I only have one question….

Even if true, so what? Isn’t a conservative maxim “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time?” If the charges are correct, then that’s a good thing, isn’t it? The charges appear to be valid. The law sides with the defendant just like with OJ. The prosecution has to prove its case and the defendant has a right to appeal.

Shouldn’t our Justice system go after criminals and not let them slide because they are rich and powerful?

Of course not. They’d whine like the MAGAts. What does that have to do with doing the right thing and abiding by the Constitution?

Because if it's true, then you have prosecutors and DA's in NY that are willing to use the law to further politics and punish their perceived enemies. That's what Turd World tinpot dictators and their minions do to the opposition. It is absolutely corrupt, not democratic, nor is it just, fair, or equal. It is the worst of the Left in action.
Because if it's true, then you have prosecutors and DA's in NY that are willing to use the law to further politics and punish their perceived enemies. That's what Turd World tinpot dictators and their minions do to the opposition. It is absolutely corrupt, not democratic, nor is it just, fair, or equal. It is the worst of the Left in action.
If you are correct, then Trump will win on appeal.
The job of the district attorney is to prosecute crimes, Trump is one of the most well-known criminals in their district. It’s perfectly acceptable to promise people you will prosecute him.

When a DA or prosecutor says openly, I'm going to get so and so... and there is no absolutely clear crime to be had, and then they add that they politically oppose that person, there's a problem. Both James and Bragg used obscure NY laws in ways they've never previously been used to bring these cases.
That'd be my bet at this point. And, if he does, watch the Left go apeshit nuts and James whine incessantly on Leftist talk shows about how unfair the system is.
I’m content to see how it all plays out. Off hand, I think the charges are correct and that Trump will be convicted on at least some.

His own arrogance is bound to bite him in the ass some day. This may be the day.
I’m content to see how it all plays out. Off hand, I think the charges are correct and that Trump will be convicted on at least some.

His own arrogance is bound to bite him in the ass some day. This may be the day.

He might eventually get nailed with something, but the NY cases were stretching the law way past the breaking point. For a bench trial by a low-level judge to flippantly hand down a half-billion-dollar judgement alone is beyond the pale. This is particularly true where the prosecution couldn't show actual loss to any party.

Bragg's case is the same way. He can't even clearly state what law(s) Trump actually criminally broke. That Trump is a major candidate for President and the judge to force him into the courtroom daily is another huh? moment. It's as if this trial is about keeping Trump off the campaign trail for as long as possible rather than actually getting a guilty verdict. Given it only takes one juror to say no, the odds are right now that will happen and Trump will walk. My bet is Bragg tries to go for a retrial on some flimsy grounds if it does just to keep Trump away from campaigning.

In the Left's rush to get Trump, they were so sloppy that they won't get him.
He might eventually get nailed with something, but the NY cases were stretching the law way past the breaking point. For a bench trial by a low-level judge to flippantly hand down a half-billion-dollar judgement alone is beyond the pale. This is particularly true where the prosecution couldn't show actual loss to any party.

Bragg's case is the same way. He can't even clearly state what law(s) Trump actually criminally broke. That Trump is a major candidate for President and the judge to force him into the courtroom daily is another huh? moment. It's as if this trial is about keeping Trump off the campaign trail for as long as possible rather than actually getting a guilty verdict. Given it only takes one juror to say no, the odds are right now that will happen and Trump will walk. My bet is Bragg tries to go for a retrial on some flimsy grounds if it does just to keep Trump away from campaigning.

In the Left's rush to get Trump, they were so sloppy that they won't get him.
Didn’t we agree he’d get off on appeal is the laws were unjust? Why do you keep harping about something that is out of our hands?
I do not know if it should or should not, I only know there is no such requirement.

Of course you don't because it helps you in goL to "get trump". If it didn't you would be whining and screeching like a 10 year old girl.
You are wrong, and the American civil justice system disagrees with you.

No the crooked ny legal system disagrees with me. Remember the "American civil justice system" once agreed slavery was okie dokie. It's hilarious to see you you rape the system and claim it's justice. I would try to explain that what's legal and what's just aren't the same thing but vengeance is your goal not justice so why bother
Looks legit to me.

Yea, and you'd say this is perfectly safe to eat...

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point. Despite Carroll's claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense.
Right. Because in NYS, unlike if he was charged Federally or in most other States, if the finding is, as it was, that Trump either used his finger or his penis to forcible penetrate her, against her will, then they must find Sexual Assault. IF they knew it was the penis then it would be rape.

Most of the rest of the country calls it all rape.

But is this a win for Trump? OR his Magats? You guys seem to love to Trump that 'Trump only forcible finger fucked her, that we can prove, against her will', like that is a win???