If men must…

Someone suggested that every American should serve two years in the ARMED SERVICES.

Approximately 4 million students graduated High School in 2024, and that number increases every year, and is expected to do so for decades to come.

The military includes 2,079,142 military personnel and 778,539 civilians as of September 2023. The US military's strength of 2.86 million troops is slightly greater than the population of Chicago, Illinois, the country's third-largest city.

Now if the military already has 2.85 million people, add another 4 million people every year to that figure, and in 4 years, our military would have 14 million troops, all drawing Government paychecks.

How would the military put 14 million troops to use? And how would our country pay for this?

SO, yes, it sounds very patriotic for every American to serve in the Armed Services, but this is not something that is needed, and would add trillions of dollars to the Deficit every year for decades to come.

So, NO! That is an insane idea!
I'm aware that not all women or men are the same. I'm just saying that the idea that men and women must both be drafted equally and serve in equal numbers or in equal numbers in combat doesn't make sense because they are, as genders, far from equally equipped or qualified for combat.
I never said that, simply that if men are being required to register for the draft, so should women.
When people talk about the draft, they envision combat troops. Combat troops are under 15 percent of the army.
Someone suggested that every American should serve two years in the ARMED SERVICES.

Approximately 4 million students graduated High School in 2024, and that number increases every year, and is expected to do so for decades to come.

The military includes 2,079,142 military personnel and 778,539 civilians as of September 2023. The US military's strength of 2.86 million troops is slightly greater than the population of Chicago, Illinois, the country's third-largest city.

Now if the military already has 2.85 million people, add another 4 million people every year to that figure, and in 4 years, our military would have 14 million troops, all drawing Government paychecks.

How would the military put 14 million troops to use? And how would our country pay for this?

SO, yes, it sounds very patriotic for every American to serve in the Armed Services, but this is not something that is needed, and would add trillions of dollars to the Deficit every year for decades to come.

So, NO! That is an insane idea!
Universal National Service in the Military would obviously add to the tax burden,
but service in areas where the expenditure is being made anyway is a different story.

We spend tons of money on Medicaid, for example....
particular with seniors in nursing facilities.

First, we let the nursing homes take all of their money so they can't leave anything to their kids,
and after that quickly runs out, it's Medicaid.

I'd rather have free medical school, just like the service academies,
and then a ten or so year mandatory assignment with the National Health Service.

That makes far too much sense for socially regressive America, though.
The MAGAts would go apoplectic.
you serious Clark?

we can't even get them to agree to not killing babies - it's their body bullshit

you expect them to storm a beach and risk life and limb?
Every American should serve for 2 years.
I spent my first two years of military service going to schools to get trained to do the job. The military today isn't like it was in granddad's time. The need for strong men with weak minds is a thing of the bygone Industrial Age.

For a 2 year stint in the military today, only the most menial and basic jobs are suitable. Even being in the infantry would see you spending nearly your whole time getting trained just to leave when you finished that training.