOLOLOLOLOL. You know nothing about the history of this border. IKE was dealing with this shit. It has never stopped. You think mighty Trump can "fix" it, yet Mighty Trump can't even pay hush money without breaking the law. LOLOL.
LOLOLOLOLOL. You know nothing about the history of this border. IKE was dealing with this shit. It has never stopped. You think mighty Trump can "fix" it, yet Mighty Trump can't even pay hush money without breaking the law. LOLOL.

Biden has made it worse than ever.

and you're for it.

this is why you people are losing.
I live in one of those states where there's an active "secessionist" movement to peel off more than half the state and join with a neighboring state. I don't think it's going to work Red America and Blue America. We're too integrated spatially.

Besides, Red America would quickly devolve into some Libertarian Nightmare (part of the reason Kansas backed away from their experiment) and Blue America would have to bail them out. We'd need their agricultural output but they would quickly fall apart leaving those of us in Blue America with the need to go in and do some "nation building".

Hmm. Well, the first act of nation building is removing the leader and his closest followers, right? Then the secessionists have the choice of becoming blue, or remaining armed and angry. Then you end up with an Afghanistan or an Iraq with a permanently deployed force to try to keep things to a low roar. Hopefully we learned from those mistakes.
Neither of which is a substantive policy. If "Deporting Illegals" was a solution then Obama would be hailed a hero since he deported a huge amount of illegals. In fact that same argument has been bashing around for 60+ years now (at least) and not one president has "solved" the problem. Trump certainly never even came CLOSE to doing so in his first term.

"Secure the border"? What does that mean? In other words: not substantive policy. Just a catch phrase.

Oh yeah, and my sincerest apologies if you are losing work to illegals. It has got to be a hard life doing yard work for a career.

Good wrap-up. Only thing you left out: Trump forced the (R)s into chucking the bipartisan border security legislation. So apparently his immigration policy is to do what Biden is now.
Good wrap-up. Only thing you left out: Trump forced the (R)s into chucking the bipartisan border security legislation. So apparently his immigration policy is to do what Biden is now.

it's not a good wrap up.

it's just saying something isn't a "thing" with zero logical basis.

you must be dumb too.
When you call a person or half of sensible Americans who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN morons, then you yourself are the MORON as well as being an Anti-American piece of trash. Take your Marxism elsewhere.

You know, when I said "I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit",
I was talking about people like you and ExcessLies.
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Exactly... (Interesting that the good Doctor was fine for 27 years...until Biden...that man ruins everything....;))
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

No, find another eye doctor.
Exactly... (Interesting that the good Doctor was fine for 27 years...until Biden...that man ruins everything....;))

Like I said before, there's other doctors in that practice that have performed vision-saving surgery on my eyes.
And they don't push their crazy, looney far-right conspiracy theories on me.
But I got a good laugh at you blaming Biden. You really are a far right-wing extremist nut job.
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?
No. He’s starting to lose it and should be looking towards retirement before he commits malpractice. I’d start looking for a new doctor since his behavior, talking politics with patients, is completely unprofessional.
No. He’s starting to lose it and should be looking towards retirement before he commits malpractice. I’d start looking for a new doctor since his behavior, talking politics with patients, is completely unprofessional.

I agree.
There's a younger doctor in that practice that performed a Victrectomy on my left eye after I suffered a retinal detachment.
We discovered it two days before Christmas 2014. He did the surgery on Christmas Eve and saw me post-op Christmas morning. Normally, I just see whoever is available, butt I'll specifically be asking for him from now on.