If men must…

I can't really be bothered to give this any thought since I don't have any grandchildren.

However, this thread gives me, as a former draftee, the opportunity to say...

Now I feel better.

:lolup: Still stuck on stupid. Poor NiftyNitWit, he was born without a brain.
Fine as long the same criteria is used for everyone.
That would be a disaster. You want the same criteria used for a medical doctor as used for a frontline private?

There are different criteria used for different positions. This is not about fairness, it is about getting the right people to defend our country in a time of emergency need.
That would be a disaster. You want the same criteria used for a medical doctor as used for a frontline private?

There are different criteria used for different positions. This is not about fairness, it is about getting the right people to defend our country in a time of emergency need.
Goodness gracious. I mean for being drafted. I don't want hear how sex works gender or whatever the hell it's called these days is a factor in whether or not someone is drafted.
Goodness gracious. I mean for being drafted. I don't want hear how sex works gender or whatever the hell it's called these days is a factor in whether or not someone is drafted.
I also mean being drafted. They are putting together a diverse team, not a single set of criteria for a single position.
Sure. I can't think of a combat role that wouldn't be best filled by males, but there probably are some. The same is true to other professions like firefighter. There are roles within a firehouse that may be better filled by a female but, if there's a fire at my house, my wife and kids are trapped inside and I have a choice between all female firefighters and all male firefighters coming to save them, I'm picking the all male firefighters every single time without a second thought.

Similarly, if I had to choose between drafting only males and only females for war, I'm taking all males every time.
What you are saying though is an incomplete thought.

OK, most women cannot compete physically with men.

Guess what? Most men cannot compete with other men in tasks of physicality also.

So what point are we making here? Is it that while most men and most men lack that type of physicaity, women lack it to a greater percentage? So what? In both instances, whether it is a male or female candidate, the management needs to assess the role and ensure, whether male of female the person can do it. Full stop.

Having people debate, after the fact, that many/most women could not do the roll they did not get is as pointless as doing the same for male applicants who also do not get the job due to not being physical enough.