If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

Xenophobia is an inherited behavior and has propagated over generations of evolution. It's an instinct that many would argue has outlived its function but for most of human history, xenophobia (fear of those who are different) was a vital tool for survival. We lived in tribes and clans which, if not otherwise distinctive, adopted unique styles of dress and behavior that allowed those units to distinguish one (mine) from another (yours). These contrived differences enabled individuals to discern potential threats. And since the relations between groups often were predator/prey, it was a vital distinction to make.
As with all other instincts, it can be countered only after it is recognized for what it is and neither denied not demonized, but rather thought through and overcome with rationalism and willful changes in behavior. We must realize, too, that in many parts of the world today, life remains very hazardous in this regard and that fear itself is essential to survival.
It is not irrational to fear being run over while crossing a city street, but it almost certainly is irrational to fear being struck by a bus in your living room. The key discernment is whether my apprehensions have any reasonable basis in reality - in genuine threat. If not, only a consistent adjustment in thinking (a process which may entail seeking help and guidance from others) can deliver me from the grip of baseless fear.
Xenophobia is not racism - the latter is a rationalization of the former. But where fear of the different has become more of a hindrance than a help in human society and may itself lessen chances of survival, it must be supplanted with openness and tolerance through changes in attitude and behavior.


DIFF FACIal structure.. blacks not so good looking on average
I don't find any of you funny.......you just hate me because I'm black.......and she hates me because I'm not......

Hate you? i dont even know you

and i dont hate u .. but just saying that black crime is high.. and thus racism makes sense.. if your honest in some ways..

also asians have lower crime than whites.. so i can see why they might not want to live around whites


What the fuck has you're kind actually done on your own without stealing, rapping, or using violence to get where you are?[/

Go ahead, keep attacking my grammar.
Well if somebody, who purports to be black, says rapping instead of raping that tells me that they are none too bright.

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