If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

Henry Gates thinks because he's married to a white woman he's exempt from being a Black man in American.

His ass was still profiled by a white man who looks just like you......the kind I warn my granddaughter about.

Henry Gates is a prime example of why it's not wise to just automatically trust white people.

Fuck what he has to say.


he is unmarried and is well educated in his field

watch your self
I will not STFU. Irish catholic white priest raped little boys just as the white slave masters raped their slaves.

Their white privilege allowed them both to get away with it. Irish white priest didn't enslave, hang, whip, sell off families, nor cut off limbs of Irish children.

Again, miss me with your false comparison.

Nothing is worse than, nor equal to, slavery and jim crow committed by the white man against Blacks.
Wasn't just white men, it was blacks and Indian tribes as well. Indeed the Comancheros and various Indian tribes were heavily involved in the slave trade, both white and black were captured and traded.

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Not only is it a racist lie told my racist white men, it's mathematically not possible.

But, dumb racist fucks such as yourself, can't figure that out. ....I'm not surprised.
How is it mathematically not possible? I'll wait.

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Being a racist is stupid, because you are passing judgement on individual people without knowing the facts. Are you suggesting that you assume every white person you see is smart and every black person is stupid?
Exibit A: evince is white and is also one of the dumbest people on this forum.
Not only is it a racist lie told my racist white men, it's mathematically not possible.

But, dumb racist fucks such as yourself, can't figure that out. ....I'm not surprised.
The analysis

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the*US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the*Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.


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Henry Gates thinks because he's married to a white woman he's exempt from being a Black man in American.

His ass was still profiled by a white man who looks just like you......the kind I warn my granddaughter about.

Henry Gates is a prime example of why it's not wise to just automatically trust white people.

Fuck what he has to say.
Jesus, you are truly full of shit.

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His ex wives. I am well aware of skip gates. My feelings haven't changed. He hasn't said nice things about the Black community in the past.

I stand by my statement.

from what I read he has had only one wife

can you cite some of the things you are speaking of
At what point in American history were whites lynched from trees by the thousands because of the color of their skin?
At what point in American history were whites profiled and jailed because of the color of their skin?
At what point in American history could whites not look a Black man in the eye because of the color of their skin?
At what point in American history were whites discriminated against in school, restaurants, banks, etc. because of the color of their skin?

At what point in American history were whites oppressed because of the color of their skin?

I'll wait.

why should I care about shit that happened before I was born......
why do you REFUSE to cite where you get your info from?

is it all racists sites?

First of all Does Huff Post ever do articles about the studies done about IQ and race?

no they dont right? because they know its well proven so they try to hide this subject

why are u scared to study this awhile? on your own?

because ur scared to be open minded and research it right?

have u ever studied this subject before?
First of all Does Huff Post ever do articles about the studies done about IQ and race?

no they dont right? because they know its well proven so they try to hide this subject

why are u scared to study this awhile? on your own?

because ur scared to be open minded and research it right?

have u ever studied this subject before?

they cite the study and link to it