If men must…

During times of war, it may become necessary. :dunno:
I think that's a big "if". Technological advancements means that the likelihood of a Vietnam-type war being fought is basically zero.

I'd much rather keep the military struggling for bodies, forcing them to make the tough decision to implement a draft, than give them a guaranteed stream of soldiers.
I think that's a big "if". Technological advancements means that the likelihood of a Vietnam-type war being fought is basically zero.

I'd much rather keep the military struggling for bodies, forcing them to make the tough decision to implement a draft, than give them a guaranteed stream of soldiers.

Afghanistan and Iraq wars illustrated that technology doesn't work in many battles, particularly in urban settings.
Afghanistan and Iraq wars illustrated that technology doesn't work in many battles, particularly in urban settings.
Sure. Technology can't perfectly replace humans yet, maybe never, but technology will continue to make humans less and less necessary. The military is struggling to hit recruiting numbers. I'd like that to continue to encourage technological advancements.
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Register? Sure. Should men be given priority and women used as a last resort, at least in the event of a true war where bodies are needed, yes.
People should be drafted based on the need and their abilities, not based on their sex.
I can't really be bothered to give this any thought since I don't have any grandchildren.

However, this thread gives me, as a former draftee, the opportunity to say...

Now I feel better.
If men MUST then yes, women should be required to, too.

And there are many roles in the military that are vital that do not require elite physical strength that most women could do as well as men could.

The vast majority of men do not have elite physical strength, and others still don't have even very good strength, and a smart military then puts them where they can be used to better advantage.
The last thing I want to do is give the government a guaranteed stream of bodies to use in war.
Agreed there. On any side of a war.

In Iraq, we killed a shit ton of Iraqi soldiers who never wanted to be there in the first place.
People should be drafted based on the need and their abilities, not based on their sex.
Sure. I can't think of a combat role that wouldn't be best filled by males, but there probably are some. The same is true to other professions like firefighter. There are roles within a firehouse that may be better filled by a female but, if there's a fire at my house, my wife and kids are trapped inside and I have a choice between all female firefighters and all male firefighters coming to save them, I'm picking the all male firefighters every single time without a second thought.

Similarly, if I had to choose between drafting only males and only females for war, I'm taking all males every time.
Sure. I can't think of a combat role that wouldn't be best filled by males, but there probably are some. The same is true to other professions like firefighter. There are roles within a firehouse that may be better filled by a female but, if there's a fire at my house, my wife and kids are trapped inside and I have a choice between all female firefighters and all male firefighters coming to save them, I'm picking the all male firefighters every single time without a second thought.

Similarly, if I had to choose between drafting only males and only females for war, I'm taking all males every time.
What you seem to refuse to acknowledge is that not all women are the same and some are very well suited.
What you seem to refuse to acknowledge is that not all women are the same and some are very well suited.
I'm aware that not all women or men are the same. I'm just saying that the idea that men and women must both be drafted equally and serve in equal numbers or in equal numbers in combat doesn't make sense because they are, as genders, far from equally equipped or qualified for combat.
I'm aware that not all women or men are the same. I'm just saying that the idea that men and women must both be drafted equally and serve in equal numbers or in equal numbers in combat doesn't make sense because they are, as genders, far from equally equipped or qualified for combat.
Sounds like the equality people aren't always for equality.